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Anti-greeklish problems.


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Some days ago I sent a message to a member in Greeklish.

Today I found out your anti-greeklish security.

I have to admit it's a nice touch and funny and I can certainly understand the reason for it for the forum but when talking in private, I can't see the reason for it to exist.

Since this computer I'm currently using has no Greek writting, this might prove to be a problem for me... :/

Maybe you could remove it from the private stuff or... Integrate a greeklish to greek translator to the website?

Thanks for reading... Hope this can be fixed... Cya! :)

P.S. Hope this is the right section :/

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Google is your friend (almost).

It took me less than 20'' to find this tool: http://speech.ilsp.gr/greeklish/. You could use it, at least for now.

PS: Personally, I find it very difficult to read greeklish and even more difficult to write in it. So, you don't know whether the person who receives your message is going to like it.

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