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ποιο τραγούδι σας είπε «καλημέρα»?


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Μη σε νοιάζει

Χ. Αλεξίου

Μ' αρέσει αυτό το χρώμα που 'χει πάρει

κι η θάλασσα κι ο κόσμος κι ό,τι ζω.

Μ' αγάπαγες προ ολίγου στο φανάρι

κι ενώ κοιτάζω αλλού το ξαναζώ.

Παράξενα που αρχίζει να με νοιάζει

το σήμερα και τ' αύριο και το χτες.

Μου φτάνει αυτή η στιγμή που μ' ανεβάζει

κι εσύ που μες στα δύσκολα με θες.

Μη σε νοιάζει, μη σε νοιάζει

και με ζέστη και με κρύο

μη σε νοιάζει, τι σε νοιάζει

με το πρώτο μας ρεπό.

Η αγάπη μας φωνάζει

κι αγοράσαμε λαχείο.

Πάτα γκάζι τέρμα γκάζι

μ' αγαπάς και σ' αγαπώ.

Γελάσαμε το βράδυ στην ταινία

και νιώσαμε πως είμαστε καλά.

Την ώρα που βαριέται η κοινωνία

για κόμματα και νόμους να μιλά.

Με κοίταξες και σ' έπιασα απ' το χέρι

πού βρήκαμε περίπτερο ανοιχτό.

Εγώ μ' αυτό το βήμα που σε ξέρει

κι εσύ με το σακάκι σου ριχτό.

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Ανδριάνα Μπάμπαλη---Χαράζει τ'ονειρο....

Σκίζει τα ρούχα και μπαίνει μέσα στις φωτιές

Φοράει βραχίολια, γυμνή σε ξένες αγκαλιές

Βγάζει την μάσκα κι έχει ανοίξει τα φτερά

Σπάει ποτήρια, χορεύει πάνω στα γυαλιά

Χαράζει τ' όνειρο, χαράζει τ' όνειρο

Και φώτισε η μέρα

Είναι που βγήκε η ψυχή να πάρει αέρα

Κρατάει μαχαίρι κι αστράφτει ο φόβος και βροντά

Κρατάει λουλούδια, κομμάτια κάνει τη καρδιά

Βγάζει τη μάσκα κι έχει ανοίξει τα φτερά

Σπάει ποτήρια, χορεύει πάνω στα γυαλιά

Χαράζει τ' όνειρο, χαράζει τ' όνειρο

Και φώτισε η μέρα

Είναι που βγήκε η ψυχή να πάρει αέρα

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che m'ami ripetimi,

nel cuore sento

come un presentimento


ti prego perdonami

questo momento

non lo devi scordar

Che donna sei

cosa vuoi cosa cerchi tu da me

tu dove andrai senza me cosa farai

che donna sei

non ridi mai

ti piacera star con me'

Amore vuol dir gelosia

nessuno lo sa piu' di me

la notte non dormo pensando a lei

di giorno son triste che piangerei

se amore vuol dir gelosia

per chi s'innamora di te.

Rimani con me su non dire di no

ma perche' tu fai cosi non dici si


ti prego su baciami

questo momento

non lo devi scordar

Che donna sei

cosa vuoi cosa cerchi tu da me

tu dove andrai senza me cosa farai

che donna sei

non ridi mai

ti piacera star con me'

Amore vuol dir gelosia

nessuno lo sa piu' di me

domani col pullmann io vado via

e indietro ti giuro non tornero

Se amore vuol dir gelosia

allora son pazzo di te

E meglio cosi che soffrire

di piu' io lo so, ti pentirai, mi cercherai.


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No culture icons – The Thermals

hardly art

hardly starving

hardly art

hardly garbage

more coloured liquid

no scent, no skin

more stained paper

more parts per million

no new deafness

no self reference

no cults and

no new stands

no one ideal

know what i feel

no two the same

know two with the

same name

hardly art

hardly starving

hardly art

hardly garbage

more coloured liquid

no scent, no skin

more stained paper

more parts per million

no new deafness

no self reference

no getting psyched on

no culture icons

no one ideal

no what i feel

no two the same

know two with the same name

eyes so deep

you'd never see through

i can't fucking stop

thinking about you

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Ίσως να' σουν ένας δρόμος δίχως γυρισμό

Ένα βήμα για το χωρισμό

Κι όμως σ' αγαπώ ακόμα και ανησυχώ

Και για πάντα θα σ' αναζητώ.

Παντού θα σε ψάχνω

Παντού θα σε βρίσκω

Η αγάπη είναι ρίσκο

Και γι' αυτό μονάχα ζω

Παντού θα σε ψάχνω

Παντού θα σε βρίσκω

Σ' αγαπώ

Ίσως να' σουν ένα άστρο που' πεσε στη γη

Πριν να σε σκοτώσει η αυγή

Ότι χάθηκες αρνούμαι να παραδεχθώ

Και όπου πάω θα σ' αναζητώ

Παντού θα σε ψάχνω

Παντού θα σε βρίσκω

Η αγάπη είναι ρίσκο

Και γι' αυτό μονάχα ζω

Παντού θα σε ψάχνω

Παντού θα σε βρίσκω

Σ' αγαπώ

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Μια μέρα ήρθε στο χωριό γυναίκα ταραντούλα

κι όλοι τρέξαν να τη δουν.

Άλλος της πέταξε ψωμί

κι άλλοι της ρίξαν πέτρα

απ'την ασχήμια να σωθούν.

Κι ένα παιδί της χάρισε ένα κοκκινο λουλούδι,

ένα παιδί

Ένα παιδί της ζήτησε να πει ένα τραγούδι,

ένα παιδί

Κι είπε ποτέ σου μην τους πεις

τι άσχημοι που μοιάζουν,

αυτοί που σε σιχαίνονται

μα στέκουν και κοιτάζουν.

Κι είπε ποτέ σου μην κοιτάς

τον άλλον μεσ τα μάτια,

γιατί καθρέφτης γίνεσαι

κι όλοι σε σπαν' κομμάτια.

Μια μέρα ήρθε στο χωριό

άγγελος πληγωμένος.

Τον φέρανε σε ένα κλουβί

κι έκοβε εισιτήριο ο κόσμος αγριεμένος,

την ομορφιά του για να δει.

Κι ένα παιδί σαν δάκρυ ωραίο αγελούδι,

ένα παιδί

Ένα παιδί του ζήτησε να πει ένα τραγούδι,

ένα παιδί

Κι είπε αν θέλεις να σωθείς

από την ομορφιά σου,

πάρε τσεκούρι και σπαθί

και κόψε τα φτερά σου.

Κι είπε ποτε σου μην κοιτάς

τον άλλο μεσ τα μάτια,

γιατί καθρέφτης γίνεσαι

κι όλοι σε σπαν' κομμάτια.

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C&C Soundtrack Collection - Command & Conquer Tiberian Sun - 03 - Lone Trooper

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Μην τρομάξεις αν χαθώ

Νίκος Πορτοκάλογλου

Θ΄ αλλάξω ζωή

όνομα και πατρίδα

απ΄ την αρχή

θ΄ αρχίσω την παρτίδα

Στη διαδρομή

το παρελθόν σκορπάω

μια μουσική

καινούργια σου χρωστάω

Μην τρομάξεις αν χαθώ

μη με ψάξεις, θα σε βρω εγώ

μη με ψάξεις, θα σε βρώ

μην ψάξεις

μην τρομάξεις

θα σε βρω εγώ

Κάνε μια ευχή

να μη χαθώ όπου πάω

μια προσευχή

να μάθω τι ζητάω

Στη διαδρομή

θα σβήσω ό,τι ξέρω

μια μουσική

καινούργια θα σου φέρω

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Robbie Williams -Advertising Space

There's no earthly way of knowing

What was in your heart

When it stopped going

The whole world shook

A storm was blowing through you

Waiting for God to stop this

And up to your neck in darkness

Everyone around you was corrupted

Saying somethin'

There's no dignity in death

To sell the world your last breath

They're still fighting over

Everything you left over

I saw you standing at the gates

When Marlon Brando passed away

You had that look upon your face

Advertising space


No one learned from your mistakes

We let our profit s go to waste

All that's left in any case

Is Advertising space

Through your eyes

The world was burning

Please be gentle

I'm still learning

You seemed to say

As you kept turning up

They poisoned you with compromise

At what point did you realise

Everybody loves your life

But you ahahh

Special agent for the man

Through watergate and vietnam

No one really gave a damn

Did you think the CIA did

I saw you standing at the gates

When Marlon Brando passed away

You had that look upon your face

Advertising space


No one learned from your mistake

We let our profits go to waste

All that's left in any case

Is Advertising space ooooohh

I saw you standing at the gates

When Marlon Brando passed away

You had that look upon your face

Advertising space

No one learned from your mistakes

We let our profits go to waste

All that's left in any case

Is Advertising space

I've seen your daughter

Man shes cute

I was scared but I wanted to

Boy she looks a lot like you

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Μ' ανησυχώ για σένα

αν σ αγαπάν οι άλλοι όπως εγώ

Τρέμω κακό μην πάθεις όπου πας

Εγώ σε νοιάζομαι κι ας με πουλάς

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Μέσα στα μαλλιά σου πετάω

τις στιγμές μου μεθάω

σ' αγαπώ και φεύγω.

Πάνω στα δυο χέρια σου λιώνω

ένα στίχο σκοτώνω πάρε με μαζί σου,

Είσαι πολύ κοντά, είσαι πολύ μακριά!

Φοβάμαι, φοβάμαι, φοβάμαι

μην ακούς τι λέω

Φοβάμαι, φοβάμαι, φοβάμαι

μην ακούς τι λέω

Σβήνω, το όνομα σου και σβήνω

την ψυχή μου αφήνω

σε φιλιά που καίνε.

Κοίτα πόσο έχω αλλάξει,

σαν Θεός έχω στάξει, Κυριακή ο χρόνος.

Είσαι πολύ κοντά, είσαι πολύ μακριά!

Φοβάμαι, φοβάμαι, φοβάμαι

μην ακούς τι λέω

Φοβάμαι φοβάμαι φοβάμαι

μην ακούς τι λέω

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Μονο ενα πραγμα αξιζει στη ζωη .....μονο ενα .....



By: Melissa Ethridge

Is it so hard to satisfy your senses

You found out to love me you have to climb some fences

Scratching and crawling along the floor to touch you

And just when it feels right you say you found someone else to hold you

Does she like I do?

Tell me does she love you like the way I love you?

Does she stimulate you, attract and captivate you?

Tell me does she miss you, existing just to kiss you like the way I do?

Tell me does she want you, infatuate and haunt you

Does she know just how to shock you, electrify and rock you

Does she inject you, seduce you and affect you like the way I do?

Can I survive all the implications

Even if I tried could you be less than an addiction

Don't you think I know there's so many others

Who would beg, steal and lie, fight, kill and die

Just to hold you hold you like I do

Tell me does she love you like the way I love you?

Does she stimulate you, attract and captivate you?

Tell me does she miss you, existing just to kiss you like the way I do?

Tell me does she want you, infatuate and haunt you

Does she know just how to shock you, electrify and rock you

Does she inject you, seduce you and affect you like the way I do?

Nobody loves you like the way I do

Nobody wants you like the way I do

Nobody needs you like the way I do

Nobody aches nobody aches just to hold you like the way I do

Tell me does she love you like the way I love you?

Does she stimulate you, attract and captivate you?

Tell me does she miss you, existing just to kiss you like the way I do?

Tell me does she want you, infatuate and haunt you

Does she know just how to shock you, electrify and rock you

Does she inject you, seduce you and affect you like the way I do?

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Yellowcard - View From Heaven

i'm just so tired

wont you sing me to sleep

and fly through my dreams

so i can hitch a ride with you tonight

and get away from this place

have a new name and face

i just aint the same without you in my life

late night drives, all alone in my car

i can't help but start

singing lines from all our favorite songs

and melodies in the air

singin life just aint fair

sometimes i still just can't believe you're gone

and im sure the view from heaven

beats the hell out of mine here

and if we all believe in heaven,

maybe we'll make it through one more year

down here

feel your fire,

when its cold in my heart

and things sorta start

remindin' me of my last night with you

i only need one more day

just one more chance to say

i wish that i had gone up with you too

and i'm sure the view from heaven

beats the hell out of mine here

and if we all believe in heaven

maybe we'll make it through one more year

down here

you wont be comin' back

and i didn't get to say goodbye

i really wish i got to say goodbye

and im sure the view from heaven

beats the hell out of mine here

and if we all believe in heaven

maybe we'll make it through one more year

i hope that all is well in heaven

cuz its all shot to hell down here

i hope that i find you in heaven

cuz i'm so...

lost without you down here

you wont be coming back

and i didn't get to say goodbye

i really wish i got to say gooooodbye

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I'm With You

Avril Lavigne

I'm standing on the bridge

I'm waiting in the dark

I thought that you'd be here by now

There's nothing but the rain

No footsteps on the ground

I'm listening but there's no sound

Isn't anyone tryin’ to find me?

Won't somebody come take me home?

It's a damn cold night

Trying to figure out this life

Won't you take me by the hand

Take me somewhere new

I don't know who you are

But I... I'm with you

I'm with you


I'm looking for a place

I'm searching for a face

Is anybody here I know?

'Cause nothing's going right

And everything’s a mess

And no one likes to be alone

Isn't anyone tryin’ to find me?

Won't somebody come take me home?


Why is everything so confusing?

Maybe I'm just out of my mind

Yeahe yeahe yeah!..yeahe yeah, yeahe yeah, yeah yeah, YYYEEEAAAHHH!!...

It's a damn cold night

Trying to figure out this life

Won't you take me by the hand

Take me somewhere new

I don't know who you are

But I!

I'm with yououououou!

I'm with yououououou!

Take me by the hand

Take me somewhere new

I don't know who you are

But I!

I'm with yououououou!

I'm with yououououou!

Take me by the hand

Take me somewhere new

I don't know who you are

But I

I'm with youoo

I'm with you

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"Bring Me To Life"

how can you see into my eyes like open doors

leading you down into my core

where I’ve become so numb without a soul my spirit sleeping somewhere cold

until you find it there and lead it back home

(Wake me up)

Wake me up inside

(I can’t wake up)

Wake me up inside

(Save me)

call my name and save me from the dark

(Wake me up)

bid my blood to run

(I can’t wake up)

before I come undone

(Save me)

save me from the nothing I’ve become

now that I know what I’m without

you can't just leave me

breathe into me and make me real

bring me to life

(Wake me up)

Wake me up inside

(I can’t wake up)

Wake me up inside

(Save me)

call my name and save me from the dark

(Wake me up)

bid my blood to run

(I can’t wake up)

before I come undone

(Save me)

save me from the nothing I’ve become

Bring me to life

(I've been living a lie, there's nothing inside)

Bring me to life

frozen inside without your touch without your love darling only you are the life among the dead

all this time I can't believe I couldn't see

kept in the dark but you were there in front of me

I’ve been sleeping a thousand years it seems

got to open my eyes to everything

without a thought without a voice without a soul

don't let me die here

there must be something more

bring me to life

(Wake me up)

Wake me up inside

(I can’t wake up)

Wake me up inside

(Save me)

call my name and save me from the dark

(Wake me up)

bid my blood to run

(I can’t wake up)

before I come undone

(Save me)

save me from the nothing I’ve become

(Bring me to life)

I’ve been living a lie, there’s nothing inside

(Bring me to life)

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I dont wanna talk

About the things weve gone through

Though its hurting me

Now its history

Ive played all my cards

And thats what youve done too

Nothing more to say

No more ace to play

The winner takes it all

The loser standing small

Beside the victory

Thats her destiny

I was in your arms

Thinking I belonged there

I figured it made sense

Building me a fence

Building me a home

Thinking Id be strong there

But I was a fool

Playing by the rules

The gods may throw a dice

Their minds as cold as ice

And someone way down here

Loses someone dear

The winner takes it all

The loser has to fall

Its simple and its plain

Why should I complain.

But tell me does she kiss

Like I used to kiss you?

Does it feel the same

When she calls your name?

Somewhere deep inside

You must know I miss you

But what can I say

Rules must be obeyed

The judges will decide

The likes of me abide

Spectators of the show

Always staying low

The game is on again

A lover or a friend

A big thing or a small

The winner takes it all

I dont wanna talk

If it makes you feel sad

And I understand

Youve come to shake my hand

I apologize

If it makes you feel bad

Seeing me so tense

No self-confidence

But you see

The winner takes it all

The winner takes it all......

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Της αγαπης τη χωρα

θα χω τωρα προορισμο

εισητηριο δεν εχω

μοναχα αποχωρισμο

Δες, οτι η ζωη, ειναι μια σταλα ταξιδι

και πιες, σε ενα φιλι, τον κοσμο

θελει θαρρος και αληθεια μαζι

ομως εσυ, εισαι τραγουδι εισαι πονος

κι εγω, σε κυνηγω, δε σ' αφηνω

γι αλλο τιποτα πανω στη γη

ναι, δεν αφηνω την τρελα αυτη

γι αλλο τιποτα πανω στη γη

Η ψυχη μου φωναζει

η φοβισμενη σου αγκαλια

και ακολουθω τις γραμμες σου

μηπως και φτασω στη καρδια

θελω να μαι μαζι σου


Δες, οτι η ζωη, ειναι μια σταλα ταξιδι

και πιες, σε ενα φιλι, τον κοσμο

θελει θαρρος και αληθεια μαζι

ομως εσυ, εισαι τραγουδι εισαι πονος

κι εγω, σε κυνηγω, δε σ' αφηνω

γι αλλο τιποτα πανω στη γη

ναι, δεν αφηνω την τρελα αυτη

γι αλλο τιποτα πανω στη γη

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Cold Wind - Arcade Fire

In the middle of the summer

im not sleeping

cold wind blowing

in the middle of the night

they try to find me but im still driving

if your going to San Francisco

lay some flowers on the grave stone

theres music on the station and im just listening to cold wind whistling

and if they ever find me tell the papers cold wind cold wind

cold cold wind blowing

cold wind blowing

Hey hey hey

something aint right

something aint right

and if they ever find me tell the papers cold wind cold wind

cold cold wind blowing cold wind blowing cold wind blowing

cold wind blowing cold wind blowing

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"My Happy Ending"

So much for my happy ending

Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh...

Let's talk this over

It's not like we're dead

Was it something I did?

Was it something You said?

Don't leave me hanging

In a city so dead

Held up so high

On such a breakable thread

You were all the things I thought I knew

And I thought we could be

You were everything, everything that I wanted

We were meant to be, supposed to be, but we lost it

And all of the memories, so close to me, just fade away

All this time you were pretending

So much for my happy ending

Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh...

You've got your dumb friends

I know what they say

They tell you I'm difficult

But so are they

But they don't know me

Do they even know you?

All the things you hide from me

All the shit that you do

All the stuff that you

You were all the things I thought I knew

And I thought we could be

It's nice to know that you were there

Thanks for acting like you cared

And making me feel like I was the only one

It's nice to know we had it all

Thanks for watching as I fall

And letting me know we were done

Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh...

So much for my happy ending

Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh...

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Ένα τραγούδι ακόμα

Στίχοι: Γιώργος Θεοφάνους

Μουσική: Γιώργος Θεοφάνους

Πρώτη εκτέλεση: Χρήστος Δάντης

Ένα τραγούδι ακόμα θα σου γράψω

ένα τραγούδι ακόμα και θα πάψω άλλο να σε θυμάμαι

και τις νύχτες ήσυχος να κοιμάμαι

Ένα τραγούδι ακόμα θα σου στείλω

μένα παλιό γνωστό μας,καινούργιο φίλο

κι ύστερα θα σε κρύψω στο όνειρό μου

ξέρω δεν θα σου λείψω

παράπονα σου κάνω

τίποτα παραπάνω

έτσι για να σου πω

Θεε μου πόσο σαγαπώ

Ένα τραγούδι ακόμα μ'ακούς;

ένα τραγούδι ακόμα μ'ακούς;

κι ας έχω γίνει λιώμα μ'ακούς;

ένα τραγούδι ακόμα

Ένα τραγούδι ακόμα δραπετεύει

κι απ'το πικρό μου στόμα ταξιδεύει

ψάχνει να βρει το λάθος στην αγάπη

όταν χαθεί το πάθος

ένα τραγούδι ακόμα να σου φέρει

ένα φεγγάρι ακόμα μεσημέρι

άνεμος στα μαλλιά σου κι ας γίνω

η αγάπη η παλιά σου

παράπονα σου κάνω

τίποτα παραπάνο

έτσι για να σου πω

Θεε μου πόσο σαγαπώ

Ένα τραγούδι ακόμα μ'ακούς;

ένα τραγούδι ακόμα μ'ακούς;

κι ας έχω γίνει λιώμα μ'ακούς;

ένα τραγούδι ακόμα

Ένα τραγούδι ακόμα μ'ακούς;

ένα τραγούδι ακόμα μ'ακούς;

κι ας έχω γίνει λιώμα μ'ακούς;

ένα τραγούδι ακόμα

Ένα τραγούδι ακόμα μ'ακούς;

ένα τραγούδι ακόμα μ'ακούς;

κι ας έχω γίνει λιώμα μ'ακούς;

ένα τραγούδι ακόμα

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Μ' όποια να 'ναι

Μπάμπης Στόκας

Θα βγω και θα πλαγιάσω μ’ όποια να ‘ναι

στα πρώτα μπαρ, στην πρώτη τη γωνιά

γιατί τα σωθικά σου όταν πονάνε

στη λάσπη ψάχνεις πάντα λησμονιά.

Χαράματα, ένα κουρέλι πάλι

στο πάτωμα βαριά θα κοιμηθώ.

Και σένα, που ‘σαι σ’ άλλο προσκεφάλι

σε θα προφτάσω να σ’ ονειρευτώ.

Θα βγω και θα φορτώσω το μυαλό μου

με βρόμικες εικόνες και καπνούς

για να γλιτώσω απ’ τον εαυτό μου

απόψε που μου σάλταρε νους

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Μοιράσου σε άλλους δικτυακούς τόπους


Maaaaaaad about youuuu :P

Feel the vibe, feel the terror, feel the pain

It's driving me insane

I can't fake

For God's sake, why am I

Driving in the wrong lane

Trouble is my middle name

But in the end I'm not too bad

Can someone tell me if it's wrong to be so mad about you

Mad about you


Are you the fishy wine who will give me

A headache in the morning

Or just a dark blue land mine

That'll explode without a decent warning

Give me all your true hate

And I'll translate it in our bed

Into never seen passion, never seen passion

That's why I am so mad about you

Mad about you


Trouble is your middle name

But in the end you're not too bad

Can someone tell me if it's wrong to be

So mad about you

Mad about you

Mad about you

Mad about you


Give me all your true hate

And I'll translate it in your bed

Into never seen passion

That is why I am so mad about you

Mad about you

Mad about you

Mad about you

Mad about you

Mad about you

Mad about you

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Μοιράσου σε άλλους δικτυακούς τόπους

True love waits Radiohead

I'll drown my beliefs

To have you be in peace

I'll dress like your niece

To wash your swollen feet

Just don't leave...don't leave

I'm not living

I'm just killing time

Your tiny hands

Your crazy kitten smile

Just don't leave...don't leave

And true love waits

In haunted attics

And true love lives

On lollipops and crisps

Just don't leave...don't leave

Just don't leave...don't leave

Υ.γ : ‘Τι να γίνει ? Έτσι είναι ...’

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