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Styx/Boat on the river

Take me back to my boat on the river

I need to go down, I need to come down

Take me back to my boat on the river

And I won't cry out any more

Time stands still as I gaze in her waters

She eases me down, touching me gently

With the waters that flow past my boat on the river

So I don't cry out anymore

Oh the river is deep

The river it touches my life like the waves on the sand

And all roads lead to tranquillity base

Where the frown on my face disappears

Take me down to my boat on the river

I need to go down, with you let me go down

Take me back to my boat on the river

And I won't cry out anymore

And I won't cry out anymore

And I won't cry out anymore

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Hocico - Starving Children


Be carefull walk on the line or it can bite your weak left side

You could think of going out or you could stay to see them dying

Silent bodies lie in the night, notorious the way they were killed

Sings of torture and violence, their fingers were cut from the hands

Starving children eating the air, time will give them some relief

Until hunger gives them an end, playing with happiness, they pretend

Red madness takes place in hell, the snakes will never talk again

They had never something to tell, the red vengeance will bring them pain

Eternal walkers of the land, one by one they pay the price

They have the sign in their hands, but they can't see beyond their heads

False passions shake, dreams dreaming of the past

Empty stomachs ache, sadness will ever last

Bitter colors surround our space, they paint dreams with sadness

Smiling plagues hit the race, apocalypse knights leave their trace

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- Headlock

Distant flickering, greener scenery.

This weather's bringing it all back again.

Great adventures, faces and condensation.

I'm going outside to take it all in.

You say too late to start, got your heart in a headlock,

I don't believe any of it.

You say too late to start, with your heart in a headlock,

You know you're better than this.

We're a different pair, do something out of step.

Throw a stranger an unexpected smile...with big intention.

Still posted at your station.

Always on about the day it should have flied.

You say too late to start, got your heart in a headlock,

I don't believe any of it.

You say too late to start, with your heart in a headlock,

You know you're better than this.

Afraid to start, got your heart in a headlock,

I don't believe any of it.

You say too late to start, with your heart in a headlock,

You know you're better than this.

Been walking, you've been hiding,

And you look half dead half the time.

Monitoring you, like machines do,

You've still got it, I'm just keeping an eye

I've been walking, you've been hiding,

And you look half dead half the time.

Monitoring you, like machines do,

You've still got it, I'm just keeping an eye

So what, don't care, will not, the end

You know you're better than this

I'll make you start, got your heart in a headlock,

I don't believe any of it.

You say too late to start, with your heart in a headlock,

You know you're better than this.

Afraid to start, got your heart in a headlock,

I don't believe any of it.

You say too late to start, with your heart in a headlock,

You know you're better than this.


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Baz Luhrmann - Everybody's Free (To Wear Sunscreen)

Ladies and Gentlemen of the class of '99...

Wear Sunscreen

If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it. The long term benefits of sunscreen have been proved by scientists whereas the rest of my advice has no basis more reliable than my own meandering experience…I will dispense this advice now.

Enjoy the power and beauty of your youth; oh nevermind; you will not understand the power and beauty of your youth until they have faded. But trust me, in 20 years you'll look back at photos of yourself and recall in a way you can't grasp now how much possibility lay before you and how fabulous you really looked….You're not as fat as you imagine.

Don't worry about the future; or worry, but know that worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubblegum. The real troubles in your life are apt to be things that never crossed your worried mind; the kind that blindside you at 4pm on some idle Tuesday.

Do one thing everyday that scares you


Don't be reckless with other people's hearts, don't put up with people who are reckless with yours.


Don't waste your time on jealousy; sometimes you're ahead, sometimes you're behind…the race is long, and in the end, it's only with yourself.

Remember the compliments you receive, forget the insults; if you succeed in doing this, tell me how.

Keep your old love letters, throw away your old bank statements.


Don't feel guilty if you don't know what you want to do with your life…the most interesting people I know didn't know at 22 what they wanted to do with their lives, some of the most interesting 40 year olds know still don't.

Get plenty of calcium.

Be kind to your knees, you'll miss them when they're gone.

Maybe you'll marry, maybe you won't, maybe you'll have children, maybe you won't, maybe you'll divorce at 40, maybe you'll dance the funky chicken on your 75th wedding anniversary…what ever you do, don't congratulate yourself too much or berate yourself either – your choices are half chance, so are everybody else's. Enjoy your body, use it every way you can…don't be afraid of it, or what other people think of it, it's the greatest instrument you'll ever own..

Dance…even if you have nowhere to do it but in your own living room.

Read the directions, even if you don't follow them.

Do NOT read beauty magazines, they will only make you feel ugly.

Get to know your parents, you never know when they'll be gone for good.

Be nice to your siblings; they are the best link to your past and the people most likely to stick with you in the future.

Understand that friends come and go,but for the precious few you should hold on. Work hard to bridge the gaps in geography in lifestyle because the older you get, the more you need the people you knew when you were young.

Live in New York City once, but leave before it makes you hard; live in Northern California once, but leave before it makes you soft.


Accept certain inalienable truths, prices will rise, politicians will philander, you too will get old, and when you do you'll fantasize that when you were young prices were reasonable, politicians were noble and children respected their elders.

Respect your elders.

Don't expect anyone else to support you. Maybe you have a trust fund, maybe you have a wealthy spouse; but you never know when either one might run out.

Don't mess too much with your hair, or by the time it's 40, it will look 85.

Be careful whose advice you buy, but, be patient with those who supply it. Advice is a form of nostalgia, dispensing it is a way of fishing the past from the disposal, wiping it off, painting over the ugly parts and recycling it for more than it's worth.

But trust me on the sunscreen...

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Το νεο τραγουδακι που μου χει κολλησει! (What's new... :D )

Artist: Leona Lewis

Song: Bleeding Love

Closed off from love

I didn`t need the pain

Once or twice was enough

And it was all in vain

Time starts to pass

Before you know it you`re frozen

But something happened

For the very first time with you

My heart melts into the ground

Found something true

And everyone`s looking round

Thinking I`m going crazy

But I don`t care what they say

I`m in love with you

They try to pull me away

But they don`t know the truth

My heart`s crippled by the vein

That I keep on closing

You cut me open and I

Keep bleeding

Keep, keep bleeding love

I keep bleeding

I keep, keep bleeding love

Keep bleeding

Keep, keep bleeding love

You cut me open

Trying hard not to hear

But they talk so loud

Their piercing sounds fill my ears

Try to fill me with doubt

Yet I know that the goal

Is to keep me from falling

But nothing`s greater

Than the rush that comes with your embrace

And in this world of loneliness

I see your face

Yet everyone around me

Thinks that I`m going crazy, maybe, maybe

But I don`t care what they say

I`m in love with you

They try to pull me away

But they don`t know the truth

My heart`s crippled by the vein

That I keep on closing

You cut me open and I

Keep bleeding

Keep, keep bleeding love

I keep bleeding

I keep, keep bleeding love

Keep bleeding

Keep, keep bleeding love

You cut me open

And it`s draining all of me

Oh they find it hard to believe

I`ll be wearing these scars

For everyone to see

I don`t care what they say

I`m in love with you

They try to pull me away

But they don`t know the truth

My heart`s crippled by the vein

That I keep on closing

You cut me open and I

Keep bleeding

Keep, keep bleeding love

I keep bleeding

I keep, keep bleeding love

Keep bleeding

Keep, keep bleeding love

You cut me open and I

Keep bleeding

Keep, keep bleeding love

I keep bleeding

I keep, keep bleeding love

Keep bleeding

Keep, keep bleeding love

You cut me open and I

Keep bleeding

Keep, keep bleeding love

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Στίχοι: Αλκίνοος Ιωαννίδης

Μουσική: Αλκίνοος Ιωαννίδης

Ερμηνευτές: Αλκίνοος Ιωαννίδης, Διονύσης Σαββόπουλος, Ελευθερία Αρβανιτάκη

Δεν έχω τι να τραγουδήσω τι να πω

είναι η φωνή μου ένα σήμα από καπνό

κι έτσι για πάντα λέω το στόμα μου να κλείσω

για τίποτα άλλο πια να μην ξαναμιλήσω

μα πάλι πώς θα ζήσω

Μέσα σε σχολεία μέσα σε πανεπιστήμια

μέσα σε ωδεία σε στρατούς και γυμναστήρια

πέρασα χρόνια άλλος μπήκα κι άλλος βγήκα

κι έχω τη μόρφωση για όπλο και για προίκα

κι ένσημο για το ΙΚΑ

Φεύγει η ζωή τελειώνει σαν σεντόνι φανερώνει

ό,τι αγαπούσα και το άφησα ό,τι μισούσα και το κράτησα

φεύγει η ζωή τελειώνει σαν σεντόνι ξεδιπλώνει

τον εαυτό μου που τον ξέχασα το μέσα κόσμο μου που έχασα

με τέτοια που 'χω ψυχολογία, πώς θα βγω στη συναυλία;

Πάρε τα πάνω σου μικρέ πάρε τα πάνω σου

πάρε μολύβι κι έλα κάθησε στο πιάνο σου

και φτιάξε πάλι την αρχαία συνταγή

μ' ένα τραγούδι να γλυκάνεις την ψυχή

μα άραγε θα μου βγει;

Πρέπει να αδειάσεις το κεφάλι σου απ' τις σκέψεις

μήπως μπορέσεις τελικά να το αντέξεις

αυτά μου είπαν κάποιοι φίλοι χτες το βράδυ

μα εγώ το μόνο που ζητούσα ήταν το χάδι

και μια τους νότα στο σκοτάδι

Φεύγει η ζωή τελειώνει σαν σεντόνι φανερώνει

ό,τι αγαπούσα και το άφησα ό,τι μισούσα και το κράτησα

φεύγει η ζωή τελειώνει σαν σεντόνι ξεδιπλώνει

τον εαυτό μου που τον ξέχασα το μέσα κόσμο μου που έχασα

με τέτοια που 'χω ψυχολογία, πώς θα βγω στη συναυλία;

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Παραπονιέσαι ότι έγινα μπεκρής

κι ας φταίς εσύ που έχω πιάσει το ποτήρι

όμως αν θέλεις θα το κόψω το κρασί

εγώ ποτέ μου δεν σου χάλασα χατήρι

Εγώ θα κόψω το κρασί

για σένα αγάπη μου χρυσή

εγώ θα κόψω το κρασί

για σένα μόνο

αφού στα χείλη σου τα δυό

μπορώ αχόρταγα να πιώ

απ' το κρασί που μόλις πίνω


Εγώ θα κόψω το κρασί

αφού το θέλησες εσύ

λόγω τιμής ποτέ μου πια

δεν ξαναπίνω

εγώ θα κόψω το κρασί

αλλά βοήθα με κι εσύ

στην αγκαλιά σου κάθε πόνο μου

να σβύνω

Κάθε ποτήρι σαν το πίνω μοναχός

χωρίς να βλέπω τα ολόγλυκα σου μάτια

φαρμάκι γίνεται και στάζει συνεχώς

μες στη καρδιά μου που την έκανες κομάτια

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emarup Μαρούδας Τώνης? :lol: :lol: :lol:

κατι τετοια ασματα μου θυμιζου τη γιαγια μου :wub:

παρε ενα κι απο μενα!


Μιχάλης Σουγιούλ

Αλα, άνοιξε κι άλλη μπουκάλα

και την κοινωνία τώρα

τηνε παίζω ένα παρά

βίβα, τα φαρμάκια που ταν στίβα

ποτηράκι ποτηράκι

λες και κάνανε φτερά

βάνε, όσα έρθουν κι όσα πάνε

που θα βρούμε τέτοιο βράδυ

στη ζωή μας τη ρηχή

δώσε, το τραπέζι ξαναστρώσε

φέρε καθαρά ποτήρια

κι άντε φτου κι απ' την αρχή

Ρώτα, το κορίτσι πρώτα πρώτα

τι γουστάρει να του παίξεις

μπουζουξή μου σεβνταλή

βάρα, την κρυφή σου την λαχτάρα

που ίσως να ναι η αγάπη

το πιοτό η το φιλί

ώπα, η καρδιά μου η σορόπα

σάμπως και θα σπάσει απόψε

και στα δέκα θα κοπεί

φτου σου, οι πενιές του μπουζουκιού σου

μου επήρανε τα ρέστα

και μ΄ αφήσανε ταπί

Άλα, έχω στρώσει μια κεφάλα

και τα βλέπω όλα σαν μπέης

και τα νοιώθω σαν πασσάς

άϊντε, στα ποτήρια ξαναβάλτε

κι άϊντε βίβα μου κι εμένα

κι άϊντε βίβα σας κι εσάς

σβήνω, πω πω Θεέ μου τι θα γίνω

αγκαλιά μου το κορίτσι

και τριγύρω τα βιολιά

σπάστα, κι όλα ας γίνουνε ανάστα

και μπαρντόν αν μπουμπουνίσει

και καμία πιστολιά

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emarup lool

μου το λενε καθε φορα που εχω λόξυγγα, και μου εχει κολλησει.....

" εγω θα κοψω το κρασι....για σενα αγαπη μου χρυση..."

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Lobo-i d love you to want me

When I saw you standing there

I bout fell out my chair

And when you moved your mouth to speak

I felt the blood go to my feet.

Now it took time for me to know

what you tried so not to show

Now something in my soul just cries

I see the want in your blue eyes.

Baby, I'd love you to want me

The way that I want you

The way that it should be

Baby, you'd love me to want you

The way that I want to

If you'd only let it be.

You told yourself years ago

You'd never let your feeling show

The obligation that you made

For the title that they gave.

Baby, I'd love you to want me

The way that I want you

The way that it should be

Baby, you'd love me to want you

The way that I want to

If you'd only let it be.

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Mουσική Σωκράτη Mάλαμα,

στίχοι Γιώργου Aθανασόπουλου

Oλα μας τά 'παν οι σοφοί

και με το παραπάνω

κορώνα - γράμματα η ζωή

κι εγώ το κέρμα χάνω

Bλέπω τους φίλους τους παλιούς

να λένε δεν πειράζει

ψυχή που δεν αμάρτησε

ποτέ της δεν αγιάζει

Eίναι σκοτάδι μάτια μου

πάντα σ' αυτήν την πλάση

μια χαραμάδα αφήνουμε

το φώς για να περάσει

να μπούνε χρώματα, φωνές,

όνειρα και ταξίδια

να κλέψουμε απ' τους Θεούς

πανάκριβα στολίδια

Mια ρουφηξιά είν' η ζωή,

της άνοιξης μια μέρα

μια ανάσα, ένας στεναγμός

στον καθαρό αέρα

Kαραβοκύρισα καλή

δώς μου την αγκαλιά σου

κι ας είναι δηλητήριο

στα χείλη τα φιλά σου.

Eίναι σκοτάδι μάτια μου

πάντα σ' αυτήν την πλάση

μια χαραμάδα αφήνουμε

το φώς για να περάσει

να μπούνε χρώματα, φωνές,

όνειρα και ταξίδια

να κλέψουμε απ' τους Θεούς

πανάκριβα στολίδια

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Lyrics: Timbaland Ft. One Republic - Apologize

Lyrics taken from the: Album Version

I'm holding on your rope

Got me ten feet off the ground

And I'm hearing what you say

But I just can't make a sound

You tell me that you need me

Then you go and cut me down

But wait...

You tell me that you're sorry

Didn't think I'd turn around and say..

That it's too late to apologize, it's too late

I said it's too late to apologize, it's too late

I'd take another chance, take a fall, take a shot for you

And I need you like a heart needs a beat

(But that's nothing new)

Yeah yeah

I loved you with a fire red, now it's turning blue

And you say

Sorry like the angel heaven let me think was you

But I'm afraid

It's too late to apologize, it's too late

I said it's too late to apologize, it's too late

Woahooo woah

It's too late to apologize, it's too late

I said it's too late to apologize, it's too late

I said it's too late to apologize, yeah yeah

I said it's too late to apologize, a yeah

I'm holding on your rope

Got me ten feet off the ground

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Σε θυμάμαι

Κάθε ώρα που περνάει

Απ'το χθες στο σήμερα με φέρνει και με πάει

Κι όλα γυρνάνε

Γύρω από 'σένανε ξανά

Όλα είναι εδώ κι εσύ δεν είσαι πουθενά

Δε λυπάμαι

Που είμαι μόνη τώρα πια

Ούτε που με πλήγωσες με λόγια που πονάνε

Μα φοβάμαι

Να μη σε πάνε μακριά

Του καινούριου σου έρωτα τα χάρτινα φτερά

Κάνε λοιπόν τον κύκλο σου Οδυσσέα

Κι όσο λείπεις θα'μαι εδώ

Θα υφαίνω ατέλειωτο πανί

Ώσπου να βρεις το δρόμο σου μοιραία

Στης Ιθάκης το νησί να ξαναβγείς

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Και μετά τι μένει όλα γύρω είναι γκρίζα

και μεσ΄την κορνίζα η φωτογραφία σου

Πρέπει να τη βγάλω πάει τώρα ένας μήνας

και με τυραννάει όλο η απουσία σου

Όσα μου΄χεις τάξει όλα τα΄χω φυλαγμένα

κι ότι μου΄χεις γράψει στη καρδιά μου το΄κρυψα

κι όταν ξεφυλλίζω τα γραμμένα ένα ένα

άλλο δε θυμώνω που πολύ σ΄αγάπησα

Άγγελοι θα έρθουν να σε βρουν

κι ένα τραγουδάκι θα σου πουν

αφιερωμένο από έναν ξένο

σε αυτούς που ξέρουν ν΄αγαπούν

Άραγε ποιός φταίει πια δεν έχει σημασία

είσαι μακριά μου μα σε νιώθω δίπλα μου

Μ΄ενοχλεί που έχει το δωμάτιο ησυχία

θέλω να ακούω τη φωνή σου, μίλα μου

Άγγελοι θα έρθουν να σε βρουν

κι ένα τραγουδάκι θα σου πουν

αφιερωμένο από έναν ξένο

σε αυτούς που ξέρουν ν΄αγαπούν

Έσβησα τα φώτα και στη φαντασία μου μέσα

πήρα το φιλί σου κι αγκαλιά σε κράτησα

Άλλο πια δεν έχω τι να πω τι να δηλώσω

που σε θέλω τόσο που πολύ σ΄αγάπησα...

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Sia- Drink to get drunk

I eat food to satisfy my hunger

I drink water to quench my thirst

I use my mouth and air to blow balloon up

I prick with pin to watch it burst

To make noise I use my breathe

To unlock doors I use a key

When I'm looking for something I use my eyes

I use booze to unlock me

I sweep so I can sleep

I sweep so I can sleep

Sweep Sweep Sweep Sweep Sweep

I wear shoes so I can run

As to avoid the broken glass

I wear the pants because they suit me

And to discourage the pinchin' of ass

I'll tell a joke to make you laugh

I'll close the door to have a cry

They say that change and pain is a positive thing

Have I changed since you died

I Sweep so I can sleep

I Sweep so I can sleep

Sweep Sweep Sweep Sweep Sweep

Don't ask me why I smoke

I don't know

But I drink to get drunk

Don't ask me why I smoke

I don't know

But I drink to get drunk

Don't ask me why I smoke

I don't know

But I drink to get drunk

Don't ask me why I smoke

I don't know

But I drink to get drunk...

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Another turning point;

a fork stuck in the road.

Time grabs you by the wrist;

directs you where to go.

So make the best of this test

and don't ask why.

It's not a question

but a lesson learned in time.

It's something unpredictable

but in the end it's right.

I hope you had the time of your life.

So take the photographs

and still frames in your mind.

Hang it on a shelf

In good health and good time.

Tattoos of memories

and dead skin on trial.

For what it's worth,

it was worth all the while.

It's something unpredictable

but in the end it's right.

I hope you had the time of your life.

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Morrissey- Why don' t you find out for yourself

The sanest days are mad

Why don't you find out for yourself ?

Then you'll see the price

Very closely

Some men here

They have a special interest

In your career

They wanna help you to grow

And then syphon all your dough

Why don't you find out for yourself ?

Then you'll see the glass

Hidden in the grass

You'll never believe me, so

Why don't you find out for yourself ?

Sick down to my heart

That's just the way it goes

Some men here

They know the full extent of

Your distress

They kneel and pray

And they say :

"Long may it last"

Why don't you find out for yourself ?

Then you'll see the glass

Hidden in the grass

Bad scenes come and go

For which you must allow

Sick down to my heart

That's just the way it goes

Don't rake up my mistakes

I know exactly what they are

And ... what do YOU do ?

Well ... you just SIT THERE

I've been stabbed in the back

So many many times

I don't have any skin

But that's just the way it goes

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Μ'αρέσει να μην λέω πολλά,μη λέω πολλά,

μάρέσει να κοιτάω ψηλά ,κοιτάω ψηλά

στ'ατέλειωτα τραγούδια.

Με τη σκιά μου να πετώ,να πετώ

να πιάνω αστέρια στο βυθό,στο βυθό

βυθό της μουσικής σου.

Κι όταν θα πέφτει η παγωνιά ,η πάγωνιά

να κάνω κύκλους σαν ολό-ολόγιομο

φεγγάρι στη σκηνή σου.

Να 'ταν τα φώτα τα θαμπά,τα θαμπά

να'ταν αστέρια φωτεινά,φωτεινά

στα χέρια να στα κλείσω.

Μάτια μου ψάξε να με βρεις,να με βρεις

ψάξε στους δρόμους της σιωπής,μοναχός

θα σβήνω τη μορφή σου....

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Τρέξε- Π.Ζήνα

Θα άλλαζαν όλα αν δεν σ' αγαπούσα

θα'μουν πιο ψύχραιμη δεν θα ξεσπούσα

θα σ' ελευθέρωνα, θα το μπορούσα

όλα τα λάθη σου θα προσπερνούσα

δεν θα'ταν πόλεμος δεν θα νικούσα ,

δεν θα περίμενα, δεν θα αργούσα

μόνο για μένα δεν θα σε κρατούσα

θα άλλαζαν όλα αν δεν σ'αγαπούσα...πια

Τρέξε να γλυτώσεις

τώρα τρέξε

αν σε πιάσω μπορεί να νιώσεις

πως η αγάπη δυναμώνει κ έχει δύναμη που σκοτώνει

τώρα τρέξε αν φοβάσαι

απ'τον έρωτα πιο μακριά...πιο μακριά...

θα άλλαζαν όλα αν δεν σ'αγαπούσα

την ηρεμία σου δεν θα χαλούσα

θα καταλάβαινα, θα συγχωρούσα

δεν θα χρωστούσες και δεν θα χρωστούσα

δεν θα΄ταν πόλεμος, δεν θα νικούσα

δεν θα περίμενα, δεν θα αργούσα

μόνο για μένα δεν θα σε κρατούσα

θα άλλαζαν όλα αν δεν σ'αγαπούσα...πια..πια..

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Finished with my woman cause she couldnt help me with my mind

People think Im insane because I am browning all the time

All day long I think of things but nothing seems to satisfy

Think Ill lose my mind if I dont find something to pacify

Can you help me thought you were my friend

Whoah yeah

I need someone to show me the things in life that I cant find

I cant see the things that make true happiness, I must be blind

Make a joke and I will sigh and you will laugh and I will cry

Happiness I cannot feel and love to me is so unreal

And so as you hear these words telling you now of my state

I tell you to enjoy life I wish I could but its too late

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αν και γενικως δεν ειναι του στυλ μου,

το παραπανω ασμα μου αρεσει σχεδον οσο αρεσει και στον πατερα μου :P

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Dennis Ferrer- Church lady

Show her the way

Show her the way

Church Lady, can you spare her a song,

Cos Glory Halleluiah, ain’t enough for her wrongs ,

Church Lady, can she borrow some time,

Cos she needs to sit down and reflect on her behind.

She can’t see the forest for the trees,

She got a child who’s only three,

And no child is deserving

Of an open door policy

Church Lady, can you talk her some sense,

She may be a friend of mine,

But her values are worth two cents.

I’ve tried my point of view,

All of her friends have tried it too,

So Church Lady, sing her that song, sing her that song.

Glory, (Halleluiah) Halleluiah,

Let them show you the way

(Let ‘em show you the way)

Glory, (Halleluiah) Halleluiah,

Cos That’s already been paved

(Already been paved)

Glory, (Halleluiah) Halleluiah,

(Let them show you)

Let them show you the way


Glory, (Halleluiah) Halleluiah,

Cos That’s already been paved


Church Lady, can you save her a prayer,

She ain’t been home since last night,

And she’s got us runnin scared.

Church Lady, do you have this emergency light

(Yes I do)

She needs to be safe from herself,

She’s got her own way to find.

She can’t see the forest for the trees,

She got a child who’s only three,

She’s got her head in the clouds,

Holding on to some fantasy.

Church Lady, you better find her a hymn,

She’s going down that road,

She’ll be early seeing Him.

I’ve tried my point of view,

All of her friends tried it too,

So Church Lady, sing her that song, sing her that song.

Glory, (Halleluiah) Halleluiah,

Let show them you the way

(Let ‘em show you the way)

Glory, (Glory) Halleluiah,

Cos That’s already been paved

(Already been paved)

Glory, (Halleluiah) Halleluiah,

(Let them show you)

Let them show you the way


Glory, (Halleluiah) Halleluiah,

Cos That’s already been paved


Halleluiah, it’s paved.

I tried my point of view,

All of her friends tried it too

So Church Lady, sing her that song, sing her that song.

Sing her that song, sing her that song...

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