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Στίχοι: Βαγγέλης Κορακάκης

Μουσική: Βαγγέλης Κορακάκης

Λέω σε ξέχασα και πια δε σε θυμάμαι

κι ότι για μένα είσαι πια μηδενικό

μα κάτι νύχτες απ' το κλάμα δεν κοιμάμαι

γιατί στη σκέψη μου γυρνάς σαν ξωτικό

Έρχονται βράδια βαριά ρημάδια

μες στη ζωή μου και κάνουν μάγια

που με πληγώνουν και με ματώνουν

όταν σε σένανε η σκέψη μου γυρνά

Λέω πως χάθηκες και γίνηκες αγέρας

κι έμεινες μόνο μια ανάμνηση κακιά

μα όταν χάνεται το φέγγος της ημέρας

ο εφιάλτης σου ξανά με κυνηγά

Έρχονται βράδια βαριά ρημάδια

μες στη ζωή μου και κάνουν μάγια

που με πληγώνουν και με ματώνουν

όταν σε σένανε η σκέψη μου γυρνά

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"When We Were Young"

Funny how things just tasted better

When we were young

When we were young

Funny how things just seemed so easy

When we were young

It's been a long day

It's been a long day

It's been a long day

It's been a long day

I wanna get out

I wanna go home

Is anything better

Than you on the phone

I wanna get out

I wanna go home

Is anything better

Than you on the phone

I think that we weren't always grateful

For what you've done

When we were young

I think that we weren't always grateful

For what you've done

We've come a long way

We've come a long way

We've come a long way

We've come a long way

I wanna get out

I wanna go home

Is anything better

Than you on the phone

You on the phone

You on the phone...

I wanna get out

I wanna go home

Is anything better

than you on the phone?

I wanna get out

I wanna go home

I wanna feel better

can I get alone?

Αφιερωμενο στην αξεχαστη ομαδα Παθολογιας! Για να θυμομαστε το τρεξιμο που ριξαμε "when we were young"!! :lol:

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Aυτό το τραγούδι δεν είναι για σένα

Aυτό το τραγούδι δεν είναι για σένα

Aυτό το τραγούδι δεν είναι για σένα

Aυτό το τραγούδι δεν είναι για σένα

Aυτό το τραγούδι δεν είναι για σένα

μιλάει για ένα μικρό ξωτικό

μιλάει για ένα τρένο με χαλασμένα φρένα

σ'ένα ταξίδι χωρίς γυρισμό

Aυτό το τραγούδι δεν είναι για σένα

μιλάει για αυτούς που μένουν πάντα παιδιά

για ανθρώπους που τα΄χουνε χαμένα

και μετράνε ρυτίδες σε λευκά κελιά

Aυτό το τραγούδι δεν είναι για σένα

μιλάει για φίλους μου παιδικούς

που απόμειναν στάχτη δίπλα στις ράγες

για μνήμες χαμένες από άγριους καιρούς

Aυτό το τραγούδι δεν είναι για σένα

μιλάει για ένα μικρό ξωτικό

μιλάει για ένα τρένο με χαλασμένα φρένα

σ'ένα ταξίδι χωρίς γυρισμό

Aυτό το τραγούδι δεν είναι για σένα

μιλάει για θυσίες και σταυρούς

κατάλαβες πράγματα που σου' ναι ξένα

Aυτό το τραγούδι δεν είναι για σένα

Aυτό το τραγούδι δεν είναι για σένα

μιλάει για θυσίες και σταυρούς

κατάλαβες πράγματα που σου' ναι ξένα

Aυτό το τραγούδι δεν είναι για σένα

Aυτό το τραγούδι δεν είναι για σένα

Aυτό το τραγούδι δεν είναι για σένα

Aυτό το τραγούδι δεν είναι για σένα

Aυτό το τραγούδι δεν είναι για σένα

Aυτό το τραγούδι δεν είναι για σένα

Aυτό το τραγούδι δεν είναι για σένα

Aυτό το τραγούδι δεν είναι για σένα

Aυτό το τραγούδι δεν είναι για σένα

για σένα

για σένα

για σένα

για σένα

για σένα

για σένα

για σένα

για σένα

για σένα

για σένα

για σένα

για σένα

για κανένα

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Μετα το παραπανω νομιζω ταιριαζει αυτο το τραγουδακι: :D

"You're So Vain"

(As recorded by Carly Simon)


(Son of a gun)

You walked into the party

Like you were walking onto a yacht

Your hat strategically dipped below one eye

Your scarf it was apricot

You had one eye in the mirror as

You watched yourself gavotte

And all the girls dreamed that they'd be your partner

They'd be your partner, and

You're so vain

You probably think this song is about you

You're so vain (you're so vain)

I'll bet you think this song is about you

Don't you, don't you, aw

You had me several years ago

When I was still quite naive

When you said that we made such a pretty pair

And that you would never leave

But you gave away the things you loved

And one of them was me

I had some dreams they were clouds in my coffee

Clouds in my coffee, and

You're so vain

You probably think this song is about you

You're so vain (you're so vain)

I'll bet you think this song is about you

Don't you, don't you, don't you

I had some dreams they were clouds in my coffee

Clouds in my coffee, and

You're so vain

You probably think this song is about you

You're so vain (you're so vain)

I'll bet you think this song is about you

Don't you, don't you

Well I hear you went up to Saratoga

And your horse naturally won

Then you flew your Lear jet up to Nova Scotia

To see the total eclipse of the sun

Well you're where you should be all the time

And when you're not, your with

Some underworld spy or the wife of a close friend

Wife of a close friend, and

You're so vain

You probably think this song is about you

You're so vain (so vain)

I'll bet you think this song is about you

Don't you, don't you, don't you now

You're so vain

You probably think this song is about you

You're so vain

You probably you think this song is about you

You're so vain

Τροποποιήθηκε από penguin
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Δεν θέλω μόνιμη αγκαλιά

δεν θέλω μόνιμα φιλιά

δεν θέλω έλεγχο τι κάνω και που πάω

τι ώρα γύρισα εχθές

με ποιούς αλήτευα προχθές

τέτοια σκλαβιά δεν τη μπορώ δεν τη βαστάω

Θα ζήσω ελεύθερο πουλί

κι όχι κορόϊδο στο κλουβί

για μιά μονάχα θηλυκιά να κελαϊδάω

θα χτίσω είκοσι φωλιές

κι άμα γουστάρω αγκαλιές

από κανάρα σε κανάρα θα πετάω

Θέλει η ζωή μας αλλαγές

και ας τσατίζονται πολλές

δεν δίνω φράγκο καθεμιά τι θα μου σούρει

και το πουλί για να τραφεί

πρέπει ν΄αλλάζει την τροφή

και όχι σκέτο καναβούρι, καναβούρι

Αφιερωμενο σε ολες τις χυλοπιτιασμενες υπαρξεις του φορουμ... :bloodomen:

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Για σένα (Τ)

Δεν θέλω να μου μιλάς

δεν θέλω να με κοιτάς

δεν θέλω να σε ξέρω

δεν θέλω να μ΄ αγαπάς

Βάλτο στο νου σου καλά

φεγγάρια υπάρχουν πολλά

μη προσποιείσαι άλλο

σταμάτα φύγε μακριά

Λογάκια ερωτικά

στιχάκια μαθητικά

μωρό εγώ δεν είμαι

η παιδική σου χαρά

Απελπισμένα κοιτάς

παλιό το κόλπο σε μας

δεν πιάνει όμως τώρα

συγγνώμη μη μου ζητάς

Δεν θέλω να μιλάς

δεν θέλω να κοιτάς

δεν θέλω να σε ξέρω

δεν θέλω να μ΄ αγαπάς

Μ αυτό το στυλ το μπλαζέ

τελείως μπαναλιτέ

μ΄ αυτό το στυλ ξένο

θα υποφέρεις μικρέ

Στα λέω αυτά φιλικά

να τα θυμάσαι μετά

σ΄ αγάπησα λιγάκι

μα σε βαρέθηκα πια

Δεν θέλω να μιλάς...

Τροποποιήθηκε από captainJackSparrow
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Στην νύχτα να τρέχω

μακριά κάπου να μη σε βλέπω

Δε ξέρω που πάω

απλά φεύγω γιατί πονάω

Μα μετάνιωσα και γυρίζω πίσω

κι αποφάσισα να μη σε αφήσω

Βλέπεις έπρεπε να σε χάσω

για να σε εκτιμήσω

Μα μετάνιωσα και γυρίζω πίσω

κι αποφάσισα να μη σε αφήσω

Βλέπεις έπρεπε να σε χάσω

για να σε εκτιμήσω

Στη νύχτα σαν ψέμα

να μοιάζει η ζωή μου μ' εσένα

Δε ξέρω που θα' μαι

Μακριά κάπου να μη θυμάμαι

Μα μετάνιωσα και γυρίζω πίσω

κι αποφάσισα να μη σε αφήσω

Βλέπεις έπρεπε να σε χάσω

για να σε εκτιμήσω

Μα μετάνιωσα και γυρίζω πίσω

κι αποφάσισα να μη σε αφήσω

Βλέπεις έπρεπε να σε χάσω

για να σε εκτιμήσω

Τροποποιήθηκε από lilpapaki
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Εφτασε η μερα που ο Θεος μοιραζε γη σε ολα τα εθνη.Μαζευτηκανε λοιπον ολοι εκει και περιμενουν.Κινεζοι,Ρωσοι,Γερμανοι,Γαλλοι...Ο Ελληναρας τους βλεπει μαζεμενους και λεει''Ασ'τα ζωα να περιμενουν στην ουρα,εγω θα την πεσω για καναν υπνακο κατω απο το δεντρο,ε και στο τελος ολο και κατι θα περισσεψει.''

Ξυπναει μετα απο ωρες βλεπει ολοι φυγανε...Τρομαγμενος ψαχνει τον Θεο,τον βρισκει.

-Θεε μου εγω δεν πηρα γη!

-Που ησουν εσυ παληκαρι μου?

-Χιλια συγγνωμη αποκοιμηθηκα...Μπορουμε να κανουμε κατι

Σκεφτεται ο Θεος και λεει.

-Τελος παντων.Κρατησα ενα κομματι για μενα αλλα παρτο εσυ...

Και αναρωτιεμαι,σε αυτον τον Αγιο τοπο που ζουμε πως τα καταφεραμε και ζουμε χειροτερα απο ολους?

Αφιερωμενο σε ολους μας τους πολιτικους και σε ολα τα παιδια που θελουν να γινουν...

Goodnight and good luck.

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Judas Priest-Dream Deceiver

Standing by my window, breathing summer breeze

Saw a figure floating, 'neath the willow tree

Asked us if we were happy, we said we didn't know

Took us by the hands and up we go

We followed the dreamer through the purple hazy clouds

He could control our sense of time

We thought we were lost but no matter how we tried

Everyone was in peace of mind

We felt the sensations drift inside our frames

Finding complete contentment there

And all the tensions that hurt us in the past

Just seemed to vanish in thin air

He said in the cosmos is a single sonic sound

That is vibrating constantly

And if we could grip and hold on to the note

We would see our minds were free...oh they're free

We are lost above

Floating way up high

If you think you can find a way

You can surely try

Στον ducktor και στην Στελλίτσα

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I'm a wheel, I'm a wheel

I can roll, I can feel

And you can't stop me turning

Cause I'm the sun, I'm the sun

I can move, I can run

But you'll never stop me burning

Come down with fire

Lift my spirit higher

Someone's screaming my name

Come and make me holy again

I'm the man on the silver mountain

I'm the day, I'm the day

I can show you the way

And look, I'm right beside you

I'm the night, I'm the night

I'm the dark and the light

With eyes that see inside you

Come down with fire

Lift my spirit higher

Someone's screaming my name

Come and make me holy again

I'm the man on the silver mountain

Come down with fire

And lift my spirit higher

Someone's screaming my name

Come and make me holy again

Well, I can help you, you know I can

I'm the man on the silver mountain

Just look at me and listen

I'm the man, the man, give you my hand

I'm the man on the silver mountain

Come down with fire

And lift your spirit higher

I'm the man on the mountain

The man on the silver mountain

I'm the night, the light

The black and the white

The man on the silver mountain

Αντε ρε k0ts, βαλε τη φωνη να βαλω την fender, μπας και το ροκαρουμε λιγο το πραγμα...


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Πέφτουν σαν βροχή δάκρυα στα μάτια μου

βλέπω της καρδιάς τώρα τα κομμάτια μου

κάνει παγωνιά

λείπεις κι η ψυχή μου νιώθει ερημιά

άδεια τα βράδια μου

Τη μοναξιά φοβάμαι

χωρίς εσένα δεν κοιμάμαι

σαν μια γλυκιά μπαλάντα

μες την ψυχή μου είσαι πάντα

Θέλω να σε δω

Ούτε μια φωνή ένα τηλεφώνημα

μόνο η ζωη μένει τώρα μόνιμα

μένει τώρα εδώ

πάλι μες το δρόμο μου θα βρω

ίχνη ανώνυμα

Τη μοναξιά φοβάμαι

χωρίς εσένα δεν κοιμάμαι

σαν μια γλυκιά μπαλάντα

μες την ψυχή μου είσαι πάντα

Θέλω να σε δω...

Θέλω να σε δω

γιατί φοβάμαι μόνη μου να ζω

και με το δάκρυ

γράφω Σ'αγαπώ

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Enigma-Gravity of Love

O fortuna

Velut luna

Turn around and smell what you dont see

Close your eyes ... it is so clear

Heres the mirror, behind there is a screen

On both ways you can get in

Dont think twice before you listen to your heart

Follow the trace for a new start

What you need and everything youll feel

Is just a question of the deal

In the eye of storm youll see a lonely dove

The experience of survival is the key

To the gravity of love

O fortuna

Velut luna

The path of excess leads to

The tower of wisdom

The path of excess leads to

The tower of wisdom

Try to think about it ...

Thats the chance to live your life and discover

What it is, whats the gravity of love

O fortuna

Velut luna

Look around just people, can you hear their voice

Find the one wholl guide you to the limits of your choice

But if youre in the eye of storm

Just think of the lonely dove

The experience of survival is the key

To the gravity of love.

O fortuna

Velut luna

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I thought I saw you late last night, but it was just a flash of light.

An angel passing.

But I remember yesterday.

Life before you went away.

And we were laughing.

We had hope and now it's broken.

And I could see it clearly once when you were here with me.

And now somehow all that's left are pieces of a dream.

Now I'm lost in restless nights.

Just a whisper of the life that we created.

Shadows falling.

I am calling.

And I could see it clearly once when you were here with me.

And now somehow all that's left are pieces of a...

The faded photographs.

The frames of broken glass.

The shattered memories.

Time will soon erase.

All these souvenirs.

Salt from a thousand tears.

But when I wake up you are never there.

We had hope and now it's broken.

And I could see it clearly once when you were here with me.

And now somehow all that's left are pieces of a...

And I could see it clearly once when you were here with me.

And now somehow all that's left are pieces of a dream.

Pieces of a dream.

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Nouvelle Vague - Dancing With Myself

On the floor of Tokyo

Or down in London town to go, go

With the record selection

With the mirror reflection

I'm dancing with myself

When there's no-one else in sight

In the crowded lonely night

Well I wait so long

For my love vibration

And I'm dancing with myself

Oh dancing with myself

Oh dancing with myself

Well there's nothing to lose

And there's nothing to prove

I'll be dancing with myself

If I looked all over the world

And there's every type of girl

But your empty eyes

Seem to pass me by

Leave me dancing with myself

So let's sink another drink

'Cause it'll give me time to think

If I had the chance

I'd ask the world to dance

And I'll be dancing with myself

Oh dancing with myself

Oh dancing with myself

Well there's nothing to lose

And there's nothing to prove

I'll be dancing with myself

Oh dancing with myself

Oh dancing with myself

Well there's nothing to lose

And there's nothing to prove

I'll be dancing with myself

If I looked all over the world

And there's every type of girl

But your empty eyes

Seem to pass me by

Leave me dancing with myself

So let's sink another drink

'Cause it'll give me time to think

If I had the chance

I'd ask the world to dance

And I'll be dancing with myself

I'll be dancing with myself

So let's sink another drink

'Cause it'll give me time to think

Oh dancing with myself

Oh dancing with myself

Well there's nothing to lose

And there's nothing to prove

I'll be dancing with myself

Oh dancing with myself

Oh dancing with myself

Well there's nothing to lose

And there's nothing to prove

I'll be dancing with myself

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As I sat sadly by her side

At the window, through the glass

She stroked a kitten in her lap

And we watched the world as it fell past

Softly she spoke these words to me

And with brand new eyes, open wide

We pressed our faces to the glass

As I sat sadly by her side

She said, "Father, mother, sister, brother,

Uncle, aunt, nephew, niece,

Soldier, sailor, physician, labourer,

Actor, scientist, mechanic, priest

Earth and moon and sun and stars

Planets and comets with tails blazing

All are there forever falling

Falling lovely and amazing"

Then she smiled and turned to me

And waited for me to reply

Her hair was falling down her shoulders

As I sat sadly by her side

As I sat sadly by her side

The kitten she did gently pass

Over to me and again we pressed

Our different faces to the glass

"That may be very well", I said

"But watch the one falling in the street

See him gesture to his neighbours

See him trampled beneath their feet

All outward motion connects to nothing

For each is concerned with their immediate need

Witness the man reaching up from the gutter

See the other one stumbling on who can not see"

With trembling hand I turned toward her

And pushed the hair out of her eyes

The kitten jumped back to her lap

As I sat sadly by her side

Then she drew the curtains down

And said, "When will you ever learn

That what happens there beyond the glass

Is simply none of your concern?

God has given you but one heart

You are not a home for the hearts of your brothers

And God does not care for your benevolence

Anymore than he cares for the lack of it in others

Nor does he care for you to sit

At windows in judgement of the world He created

While sorrows pile up around you

Ugly, useless and over-inflated"

At which she turned her head away

Great tears leaping from her eyes

I could not wipe the smile from my face

As I sat sadly by her side

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Give me the song and ill sing it like I mean it

Give me the words and ill say them like I mean it

Cause you got my heart in a headlock

You stopped the blood, made my head soft

And God knows

You got me sewn

Nah nah nah

Danny boy, don’t be afraid, to shake that ass, and misbehave

Danny boy, I know you got time, but what are you waiting for,

Anyway the dust may just blow away, if you wait for a windy day

But you may find the chance has passed you by;

I can't do the walk

I can't do the talk

I can't be your friend

Unless I pretend

So give me the song and i'll sing it like I mean it

So give me the words and i'll say them like I mean it

Cause you got my heart in a headlock

You stopped the blood, made my head soft

And God knows

You've got me sewn

Nah nah nah

Danny boy, don’t be a fool

Take upon to break the rule

Danny boy your lookin so low

You lookin like the dead grown old

Anyway the blues may just wash away, if you wait for a rainy day

But you may find, the chance had passed you by

I cant do the walk

I cant do the talk

I cant be your friend

Unless I pretend

So give me the song and ill sing it like I mean it

Give me the words and ill say them like I mean it

Cause you got my heart in a headlock

You stopped the blood, made my head soft

and god knows you've got me sewn

Nah nah nah

You've got me sewn

Nah nah nah

Yeah, yeah, yeah

Give me the song and ill sing it like i mean it

Give me the words and ill say them like i mean it

You've got my heart in a headlock

You stopped the blood, made my head soft

made my head soft

Yeah, yeah, yeah

oh Yeah, yeah, yeah

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here's my life and here's my way

and here's my body here's my pain

meet my mother see my train

get on get on get on get on

walk with me in my strange life

I've no things to show and no things to hide

life is fair and this blooming game

will go on and on and on

this possession never was a question

a healer for this tension

tenderness and pressure

from my warnings all you got was your needs

all you did was promise

you were only fake

little by little touch by touch

our eyes grew cold our hands grew rough

little by little losing touch

hello hello hello hello

failed in trust got sunk in pain

obsessed with love and clouds and rain

lives collapse and this fucking game

goes on and on and on

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What a Wonderful World - Louis Armstrong

I see trees of green, t_a_3685.jpg

red roses toored_roses.jpg

I see them bloom

for me and you :wub:

And I think to myself...

what a wonderful world

I see skies of blue PICT0556.JPG

and clouds of white IMG_2277.JPGDSC01015.JPGP1000793.JPGIMG_2859.jpg

The bright blessed days,

the dark sacred night

And I think to myself

what a wonderful world

The colors of the rainbow so pretty in the skyarcoiris.jpg

Are also on the faces of people going by

I see friends shaking hands PAA325000036.jpg

saying "how do you do"

They're really saying...

I love you!HTR006.jpg

I hear babies crying,

I watch them grow

They'll learn much more

than I'll never know

And I think to myself what a wonderful world

Yes I think to myself...

what a wonderful world.

(Aφιερωμένο σε αυτόν που με ξύπνησε σήμερα το πρωί)

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Σου το αφιερώνω

Το δικό μου τραγούδι δε θα μοιάζει με άλλα

η κατάθεση θα΄ναι της δικής μου ψυχής

Κρύβει έρωτες πάθη κρύβει λάθη μεγάλα

το ξεγύμνωμα θα΄ναι της δικής μου ζωής

Σου το αφιερώνω το έγραψα για σένα

όταν θα το ακούσεις θα θυμάσαι εμένα

Σου το αφιερώνω και αν το ψιθυρίσεις

θα έχω μια ελπίδα πως θα μ΄αγαπήσεις

Στο δικό μου τραγούδι θέλω απόψε ν΄ανέβεις

αν κι εσύ ταξιδεύεις μέσα απ΄τη μουσική

στο δικό μου τραγούδι θέλω απόψε ν΄ανέβεις

αν κι εσύ θα γυρεύεις μια καινούρια ζωή

Σου το αφιερώνω το έγραψα για σένα

όταν θα το ακούσεις θα θυμάσαι εμένα

Σου το αφιερώνω και αν το ψιθυρίσεις

θα έχω μια ελπίδα πως θα μ΄αγαπήσεις

Το δικό μου τραγούδι δε θα μοιάζει με άλλα

ξερω ξερω ειναι πολυ βαρυ για πρωι ο Κιαμος :rolleyes:

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When evening falls

She'll run to me

Like whispered dreams

Your eyes can't see

Soft and warm

She'll touch my face

A bed of straw

Against the lace

We believed we'd catch the rainbow

Ride the wind to the sun

Sail away on ships of wonder

But life's not a wheel

With chains made of steel

So bless me

Come the dawn

Come the dawn

Come the dawn

Come the dawn

We believed we'd catch the rainbow

Ride the wind to the sun

And sail away on ships of wonder

But life's not a wheel

With chains made of steel

So bless me, oh bless me, bless me

Come the dawn

Come the dawn

Come the dawn

Come the dawn

Αφιερωμένο και το τραγούδι και το βιντεάκι..

Τροποποιήθηκε από Σοφία
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Μιχάλης Χατζηγιάννης - Ο Γητευτής


Και αν τα βουνά τα χωρίζουν

δες στέκουν μόνα και ελπίζουν

αντικριστά μια ζωή

Πριν προδοθούν,

ήταν φίλοι.

Μέσα τους κρύβονταν ήλιοι.

Και γω με σένα μαζί..

Κράτα με και μη σε νοιάζει

τίποτα μη σε τρομάζει

όποιος τολμά να αγαπάει αληθινά

θα ' ναι ήρωας πάντα


Τη δύναμή μου θ'αντλήσω.

Τα μάγια όλα θα λύσω,

θα είμαι εγώ,γητευτής

Κράτα με και μη σε νοιάζει

τίποτα μη σε τρομάζει

όποιος τολμά να αγαπάει αληθινά

θα ' ναι ήρωας πάντα



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Nouvelle Vague Too Drunk To Fuck

Went to a party

I danced all night

I drank sixteen beers

And I started up a fight

But now I am jaded

You're out of luck

I'm rolling down the stairs

Too drunk to fuck

Too drunk to fuck

Too drunk to fuck

Too drunk, to fuck

I'm too drunk, too drunk, too drunk to fuck

I love your stories

I like your gun

Shooting out truck tires

Sounds like loads and loads of fun

But in my room

Wish you were dead

You ball like the baby

In Eraserhead

Too drunk to fuck

Too drunk to fuck

Too drunk to fuck

I'm too drunk, too drunk, too drunk to fuck

Too drunk to fuck


Too drunk to fuck

I'm too drunk, too drunk, too drunk to fuck

Oh je suis trop bourrée

Pour baiser

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Don't ya need her badly

Don't ya love her ways

Tell me what you say

Don't ya love her madly

Wanna be her daddy

Don't ya love her face

Don't ya love her as she's walkin' out the door

Like she did one thousand times before

Don't ya love her ways

Tell me what you say

Don't ya love her as she's walkin' out the door

All your love

All your love

All your love

All your love

All your love is gone

So sing a lonely song

Of a deep blue dream

Seven horses seem to be on the mark

Yeah, don't you love her

Don't you love her as she's walkin' out the door

All your love

All your love

All your love

Yeah, all your love is gone

So sing a lonely song

Of a deep blue dream

Seven horses seem to be on the mark

Well, don't ya love her madly

Don't ya love her madly

Don't ya love her madly

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