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Motorcycle Emptiness -Manic Street Preachers

Culture sucks down words

Itemise loathing and feed yourself smiles

Organise your safe tribal war

Hurt maim kill and enslave the ghetto

Each day living out a lie

Life sold cheaply forever, ever, ever

Under neon loneliness motorcycle emptiness

Under neon loneliness motorcycle emptiness

Life lies a slow suicide

Orthodox dreams and symbolic myths

From feudal serf to spender

This wonderful world of purchase power

Just like lungs sucking on air

Survivals natural as sorrow, sorrow, sorrow

Under neon loneliness motorcycle emptiness

Under neon loneliness motorcycle emptiness

All we want from you are the kicks youve given us

All we want from you are the kicks youve given us

All we want from you are the kicks youve given us

All we want from you are the kicks youve given us

Under neon loneliness motorcycle emptiness

Under neon loneliness motorcycle emptiness

Drive away and its the same

Everywhere death row, everyones a victim

Your joys are counterfeit

This happiness corrupt political shit

Living life like a comatose

Ego loaded and swallow, swallow, swallow

Under neon loneliness motorcycle emptiness

Under neon loneliness motorcycle emptiness

Under neon loneliness motorcycle emptiness

Under neon loneliness everlasting nothingness

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Music: U2 - Lyrics: Salman Rushdie

All my life, i worshipped her

Her golden voice, her beauty's beat

How she made us feel

How she made me real

And the ground beneath her feet

And the ground beneath her feet

And now i can't be sure of anything

Black is white, and cold is heat

For what i worshipped stole my love away

It was the ground beneath her feet

It was the ground beneath her feet

Go lightly down your darkened way

Go lightly underground

I'll be down there in another day

I won't rest until you're found

Let me love you true, let me rescue you

Let me lead you to where two roads meet

O come back above

Where there's only love

And the ground beneath her feet

And the ground beneath her feet


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Rainbow-Rainig Pleasure

she was a rainbow

she would only appear with the rainfall

and the winds and the earth and the fire

would know her name

she would only please me

might as well relief my heart

from the pain the guilt and the pouring confusion

falling on me

all the flames around dance on solid ground

all the things i've done

i'm not bad it is just my way to

cope with my fears

all this crazy crowd

beggars thieves and clowns

you will greet them but you can't really smile at my weakness

little darling

could it be that it's yours too?

could it be that it's yours my darling?

could it be that it yours, when

here comes the rainbow

all god's grace will find space in a short name

memories dying, all angels abiding

in one sweet face

now my body is crying

i was born at the age that Jesus died

god i would run, i would hide

but you're already living inside

all these flames around dance on solid ground

they will enter my spine

they will serve me your wine

it's just a matter of time

in your sparkling eyes

your Gioconda smiles

i die, and though you still can't really smile at my weakness

little darling

could it be that you want me?

could it be that you like me baby?

could it be that you love me too?

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Umbrella-Vanilla sky

You had my heart

and we'll never be world apart

Maybe in magazines

but you'll still be my star

Baby cause in the Dark

You can see shiny Cars

And that's when you need me there

With you I'll always share


When the sun shines

We’ll shine together

Told you I'll be here forever

Said I'll always be your friend

Took an oath

I'mma stick it out 'till the end

Now that it's raining more than ever

Know that we still have each other

You can stand under my Umbrella

You can stand under my Umbrella

These fancy things,

will never come in between

You're part of my entity

Here for Infinity

When the war has took it's part

When the world has dealt it's cards

If the hand is hard

Together we'll mend your heart

Because ...

When the sun shines

We'll shine together

Told you I'll be here forever

Said I'll always be your friend

Took an oath

I'mma stick it out 'till the end

Now that it's raining more than ever

Know that we still have each other

You can stand under my Umbrella

You can stand under my Umbrella

you can run into my Arms

It's okay don't be alarmed

(Come into Me)

(There's no distance in between our love)

So Gonna let the rain pour

I'll be all you need and more

Yeah Read let's go look....

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bamboleo (gipsy kings) ----->καλο καρναβαλι :D

Este amor llega asi esta manera

No tiene la culpa

Caballo le ven sabana

Porque muy depreciado,

Por eso no te perdon de llorar

Este amor llega asi esta manera

No tiene la culpa,

Amor de comprementa

Amor del mes pasado

Bebele, bembele, bembele

Bamboleo, bambolea

Porque mi vida, yo la prefiero vivir asi

Bamboleo, bambolea

Porque mi vida, yo la prefiero vivir asi

No tiene pardon de dios

Tu eres mi vida, la fortuna del destino

Pero el destino tendressa para dos

Lo mismo yo que ayer

Lo mismo ## no greeklish please! ## - ## no greeklish please! ## - ## no greeklish please! ## - oxi fragolevantika grapste kalytera sta agglika - fragolevantika grapste kalytera ## no greeklish please! ## - oxi fragolevantika grapste kalytera sta agglika - agglika - fragolevantika grapste kalytera ## no greeklish please! ## - oxi fragolevantika grapste kalytera sta agglika - agglika - yo

No te encuentro a labandon

Es imposible no te encuentro de verdad

Por eso un dia no cuentro si de nada

Lo mismo you que ayer

Yo pienso en ti

Bamboleo, bambolea

Porque mi vida, yo la prefiero vivir asi

Bamboleo, bambolea

Porque mi vida, yo la prefiero vivir asi

Bamboleo, bambolea

Porque mi vida, yo la prefiero vivir asi

Bamboleo, bambolea

Porque mi vida, yo la prefiero vivir asi

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Heroin And Cocaine - Tiger Lillies

Jimmy was just coming out of school

When the drug-dealer came

Give me some of that heroin

Some of that cocaine

Heroin, heroin and cocaine

Heroin, heroin and cocaine

Heroin, heroin and cocaine

Heroin, heroin and cocaine

Jimmy's teacher was very annoyed

He gave Jimmy the cane

He shared his syringe with a class full of boys

Now they all want the same

Heroin, heroin and cocaine

Heroin, heroin and cocaine

Heroin, heroin and cocaine

Heroin, heroin and cocaine

Jimmy's turn to die

But please don't you cry

Because Jimmy is in heaven with his drugs

And the angels all try

Heroin, heroin and cocaine



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Ο πιο μεγάλος μου καημός

Εκτύπωση από: http://www.stixoi.info

Στίχοι: Γιώργος Μιχαήλ

Μουσική: Γιώργος Μιχαήλ

Πρώτη εκτέλεση: Λιζέττα Καλημέρη

Σε ποια πηγή θα βρω νερό

τα χείλη να δροσίσω

που μου ξεράθηκε η ψυχή

Που μου ξεράθηκε η ψυχή

θα βγω να μαρτυρήσω

ό,τι αγαπώ μες τη ζωή

Μέσα μου κρύβω κεραυνούς

μέσα μου κρύβω αγώνες

και πιο βαθιά κρύβω καημούς

Κι ο πιο μεγάλος μου καημός

το ψέμα των ανθρώπων

όταν μου λεν' πως μ' αγαπούν

Καθώς μου λεν' πως μ' αγαπούν

και για καλό δικό μου

μου λεν' να μη πετώ ψηλά

Να κλείσω τις φτερούγες μου

να κατεβώ στο χώμα

να γίνω ένα με τη γη

Εγώ στης γης τα χαμηλά

στα σίγουρα τρομάζω

μου τρώει το χώμα το κορμί

Εγώ στης γης τα χαμηλά

στα σίγουρα τρομάζω

μου τρώει το χώμα την ψυχή

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Έχω γεννηθεί Σαββάτο και δεν έχω συγγενείς

Έκανα το θεατρίνο και δε γέλασε κανείς

Τόσα χρόνια ταξιδεύω μα δε φτάνω πουθενά

Γνώρισα πολλές αγάπες, η δική σου με πονά

Άσε με να σ’ αγαπήσω όπως το φαντάστηκα

Απ’ τις ψεύτικες αγάπες δες πως κομματιάστηκα

Άσε με να σ’ αγαπήσω όπως δεν αγάπησα

Σε αδέσποτες αγάπες κλείστηκα και σάπισα

Τόσα χρόνια ταξιδεύω μα δε φτάνω πουθενά

Όπου πάω λες και έχω ραντεβού με τις βροχές

Και ανάβω τα τσιγάρα νύχτα με τις αστραπές

Με αγίους και αγγέλους μίλησα στον ενικό

Μα σαν σκέφτομαι εσένα χάνομαι στον πανικό

Άσε με να σ’ αγαπήσω.

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Αλκίνοος Ιωαννίδης

Ξημέρωσε το καλοκαίρι

κι ήρθε ο ήλιος να το δει και πύρωτε.


κι όσα ο ύπνος είχε χθες βράδυ ορκιστεί,

τα πλήρωσε.

Κι είναι το πρώτο φως της μέρας

που σου ταιριάζει να φοράς,

γιατί αλλιώς σε φανερώνει

κι αλλιώς σε κάνει να κοιτάς,

σαν μ' αγαπάς.

Κι έγινε η μέρα μεσημέρι

κι ήταν οι άνθρωποι βιαστικοί και τρέχανε.

Κι είχανε τ' όνειρο στο χέρι,

το βγάζαν βόλτα σα σκυλί που πέθανε.

Κι είν' ένα φως το μεσημέρι

που σου ταιριάζει να φοράς,

γιατί αλλιώς σε φανερώνει

κι αλλιώς σε κάνει να κοιτάς

σαν μ' αγαπάς.

Κοίτα πώς γέρνει τώρα ο ήλιος

και μεγαλώνει τις σκιές στα χώματα!

Και πώς κοιτάζουν προς τα μέσα

κι αφήνουν να τα φανταστείς τα χρώματα!

Κι είν' ένα φως μες το σκοτάδι

που σου ταιριάζει να φοράς,

γιατί αλλιώς σε φανερώνει

κι αλλιώς σε κάνει να κοιτάς,

σαν μ' αγαπάς.

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Under the bridge - RHCP

Sometimes I feel

Like I dont have a partner

Sometimes I feel

Like my only friend

Is the city I live in

The city of angel

Lonely as I am

Together we cry

I drive on her streets

cause shes my companion

I walk through her hills

cause she knows who I am

She sees my good deeds

And she kisses me windy

I never worry

Now that is a lie

I dont ever want to feel

Like I did that day

Take me to the place I love

Take me all the way

Its hard to believe

That theres nobody out there

Its hard to believe

That Im all alone

At least I have her love

The city she loves me

Lonely as I am

Together we cry

I dont ever want to feel

Like I did that day

Take me to the place I love

Take me all the way

Under the bridge downtown

Is where I drew some blood

Under the bridge downtown

I could not get enough

Under the bridge downtown

Forgot about my love

Under the bridge downtown

I gave my life away


Right behind that perfect face

there someone who keeps

secret’s hidden well

Think I don’t want to know

reasons why your crashing over me

I don’t look back

Darling so it goes but I regret

We couldn’t

make it rain

And all our dreams were left to dry

can’t Make it rain

There’s not one cloud left in the sky

You say you tried

we bled, we’ve cried

We couldn’t make it rain

We had everything to live for

even if we didn’t understand

the game of give and take

was more than just the sum of what we make

The most of time

So we move on

and leave it wall behind

‘Cause we couldn’t

make it rain

And all our dreams were left to dry

can’t Make it rain

There’s not one cloud left in the sky

You say you tried

we bled, we’ve cried

We couldn’t make it rain

Now I can’t help thinking about

places we would go

but I won’t be around

no more

But this fault won’t be mine

everything is gone

Make it rain

And all our dreams were left to dry

can’t Make it rain

There’s not one cloud left in the sky

So make it rain

And all our dreams were left to dry

can’t Make it rain

There’s not one cloud left in the sky

so you said you tried

We bled we cried

you said you tried

We bled we cried


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ειναι λιγο μπλιαχ μεχρι να συνηθισεις το ειδος....


Theatre Of Tragedy - Dying - I Only Feel Apathy

Now as I am to be bereaft of my troth

I cry aloud my last words of lost hope.

A violent gust of wind is my frame of mind;

Fluxes like moisture through pores.

I am unwilling to forgive

Him who depriev'd me of my life -

Gloaming the sequence -

A momentary view.

Perishing intervals of rejoice -

My supreme happiness is lost!

Baleful emotions of fear - my body is the earth -

The earth is now destinéd to be made forlorn -

Forlorn from the enlivening energies.

Am I not anylonger living?

In mournful silence I suffer -

In peace I now will rest.

My hard-working hands

Are now reposéd.

I close thee, my belovéd, into my heart -

Conceal thy memory in my inner sanctum.

In my thoughts thou shalt forever be -

As a dear and precious remembrance.

I'm dethronéd in the reign of entity -

My tears descend like of ebony -

Life is the theatre of tragedy -

Dying - I only feel apathy!

Dying - I only want sympathy


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I close my eyes, only for a moment, and the moment's gone

Same old song, just a drop of water in an endless sea

Don't hang on, nothing lasts forever but the earth and sky


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Υour Emotions-Dead Kennedys

Your mommy told you this

And your daddy told you that

Always think like this

And never do that

You learned so many feelings

But what is there to that

Which are really yours

Or are you just a copycat

Your school told you this

And your church told you that

Memorize this

And don't you dare look at that

Just a tape recorder

Mimicking of the bores

You're so boring

Always tape machine recording

You're so boring

I've heard all this before

Planless and mindless

Scraps from anywhere

Bunch of used parts

From garbage pails everywhere

Frankenstein became a monster

Just like you

Your scars only show

When someone talks to you

You're so boring

Always tape machine recording

You're so

I've heard all this before

Your emotions make you a monster

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Hiding here inside ourselves we live our lives afraid

So close your eyes and just believe in everything your told

Cause in this land of great confusion it's easy to give up control

Strange world people talk and tell only lies

Strange world people kill an eye for an eye

Strange world dream one-day we'll see the light

Strange world believe and everything will be alright


Take the plan, spin it sideways.


Without you, I'm...

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Δεν έχω τι να τραγουδήσω τι να πω

είναι η φωνή μου ένα σήμα από καπνό

κι έτσι για πάντα λέω το στόμα μου να κλείσω

για τίποτα άλλο πια να μην ξαναμιλήσω

μα πάλι πώς θα ζήσω

Μέσα σε σχολεία μέσα σε πανεπιστήμια

μέσα σε ωδεία σε στρατούς και γυμναστήρια

πέρασα χρόνια άλλος μπήκα κι άλλος βγήκα

κι έχω τη μόρφωση για όπλο και για προίκα

κι ένσημο για το ΙΚΑ

Φεύγει η ζωή τελειώνει σαν σεντόνι φανερώνει

ό,τι αγαπούσα και το άφησα ό,τι μισούσα και το κράτησα

φεύγει η ζωή τελειώνει σαν σεντόνι ξεδιπλώνει

τον εαυτό μου που τον ξέχασα το μέσα κόσμο μου που έχασα

με τέτοια που 'χω ψυχολογία, πώς θα βγω στη συναυλία;

Πάρε τα πάνω σου μικρέ πάρε τα πάνω σου

πάρε μολύβι κι έλα κάθισε στο πιάνο σου

και φτιάξε πάλι την αρχαία συνταγή

μ' ένα τραγούδι να γλυκάνεις την ψυχή

μα άραγε θα μου βγει;

Πρέπει να αδειάσεις το κεφάλι σου απ' τις σκέψεις

μήπως μπορέσεις τελικά να το αντέξεις

αυτά μου είπαν κάποιοι φίλοι χτες το βράδυ

μα εγώ το μόνο που ζητούσα ήταν το χάδι

και μια τους νότα στο σκοτάδι

Φεύγει η ζωή τελειώνει σαν σεντόνι φανερώνει

ό,τι αγαπούσα και το άφησα ό,τι μισούσα και το κράτησα

φεύγει η ζωή τελειώνει σαν σεντόνι ξεδιπλώνει

τον εαυτό μου που τον ξέχασα το μέσα κόσμο μου που έχασα

με τέτοια που 'χω ψυχολογία, πώς θα βγω στη συναυλία;

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Artist: Three Doors Down

Album: Better Life

Well I took a walk around the world

To ease my troubled mind.

I left my body lying somewhere

In the sands of time.

But I watched the world float

To the dark side of the moon.

I feel there is nothing I can do, yeah

I watched the world float

To the dark side of the moon.

After all I knew it had to be

Something to do with you.

I really don’t mind what happens now and then

As long as you’ll be my friend at the end.

If I go crazy then will you still

Call me Superman.

If I’m alive and well, will you be

There a-holding my hand.

I’ll keep you by my side

With my superhuman mind, kryptonite

You called me strong, you called me weak,

But still your secrets I will keep.

You took for granted all the times

I never let you down. You stumbled

in and bumped your head, and if not

for me THEN you'd be dead.

I picked you up and put you back

On solid ground.

If I go crazy then will you still

Call me Superman.

If I’m alive and well,

Will you be there a-holding my hand.

I’ll keep you by my side

With my superhuman might, kryptonite

If I go crazy then will you still

Call me Superman.

If I’m alive and well, will you be there

Holding my hand.

I’ll keep you by my side

With my superhuman mind, kryptonite


If I go crazy then will you still

Call me Superman.

If I'm alive and well,

Will you be there a-holding my hand.

I'll keep you by my side

With my superhuman mind, kryptonite

Και για οπτικούς τύπους: http://www.last.fm/music/3+Doors+Down+-+Kr...Lg8gEIBs5CU?b=1

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Καμιά φορά θυμάμαι τους ήχους

καμιά φορά θυμάμαι τι να πω

καμιά φορά θυμάμαι τους στίχους

που προσπαθώ να θυμηθώ

Μα δε θυμήθηκα να σε ξεχάσω

εδώ και χρόνια το προσπαθώ

μα δε θυμήθηκα να σε ξεχάσω

όσο κι αν τρέχω μπροστά να σε βρω

Καμιά φορά θυμάμαι τους κήπους

που ονειρευόμουνα να ζω

καμιά φορά γκρεμίζω τους τοίχους

που δε μ' αφήνουν να σε δω

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Time and again I sing your song,

But, I've been runnin' on empty far too long...


Because I've travelled every highway

And they all keep coming back to you

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Το φιλί-γυαλί που ράγισε,

τ'ακριβά σου μάτια καθρεφτίζοντας

και μετά η χαρά ναυάγησε,

σα βυθός μαζί κι ορίζοντας.

Το κορμί κι η ορμή μυστήριο,

δαχτυλίδι μαύρο με την πέτρα του.

Ποιος καημός χωράει στα μέτρα του

και μετά το γεια μαρτύριο.

Στο όνομά σου Αναστασία,

κρεμασμένα λες χίλια τάματα,

σαν πανάρχαιο φως

μες τη νύχτα με τα κλάματα...

Τελικά η ζωή τρία γράμματα.

Το φιλί-γυαλί που θάμπωσε,

στα αλμυρά μας λόγια και τα κύματα

και μετά η φωνή δυνάμωσε,

το μαζί,το ναι,τα βήματα.

Το γιατί-χαρτί τετράγωνο,

με σβησμένα χρόνια-περιθώρια,

μου ζητά η ψυχή σου όρια,

μα το χώμα υγρό και άγονο...

Στο όνομά σου Αναστασία,

κρεμασμένα λες χίλια τάματα,

σαν πανάρχαιο φως

μες τη νύχτα με τα κλάματα...

Τελικά η ζωή τρία γράμματα.

--τ' ακουσα στ' αμαξι και το θυμηθηκα....

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Σε γνώρισα στο ΙΚΑ, στην ουρά μπροστά μου σ' είχα για τον οδοντογιατρό

Τα χρόνια σου 16, μα είχες ξεπετάξει ολόκληρο το Κολωνό

Σου έκλεισα το μάτι, μα εσύ ζητούσες κάτι να διώξεις το πονόδοντο

Ξέχασα τ' όνομα μου, στο ξάφνου γύρισμα σου, που μου 'δωσες φιλί γλυκό (All together now...)

Αχ Ευλαμπία, η ασθένεια σου έγινε χρονία

Αχ Ευλαμπία, εγώ θα ψάξω να σου βρω γιατρό

Σε κάποιο μαγειρείο μερίδες πήρα δύο και είπες στα πληρώνω εγώ

Με πήγες στα κλαρίνα, νταγκλάδες και τσαλίμια και ήσουν πρώτη στο χορό

Τη πάτησα μαζί σου, τη γλύκα, το φιλί σου, τρελάθηκα και δεν μπορώ

Θα ψάξω για κουμπάρο, μου λείπει το κολάρο, αλλά κουστούμι που θα 'βρω;

(Έχει μυαλό η Ευλαμπία)

Αχ Ευλαμπία, η ασθένειά σου κόλλησε και 'μενα

Αχ Ευλαμπία, αντίδοτο να 'δούμε πού θα 'βρω

Φόρεσα τα καλά μου, το είπα στο μπαμπά μου και πήρα φόρα για να 'ρθω

Στο σπίτι σου απ' έξω είμαι και περιμένω μα μέσα δεν τολμώ να 'μπω

Το σκέφτομαι λιγάκι, κουμπώνω το σακάκι και το κουδούνι σου χτυπώ

Μ' ανοίγει η γριά σου, φωνάζει το μπαμπά σου και μου 'παν πως δεν είσαι 'δω

Πού 'σαι Ευλαμπία;

Αχ Ευλαμπία, η ασθένεια σου έγινε χρονία

Αχ Ευλαμπία, εγώ θα ψάξω να σου βρω γιατρό

One more time...

Αχ Ευλαμπία, η ασθένεια σου κόλλησε και 'μένα (Ξανά...)

Αχ Ευλαμπία, αντίδοτο να 'δούμε πού θα βρω


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someday- nickelback

How the hell did we wind up like this

Why weren't we able

To see the signs that we missed

And try to turn the tables

I wish you'd unclench your fists

And unpack your suitcase

Lately there's been too much of this

Dont think its too late

Nothin's wrong

just as long as

you know that someday I will

Someday, somehow

gonna make it allright but not right now

I know you're wondering when

(You're the only one who knows that)

Someday, somehow

gonna make it allright but not right now

I know you're wondering when

Well i hoped that since we're here anyway

We could end up saying

Things we've always needed to say

So we could end up stringing

Now the story's played out like this

Just like a paperback novel

Lets rewrite an ending that fits

Instead of a hollywood horror

Nothin's wrong

just as long as

you know that someday I will

Someday, somehow

gonna make it allright but not right now

I know you're wondering when

(You're the only one who knows that)

Someday, somehow

gonna make it allright but not right now

I know you're wondering when

(You're the only one who knows that)


How the hell did we wind up like this

Why weren't we able

To see the signs that we missed

And try to turn the tables

Now the story's played out like this

Just like a paperback novel

Lets rewrite an ending that fits

Instead of a hollywood horror

Nothin's wrong

just as long as

you know that someday I will

Someday, somehow

gonna make it allright but not right now

I know you're wondering when

(You're the only one who knows that)

Someday, somehow

gonna make it allright but not right now

I know you're wondering when

(You're the only one who knows that)

I know you're wondering when

(You're the only one who knows that)

I know you're wondering when

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Susan Enan - Bring On The Wonder

I can't see the stars anymore living here

Let's go to the hills where the outlines are clear

Bring on the wonder

Bring on the song

I pushed you down deep in my soul for too long

I fell through the cracks at the end of our street

Let's go to the beach, get the sand through our feet

Bring on the wonder

Bring on the song

I pushed you down deep in my soul for too long

Bring on the wonder

We got it all wrong

We pushed you down deep in our souls for too long

I don't have the time for a drink from the cup

Let's rest for a while 'til our souls catch us up

Bring on the wonder

Bring on the song

I pushed you down deep in my soul for too long

Bring on the wonder

We got it all wrong

We pushed you down deep in our souls, so hang on

Bring on the wonder

Bring on the song

I pushed you down deep in my soul for too long.

I can't see the stars anymore living here

Let's go to the hills where the outlines are clear

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Jackie Cane was everybody's sugar

She gave it all wherever it took her

They used her up before the sell-by date

To be so sweet was her only mistake

The only flower in a concrete garden

Destined to be the rock that wouldn't harden

Jackie Cane was everybody's sugar

She'd melt away if only she could of

Taken for granted

Abused and drained

They ran her dry and

Then it never rained

She was the queen

Of the 25th hour

They looked so sweet

But the after-taste was sour

Salty days for Jackie Cane


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Τι μου θύμισες τώρα...! Απίθανο κομμάτι, ορίστε και οι στίχοι:

Rows of houses all bearing down on me

I can feel their blue hands touching me

All these things into position

All these things we'll one day swallow whole

And fade out again and fade out

This machine will not communicate

These thoughts and the strain I am under

Be a world child, form a circle

Before we all go under

And fade out again and fade out again

Cracked eggs, dead birds

Scream as they fight for life

I can feel death, can see it's beady eyes

All these things into position

All these things we'll one day swallow whole

And fade out again and fade out again

Immerse your soul in love

Immerse your soul in love.

...και ένα πιο καινούριο που ακούω τον τελευταίο καιρό:

R.E.M. - Electron Blue

Υou're on your ear, the ocean's near.

the light has started to fade

your high is timed,

you found the climb

Ιt's hard to focus on more than what's

in front of you, electron blue

adventure rings with a page

Αnd when,

Ιt dawns on you, it singes blue,

your buzz beginning to wane.

Αdventure has laid its claim on you

it's all you want to do

you, you know where to run

you run electron blue

Αnd who am I?

I'm just a guy

I've got a story like everyone

but in your eyes,

you looked surprised

and didn't know where to run

I looked to her

she's found the cure

her future's already begun

Τomorrow is gaining speed on you

it's all you want to do

you, you know where to run

you run electron blue

you, you know where to run

you run electron blue

So bide your time

you'll feel the climb

your high it builds like a lightning storm

It sings like pearls

you know that girl

and no one is any the wiser so

As if on cue

electron blue

tomorrow is gaining speed on you

it's all you want to do

you, you know where to run

you run electron blue

you, you know where to run

you run electron blue

you, you know where to run

you run electron blue.

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