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I know the pieces fit cuz I watched them fall away

Mildewed and smoldering. Fundamental differing.

Pure intention juxtaposed will set two lovers souls in motion

Disintegrating as it goes testing our communication

The light that fueled our fire then has burned a hole between us so

We cannot see to reach an end crippling our communication.

I know the pieces fit cuz I watched them tumble down

No fault, none to blame it doesn't mean I don't desire to

Point the finger, blame the other, watch the temple topple over.

To bring the pieces back together, rediscover communication

The poetry that comes from the squaring off between,

And the circling is worth it.

Finding beauty in the dissonance.

There was a time that the pieces fit, but I watched them fall away.

Mildewed and smoldering, strangled by our coveting

I've done the math enough to know the dangers of our second guessing

Doomed to crumble unless we grow, and strengthen our communication.

Cold silence has a tendency to atrophy any

Sense of compassion

Between supposed lovers/brothers

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Theres no one like you

I cant wait for the nights with you

I imagine the things we do

I just wanna be loved by you

No one like you

I cant wait for the nights with you

I imagine the things we do

I just wanna be loved by you

Girl, there are really no words strong enough

To describe all my longing for love

I dont want my feelings restrained

Ooh, babe, I just need you like never before

Just imagine youd come through this door

Youd take all my sorrow away

Theres no one like you

I cant wait for the nights with you

I imagine the things we do

I just wanna be loved by you

No one like you

I cant wait for the nights with you

I imagine the things we do

I just wanna be loved by you

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Your hope shines (The Walkabouts)

Lay my body down

By the shallows of the creek

You can lay my body down

Lay me in your reach

And when my body's down

We'll steal the thunder from the rain

And when my body's down

We'll shake the dirt right from the pain

I was going nowhere

Nowhere very fast

Threw my poison out the window

But it came blowin' back

Out along the highway

Right through the night of crime

Somewhere in the darkness

Your hope shined

Whisper wisdom's words

You can whisper wisdom's lies

But all of wisdom's words

Never helped me to survive

Days of all my arrogance

When you were not afraid

Threw my paycheck out the window

You threw it all away

Walked the devil's highway

Across the county line

Somewhere in the darkness

Your hope shined

Your hope shined, your hope shined

Walked the devil's highway, across the county line

But your hope shined, your hope shined

First light in the mornin', right through the night of crime

Lay my body down

By the shallows of the creek...

Απο τον δισκο "New West Motel" του '93, με φοβερα τραγουδια (sundowner, sweet revenge, jack candy και πολλα αλλα). Και δεν βρισκω τιποτα απο αυτα στο youtube :angry:

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Current 93 Lyrics

" The Seven Seals Are Revealed At The End Of Time"

The Seven Seals are Revealed at the End of Time as Seven Bows: the Bloodbow, the

Pissbow, the Painbow, the Faminebow, the Deathbow, the Angerbow, the Hohohobow

THEN the morning after. A time and a time and a time and a time; all shall be

well or not. As the bluegreenbrown world is drenched with horsegore, and the

redseas are covered with horsehair, the ThreeGod arises. As a sign of Betrayal

- His? Ours? - a vast Bloodbow covers the skies. One dips into a broken bowl

full of sadness, the other into seven hundred children with horses' heads in

different stages of decomposition. Across the Bloodbow a hundredthousand

betrayers are nailed and lost. To the sound of the mewling of eight million

cats all those who have betrayed humanity twist and turn. Step forward, if you

can, Satan in many scumcoloured forms. Histermarks. If you have had ears better

to have slain them there on the warplain of your face. Hell is paved, despite

the Balance, with tedium and loss. Hell is where the steeds then betray the

horsemen, and the horsemen betray their steeds, and and and and. The Bloodbow

begins to discolour: streams of urine begin to gush from the blackbending

heavens and hells that have circled everything so very quickly. The Redbloodbow

gives birth to a Ureabow. ThreeGod starts to weep. Then all the angels weep.

Then all the demons weep. The stench of the universal uric acid fills all the

worlds ever ever existing. The Bloodbow is replenished by a rain that ascends

from the bodies of the damned on earth. Huge clots of gore and blood and lymph

rise up, ripping through the flesh of the lost; the Bloodbow increases in size,

and bubbles and seethes. Unable to take any more, just over the surface of the

earth a thick plain of screaming congeals into the Painbow, which hovers and

turns above the soil. Alas! A high pitched singing emerges; bones, some

gleamingteethywhite, some shitdustbrown, start to clatter from the Painbow. A

ricketty arch is hesitantly built by the rothorsekids from the bones and bones:

the Faminebow. "We are so hungry, so very hungry" they sigh. They die, their

hunger to be forever unassuaged. Their rotting bodies arise in clumps 'n' bits

'n' bobbins, forming over the Bonebow - that is to say, the bubbling Faminebow,

a new, special experience. A grotty rotty mass of children's and horses' grey

flesh, death in all its mumbling and dull colours, step or crawl right up for

the Deathbow. ThreeGod has been so angry with us all whilst this is happening;

His frown fills up one trillion universes, or more if you please or if you

don't. His pursed lips fill up even more universes than His frown, as His anger

grows as it descends His face. This immeasurable frown becomes the inverted

Angerbow; an upsidedown 'U' that is constituted entirely of choler and spit,

pick 'n' mix... stones and sticks... 'n' 666 - it makes me sick!

Then He sees, in His mercy, that the Worlds have all passed away. The frown

passes, and ThreeeGod starts to laugh. The farce is over, the wasted experiment

over, and His jolly laugh becomes the HoHoHoBow.

All the starres are dead now.

And so we pass away.

Whilst the Gods play

We pass away

(Yet the stars and the moon and the sun and the comets and the little birds and

the little lights and the little animals tath sing to God God bless the little

animals and the little animals that scream to God please O Lord bless the

little animals that weep and weep and weep they are approaching the

Greatbluegate of Death itself oh Lord hear me when I shout and shout and shout

my heart is almost empty)

Anyhow, once I looked at the stars, and they were all blood. Over the

Southerncross she arose, redbloodyred, as I think she was, Luciferette and how

she shined. Overthere in the west, where alas she had begun to set, dead

children were singing. Out of my window, beyond Mao Rao and Yao what seems to

be the sun over the arch of Beslam, shining. Louis Wain is there. I can see, if

I stretch my eyes far and further, William Lawes dead dead dead on the plain

dead dead dead. I fall to my knees and weep. And goodbye to You all.

And goodbye to you all

Whilst the Gods play


Goodbye to you all


Cinema Strange

"Lindsay's Trachea"

Dr. Lindsay:

"Oh, isn't it nice, falling and hating me! Here, breathing the air through Lindsay's trachea! Oh, rendered and torn, spilling my glass to the floor... hands in my hair, pulling and patiently dying... 'Why are you here?' were my words and I screamed them. 'Could you destroy a man in midday?'"

Arkham Deadfly:

"Dreaming and evening, so are we twins! Listen, I whisper, your lips, how they twitch! The doorway is swarming with larva today, squirming and screaming as friendly men play! Thou art the empty, I am the thin! We are the bending blade stuck in your ribs! Thou art the tempest, I am the wind! We are the fallen man, tortured and skinned!"

"I've run this way twice before, and always the rats wading through dust. Doctor, silent and still, were you calling to me? The skies overhead have been crowded with wings, and hear the flies, how they sing! I've inched my way through mist before, and always the bugs leading my lungs! Doctor, silent and still, were you calling to me? The skies overhead have been crowded with wings, but hear the flies, how they sing!"


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Nick Cave

- Come Into My Sleep

Now that mountains of meaningless words

And oceans divide us;

And we each have our own set of stars

To comfort and guide us...

Come into my sleep,

Come into my sleep,

Oh, yeah...

Dry your eyes and do not weep

And come into my sleep.

Swim to me through the deep blue sea,

Upon the scattered stars set sail;

Fly to me through this love-lit night,

From one thousand miles away...

And come into my sleep,

Come into my sleep,

Oh, yeah...

As midnight nears and shadows creep,

Come into my sleep.

Bind my dreams up in your tangled hair,

For I am sick at heart, my dear.

Bound my dreams up in your tangled hair,

For all sorrow it will pass, my dear...

Take your accusations, your recriminations

And toss 'em into the ocean blue;

Leave all of your regrets and impossible longings

And scatter them across the sky behind you...

And come into my sleep,

Come into my sleep,

For my soul to comfort and keep...

Come into my sleep,

Oh yeah...

For my soul to comfort and keep...

My sleep...

Come on...

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Tindersticks - Another Night In


Greed's all gone now, there's no question

And I can see you push your hair behind your ear...

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A song for the lovers- Richard Ashcroft

I spend the night

Yeah looking for my insides in a hotel room

Waiting for you

Were gonna make it tonight

Yeah something in the air tells me the time is right so we better get on

Dj,play a song for the lovers tonight

Please, play a song for the lovers tonight

Dont wanna wait

Lord Ive been waiting all my life but Im too late again

I know but I was scared

Cant you see

Im moving like a train into some foreign land I aint

Got a ticket for this ride but I will

Oh, play a song for the lover tonight

Dj, play a song for the lover tonight

Dj, play a song for the lovers tonight

Please play a song for the lovers tonight

Cant stop looking back no no

One more for the lovers

O brother wont you lend a hand Im alone in a room

And Im waiting for love

I dont know when this dreams gonna stop

But Im telling you friend I dont want to get up

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"Business Creep"

don't know how i got wound up in this mess

it's been happenin since i wore ma highschool dress

three teachers tried to rub ma tit

one ended up in principal's office and got kicked

one time i had six guys and kept chasin

but that don't really count cause i was practicaly a virgin

got cought by ma mom coming early home

stripped, sweatty, harassed and not alone

but that don't count cause i said to ma self later

"you shoulda find a cool guy to stick and get better"

too bad they where all kids and grew me fatter

better with a Mars than a man soft like butter emlmfao

then i kinda got mixed up with a famous rock star

who's name i can't tell cause i still receive his postcards

couldn't believe he put me on his album cover

his x wife did the artwork but that didn't really bother

i got it all fucked up cause in the meantime

i had a situation with a bandmate playin guitar

fly guy and i hope he won't hear this

but i don't give a fuck cause he don't speak good english

found it kinda hard two guys to abuse

but then i fucked them all for ma lovely producer

loved him from the day i saw him

we became lovers i devoted to him

gave all ma hope for one day i'll be his

that i'd wash his clothes, clean his house, raise his kids

worked on all ma steps so this can last

we wrote hella songs then we made Cast-a-Blast

loved him like a treasure to be found

meantime he was fuckin some bitch from behind

wondered how i deserve such a treatment?

said it's not me, he had a problem with commitment

ma heart crashed like a dog on the street

no sound to make songs, no ground for ma feet

finding love in the end, that's a bliss

but you can't really fuck with the karma police emlove1

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It was one of those nights

When you turned out the lights

And everything comes into view

She was taking her time

I was losing my mind

There was nothing that she wouldn't do

It wasn't the first

It wasn't the last

She knew we was making love

I was so satisfied

Deep down inside

Like a hand in a velvet glove

Seems like a touch, a touch too much

Seems like a touch, a touch too much

Too much for my body, too much for my brain

This damn woman's gonna drive me insane

She's got a touch, a touch too much

She had the face of an angel

Smiling with sin

The body of Venus with arms

Dealing with danger

Stroking my skin

Like a thunder and lightening storm

It wasn't the first

It wasn't the last

It wasn't that she didn't care

She wanted it hard

And wanted it fast

She liked it done medium rare

Seems like a touch, touch too much

You know it's much too much, much too much

I really want to feel you touch too much

Girl you know you're giving me much too much

Seems like a touch

Just a dirty little touch

I really need your touch

Cause you're much too much too much too much

Seems like a touch, a touch too much

Seems like a touch, a touch too much

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You don't fool me

You don't fool me...

Da, da da da dah

Da da da dah

Da da dah...

You don't fool me - those pretty eyes

That sexy smile - you don't fool me

You don't rule me - you're no surprise

You're telling lies - you don't fool me

Mmm, mama said be careful of that girl

Mama said you know that she's no good

Mama said be cool, don't you be no fool

Yup bup ba ba ba ba da da da dah!

You don't fool me

You don't fool me, you don't fool me

She'll take you

You don't fool me, and break you

You don't rule me, you don't fool me

You don't fool me, she'll take you

You don't fool me, and break you

Sooner or later you'll be playing by her rules

Baby you don't fool me, yeah

You don't fool me, you don't have to say don't mind

You don't have to teach me things I know

Sooner or later you'll be playing by her rules

Oh, (fool you) oh, (rule you) she'll take you (take you)

And break you (break you)


Mama said be cool

Mama said she'll take you for a fool

She'll take you, and break you

Ba ba ba ba bap bap ba baah

La la la la la lah

You don't fool me

You don't fool me...

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You can roll me round your finger

You can roll me if I'm blind

You can roll me tally ho ho

I'm the easy rollin' kind

But don't think I'm facin' down hill

'Cause soon you'll see

You'll lose your grip and slip

'Cause you ain't got a hold on me

You ain't got a hold on me

You ain't got a hold on me

Why don't you let me be

'Cause you ain't got a hold on me

You can take me to your bedroom

You can take me to your heart

You can take me to a climax

I won't fall apart

But don't count on me givin' it

All back to you

Just because I'm hooked on livin

Doesn't mean I'm hooked on you

You ain't got a hold on me

You ain't got a hold on me

Why don't you let me be, no no

You ain't got a hold on me

Oh let me be

You ain't got a hold on me

You ain't got a hold on me

Why don't you just let me be

'Cause you ain't got a hold on me

You ain't got a hold on me

Hey you ain't got a hold on me

Ain't got a hold on me

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