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Amiel - Lovesong

It's one thing to ask, why we break up

Have you ever, wondered why it is we fall in love?

Can you tell me, do you know what it is you're looking for?

Why do we need? Can you tell me why I care?

How is that we heed, that voice that says, 'I wan't you there'?


Thanks you've been fuel for thought,

Now I'm more lonely than before

But, thats okay,

I've just 'ready made another stupid love song;

And thanks you've been fuel for thought

Now I'm more lonely than before

But, that's okay,

I've just 'ready made another stupid love song

In a single moment, you might be perfect

And sit in a window of my life

But how much? How much more would I get to see?

What would I strive to hide? Now there will be no compromise

So take it in your stride, I'll believe you now with a smile


Thanks you've been fuel for thought,

Now I'm more lonely than before

But, thats okay,

I've just 'ready made another stupid love song;

And thanks you've been fuel for thought

Now I'm more lonely than before

But, that's okay,

I've just 'ready made another stupid love song

Look into my eyes, ours was no love sacrifice

For it has helped us to grow

And I'm sorry I know just how far I have to go alone


Thanks you've been fuel for thought

Now I'm more lonely than before

But, that's okay,

I've just 'ready made another stupid love song;

And thanks you've been fuel for thought

Now I'm more lonely than before

But, that's okay,

I've just 'ready made another stupid love song

I've just 'ready made another love song

Just 'ready made another love song

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I live out yonder where the snakes and scorpions run

Got myself a little goldmine to bank on

But one day my heart sank when I saw madame in town

I knew her love would be the death of mine

L'amour passait, l'amour obsolète

Pourquoi perdre sa vie à chercher l'or d'un coeur?

Je ne me noierai pas dans ce désert mystique

Je ferme mes comptes et je repars

Love is passé and love is obsolete

Some spend their whole lives searching for a heart of gold

I'm tired of treading water in this desert mystique

I'm cashing in my chips before I ride

Do me a favor while I'm hanging here

Take this gold and go and hide

Ne gigote pas, chéri, sur ta corde pendu

(don't twist too hard darlin' on your hangin' rope)

Don't worry I'll be free in no time

She promised me she would be there when I'd return

She didn't say she'd have a whole army there as well

She whispered, "j'taime baby" as she fired that gun at me

(it's getting late and I'm running out of time)

I should've stayed way out yonder

Better off with the scorpions and snakes

Every act which has no heart will be found out in the end

Guess I'm a little late this time

Cause her love would be the death of mine

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They tried to make me go to rehab but I said 'no, no, no'

Yes I've been black but when I come back you'll know know know

I ain't got the time and if my daddy thinks I'm fine

He's tried to make me go to rehab but I won't go go go

I'd rather be at home with ray

I ain't got seventy days

Cause there's nothing

There's nothing you can teach me

That I can't learn from Mr Hathaway

I didn't get a lot in class

But I know it don't come in a shot glass

They tried to make me go to rehab but I said 'no, no, no'

Yes I've been black but when I come back you'll know know know

I ain't got the time and if my daddy thinks I'm fine

He's tried to make me go to rehab but I won't go go go

The man said 'why do you think you here'

I said 'I got no idea

I'm gonna, I'm gonna lose my baby

so I always keep a bottle near'

He said 'I just think your depressed,

this me, yeah baby, and the rest'

They tried to make me go to rehab but I said 'no, no, no'

Yes I've been black but when I come back you'll know know know

I don't ever wanna drink again

I just ooh I just need a friend

I'm not gonna spend ten weeks

have everyone think I'm on the mend

It's not just my pride

It's just 'til these tears have dried

They tried to make me go to rehab but I said 'no, no, no'

Yes I've been black but when I come back you'll know know know

I ain't got the time and if my daddy thinks I'm fine

He's tried to make me go to rehab but I won't go go go


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Ναι.Απο τα πολυ καλα τραγουδια φετος.Η κοπελιτσα μπηκε ομως τελικα στο rehab...Σημερα νομιζω.Βγηκε και ενα βιντεο στο youtube που την εδειχνε να καπνιζει κρακ. emexetaseis

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και πολυ εμορφο κοριτσι να συμπληρωσω... :wacko:

emlmfao emlmfao emlmfao

Βγηκε και ενα βιντεο στο youtube που την εδειχνε να καπνιζει κρακ.

ελα ρε!


να κανουμε εναν ερανο, να του αγορασουμε λιγη κοκιτσα :bloodomen:

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Ακόμα προσπαθώ -Πυξ Λαξ

Για τους φίλους που θυμάμαι αυτά τα βράδια

Για τα νεύρα που μου σπάσαν στο στρατό

Για τα όνειρα που μας τα δώσαν άδεια

Δεν θυμάμαι πως την πάτησα και 'γω

Για σένα κούκλα μου που βλέπω να παλεύεις

Και για μένα που έχω κολλήσει εδώ

Για τις μέρες που θα 'ρθούν και τις φοβάμαι

Σ' ένα κόσμο που έχει αντίκρυσμα σκληρό

Ακόμα προσπαθώ

Για τα χρόνια που θυμάμαι απ'το σχολείο

Για όσα είδα και δεν ήθελα να πω

Για όσα μ'έμαθαν να ζω και να ελπίζω

Και δεν είναι αυτά που βρήκα εγώ

Για τα σύνορα που θέλω να καούνε

και για κόσμους όμορφους που πάω να βρω

Για τα μάτια σου που στο μυαλό μου ζούνε

Για όλα αυτά που τώρα τραγουδώ.

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να κανουμε εναν ερανο, να του αγορασουμε λιγη κοκιτσα

Ακουσα οτι η κοκα στη Κολομβια τελειωνει σιγα σιγα...Ας μην τη χαραμισουμε. :bloodomen:

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Ac Dc - Highway To Hell

Living easy, livin' free

Season ticket, on a one - way ride

Asking nothing, leave me be

Taking everything in my stride

Don't need reason, don't need rhyme

Ain't nothing I would rather do

Going down, party time

My friends are gonna be there too

I'm on the highway to hell

Highway to hell

I'm on the highway to hell

Highway to hell

No stop signs, speedin' limit

Nobody's gonna slow me down

Like a wheel, gonna spin it

Nobody's gonna mess me 'round

Hey Satan! Paid my dues.

Playin' in a rockin' band

Hey Mama! Look at me

I'm on my way to the promise land

I'm on the highway to hell

Highway to hell

I'm on the highway to hell

Highway to hell

Dont stop me!



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Πού 'ναι τα χρόνια ωραία χρόνια

που 'χες λουλούδια μες στην καρδιά

πού 'ναι η αγάπη γλυκιά μου αγάπη

να μας ζεστάνει στην παγωνιά.


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Auf wiedersehen

It's time to say goodbye

The party's over

As the laughter dies

An angel cries


It's au revoir to your insanity

You sold your soul to feed your vanity

Your fantasies and lies

You're a drop in the rain

Just a number not a name

And you don't see it

You don't believe it

At the end of the day

You're a needle in the hay

You signed and sealed it

And now you gotta deal with it



Be on your way

Adios amigo there's a price to pay

For all the egotistic games you played

The world you made

Is gone

You're a drop in the rain

Just a number not a name

And you don't see it

You don't believe it

At the end of the day

You're a needle in the hay

You signed and sealed it

And now you gotta deal with it



Run and hide there's fire in the sky

Stay inside

The water's gonna rise and pull you under

In your eyes I'm staring at the end of time

Nothing can change us

No one can save us from ourselves

You're a drop in the rain

Just a number not a name

And you don't see it

You don't believe it

At the end of the day

You're a needle in the hay

You signed and sealed it

Now you gotta deal with it



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You fill up my senses

Like a night in the forest

Like the mountains in springtime

Like a walk in the rain

Like a storm in the desert

Like a sleepy blue ocean

You fill up my senses

Come fill me again

Come let me love you

Let me give my life to you

Let me drown in your laughter

Let me die in your arms

Let me lay down beside you

Let me always be with you

Come let me love you

Come love me again

Let me give my life to you

Come let me love you

Come love me again

You fill up my senses

Like a night in the forest

Like the mountains in springtime

Like a walk in the rain

Like a storm in the desert

Like a sleepy blue ocean

You fill up my senses

Come fill me again


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Φωτιά θαλασσί

Παρανοώ στην πόλη αυτή,

οι δρόμοι του ονείρου μου όμως κλειστοί,

Παρανοώ και όταν μου λες

πως μοιάζουν οι αγάπες με Μαγδαληνές.

Μα ως εδώ, δεν έχω καιρό

να ψάχνω αιτίες, να μελαγχολώ.

Μες στη φωτιά που έχει η ψυχή

θα ρίξω ουρανό να την κάνω

Φωτιά θαλασσί..

Φωτιά θαλασσί..

Σκονισμένο φεγγάρι, απόψε βαθειά μου να φωτίσεις

μήπως βρω σ'όλα αυτά τα τρελά

που συμβαίνουν απαντήσεις..

Ό,τι αγάπησα φύλλα νεκρά στους ανέμους και θυμώνω,

θα σου ρίξω, ρε κόσμε, κλωτσιά

μήπως σπάσω και τη μοναξιά

Παρανοώ στην πόλη αυτή,

οι δρόμοι του ονείρου μου όμως κλειστοί,

Παρανοώ και όταν μου λες

πως μοιάζουν οι αγάπες με Μαγδαληνές.

Μα ως εδώ, δεν έχω καιρό

να ψάχνω αιτίες, να μελαγχολώ

Μες στη φωτιά που έχει η ψυχή

θα ρίξω ουρανό να την κάνω

Φωτιά θαλασσί..

Φωτιά θαλασσί..

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Depeche Mode - Behind The Wheel


My little girl

Drive anywhere

Do what you want

I don't care


I'm in the hands of fate

I hand myself

Over on a plate


Oh little girl

There are times when I feel

I rather not be

The one behind the wheel


Pull my strings

Watch me move

I do anything


Sweet little girl

I prefer

You behind the wheel

And me the passenger


I'm yours to keep

Do what you want

I'm going cheap


You're behind the wheel, tonight


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Βρέφος ανάμεσα σε γη κι ουρανό

κούνια πλεγμένη μυστικά κι απάτες

και νανουρίζουν το αιθέριες μορφές

διώχνοντας μακριά τους εφιάλτες

Κι αν κλάψει στήνουνε τρελό χορό

με τύμπανα και ιαχές για ασπίδα

δαίμονες νύμφες και χιλιάδες ευχές

συμπαραστάτες όλοι στην ελπίδα

Να τ’ αγαπάτε μην το βρει κακό

Το προσδοκούν γενιές αδικημένες

Για να παλέψει με το μαύρο το χθες

Στις δόξες του να βγουν αδελφωμένες


(εξαιρετικά αφιερωμένο)


Babylona - Nanourisma


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Frank Sinatra- my way

And now, the end is near;

And so I face the final curtain.

My friend, Ill say it clear,

Ill state my case, of which Im certain.

Ive lived a life thats full.

Ive traveled each and every highway;

And more, much more than this,

I did it my way.

Regrets, Ive had a few;

But then again, too few to mention.

I did what I had to do

And saw it through without exemption.

I planned each charted course;

Each careful step along the byway,

But more, much more than this,

I did it my way.

Yes, there were times, Im sure you knew

When I bit off more than I could chew.

But through it all, when there was doubt,

I ate it up and spit it out.

I faced it all and I stood tall;

And did it my way.

Ive loved, Ive laughed and cried.

Ive had my fill; my share of losing.

And now, as tears subside,

I find it all so amusing.

To think I did all that;

And may I say - not in a shy way,

No, oh no not me,

I did it my way.

For what is a man, what has he got?

If not himself, then he has naught.

To say the things he truly feels;

And not the words of one who kneels.

The record shows I took the blows -

And did it my way!

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*Depeche Mode - Behind The Wheel

*Frank Sinatra- my way

cool! emiloveyou


Come sail your ships around me

And burn your bridges down.

We make a little history baby

Every time you come around.

Come loose your dogs upon me

And let your hair hang down.

You are a little mystery to me

Every time you come around.

We talk about it all night long

We define our moral ground.

But when I crawl into your arms

Everything comes tumbling down.

Come sail your ships around me

And burn your bridges down.

We make a little history baby

Every time you come around.

Your face has fallen sad now

For you know the time is nigh

When I must remove your wings

And you, you must try to fly.

Come sail your ships around me

And burn your bridges down.

We make a little history baby

Every time you come around.

Come loose your dogs upon me

And let your hair hang down.

You are a little mystery to me

Every time you come around.

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Νέους κόσμους

Θέλω μαζί σου να δω

Να γεννηθούμε

Στο φως

Σε κρυσταλλένιο βυθό

Μαζί σου θέλω να μπω

Αλλάζουν θέση

Οι πλανήτες και φορά

Και σχηματίζουν τ'άστρα


Ο ήλιος βγαίνει

Μες στο σκοτάδι φωτιά

Στη ψυχή σου κοίτα

Με μάτια ακτίνες

Θέλω τον κόσμο να δω

Στην άλλη άκρη κοίτα

Αλλάζουν θέση

Οι πλανήτες και φορά

Και σχηματίζουν τ'άστρα


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Παρτε τωρα να'χετε την τραγουδαρα απο τον καλυτερο ελληνα τραγουδιστη emrespect :

Hταν τα λαθη μας μεγαλα


Το βλέμμα σου φέρνει βροχή

και το φιλί σου αγιάζι

Είναι το αντίο, το αντίο σου πληγή

ήλιος ,ήλιος που σκοτεινιάζει

Ήταν τα λάθη μας μεγάλα

κι ας ξεκινήσαμε αλλιώς

έγινε η αγάπη μας μια στάλα

και θάλασσα ο εγωισμός

Στην αγκαλιά μου σε κρατώ

δεν θέλω, δεν θέλω να σ΄αφήσω

σε χάνω κι όμως ,κι όμως δεν μπορώ

το χθες, το χθες να φέρω πίσω

Ήταν τα λάθη μας μεγάλα

κι ας ξεκινήσαμε αλλιώς

έγινε η αγάπη μας μια στάλα

και θάλασσα ο εγωισμός


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Giddy-up old boy it's time to go

Voulez vous savoir the love below

Brother, I've got more than you can take

But more than I can do to stay awake

I close my eyes

So I

Can dream of ways to keep you occupied

So I

Can lock you up we'll keep it classified


You're mine tonight, son

When I close my eyes

I can make you sorry when I want

Find some other house for you to haunt

Carry out your sentence in my head

All I have to do is go to bed

I close my eyes

So I

Can dream of ways to keep you occupied

So I

Can lock you up we'll keep it classified

So right

You're mine tonight son, when I close my eyes

Hide and seek, yellow ducky

Feeling weak or feeling lucky son

Who's got milk, the baby's crying

Shut 'em up, get 'em flying

Little kiddies bought and sold

And papa's got a brand new bag of gold


I'll dream of ways to keep you occupied

So I can lock you up we'll call it classified

So right

You're mine tonight love when I close my eyes

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tragedie HEY OH

Oh, oh, oh, oh ,oh

oh, oh, oh ....

Est-ce que tu m'entends ? Hey oh !

Est-ce que tu me sens ? Hey oh!

Touche-moi je suis lΰ ! Hey oh, oh, oh !!!!

S'il te plait rιpond-moi ! Hey oh !

Un geste suffira ! Hey oh !

Est-ce que tu m'apperηois ? Hey oh, oh, oh !!!

Ca fait longtemps, qu'au bas de ta fκnetre !

J'appelle vraiment, mais personne ne rιpond !

Fais juste un signe, pour montrer que t'es lΰ ! ah ah

Oh,yeah,oh oh !!!

Est-ce que tu m'entends ? Hey oh !

Est-ce que tu me sens ? Hey oh!

Touche-moi je suis lΰ ! Hey oh, oh, oh !!!!

S'il te plait rιpond-moi ! Hey oh !

Un geste suffira ! Hey oh !

Est-ce que tu m'apperηois ? Hey oh, oh, oh !!!

Dιja deux heures, qu'en bas de chez toi .

Je cris ton nom mais personne m'entends !

Juste un signe suffira !

Lθve la tκte ! oh

Regarde qui est lΰ !

Oh, oh oh oh oh !!!

Est-ce que tu m'entends ? Hey oh !

Est-ce que tu me sens ? Hey oh!

Touche-moi je suis lΰ ! Hey oh, oh, oh !!!!

S'il te plait rιpond-moi ! Hey oh !

Un geste suffira ! Hey oh !

Est-ce que tu m'apperηois ? Hey oh, oh, oh !!!

Je sais que t'es lΰ !

Mais tu n'entends pas !

Qu'en bas de chez toi, je t'apelle mais tu rιpond pas !

Je sais que t'es lΰ !

Mais tu n'entends pas !

Qu'en bas de chez toi, je t'apel !

Hey oh oh oh oh

Yeah, yeah

Est-ce que tu m'entends ?

Est-ce que tu me sens ?

Un geste suffira, s'il te plait rιpond-moi !

Est-ce que tu m'apperηois ?

Car en bas de chez toi, je fais les 100 pas !

Est-ce que tu me vois ?

Dis le moi, ah ah ah !

Ah, ah, ah ah !!!

Est-ce que tu m'entends ? Hey oh !

Est-ce que tu me sens ? Hey oh!

Touche-moi je suis lΰ ! Hey oh, oh, oh !!!!

S'il te plait rιpond-moi ! Hey oh !

Un geste suffira ! Hey oh !

Est-ce que tu m'apperηois ? Hey oh, oh, oh !!!

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, !!!!!

S'il te plait rιpond-moi ! Hey oh !

Un geste suffira ! Hey oh !

Est-ce que tu m'apperηois ? Hey oh, oh, oh !!!

Est-ce que tu m'entends ? Hey oh !

Est-ce que tu me sens ? Hey oh!

Touche-moi je suis lΰ ! Hey oh, oh, oh !!!!

S'il te plait rιpond-moi ! Hey oh !

Un geste suffira ! Hey oh !

Est-ce que tu m'apperηois ? Hey oh, oh, oh !!!

Est-ce que tu m'entends ? Hey oh !

Est-ce que tu me sens ? Hey oh!

Touche-moi je suis lΰ ! Hey oh, oh, oh !!!!

S'il te plait rιpond-moi ! Hey oh !

Un geste suffira ! Hey oh !

Est-ce que tu m'apperηois ? Hey oh, oh, oh !!!

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Οι φίλοι που ‘χω χάσει και δεν κυκλοφορούν

ουρανούς παλιούς θωρούν και στο περιθώριο ζουν

πληρώσαν τα όνειρά τους και πάντα μετρητοίς

τους πληρώσαμε κι εμείς για να μείνουν αφανείς

Οι ελέυθεροι κι ωραίοι ζουν σε κάποιες φυλακές

μες τα τείχη που ‘χει χτίσει ο καθένας για να ζήσει

τις μεγάλες του στιγμές

Εγώ δεν είχα τύχη να ζήσω μαγικά

με δυο ψίχουλα πικρά ζούσα χρόνια στη σκιά

γυρνούσα διψασμένος και βράδιασε νωρίς

και σταγόνες της βροχής είναι αυτά που θα μου πεις

Οι ελέυθεροι κι ωραίοι ζουν σε κάποιες φυλακές

μες τα τείχη που ‘χει χτίσει ο καθένας για να ζήσει

τις μεγάλες του στιγμές

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