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How to save a life

Step one you say we need to talk

He walks you say sit down it's just a talk

He smiles politely back at you

You stare politely right on through

Some sort of window to your right

As he goes left and you stay right

Between the lines of fear and blame

You begin to wonder why you came

Where did I go wrong, I lost a friend

Somewhere along in the bitterness

And I would have stayed up with you all night

Had I known how to save a life

Let him know that you know best

Cause after all you do know best

Try to slip past his defense

Without granting innocence

Lay down a list of what is wrong

The things you've told him all along

And pray to God he hears you

And pray to God he hears you

Where did I go wrong, I lost a friend

Somewhere along in the bitterness

And I would have stayed up with you all night

Had I known how to save a life

As he begins to raise his voice

You lower yours and grant him one last choice

Drive until you lose the road

Or break with the ones you've followed

He will do one of two things

He will admit to everything

Or he'll say he's just not the same

And you'll begin to wonder why you came

Where did I go wrong, I lost a friend

Somewhere along in the bitterness

And I would have stayed up with you all night

Had I known how to save a life

Where did I go wrong, I lost a friend

Somewhere along in the bitterness

And I would have stayed up with you all night

Had I known how to save a life

How to save a life

How to save a life

Where did I go wrong, I lost a friend

Somewhere along in the bitterness

And I would have stayed up with you all night

Had I known how to save a life

Where did I go wrong, I lost a friend

Somewhere along in the bitterness

And I would have stayed up with you all night

Had I known how to save a life

How to save a life

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στίχοι: Θανάση Παπακωνσταντίνου

μουσική: Σωκράτη Μάλαμα

Τον πρώτο χρόνο ήμουνα

άγιο παιδί στρωμένο

το δεύτερο με γέλασε

μια πλάνα αγκαλιά.

Τον τρίτο ξημερώθηκα

σε άγνωστα κρεβάτια

τον τέταρτο τους φίλους μου


Στην κολυμπήθρα ρίξανε

νερό αλκοολούχο

και τ' όνομα που μου 'δωσαν

ήταν χαμένο ρούχο.

Το πρώτο ψέμα το 'βγαλα

σαν πέτρα απ' τα νεφρά μου

το δεύτερο σαν κέρασμα

ποτήρι δροσερό.

Το τρίτο σαν της άνοιξης

το πρώτο αεράκι

στο τέταρτο κοιτάχτηκα

δεν ήμουν πια εγώ.

Την πρώτη αγάπη που 'ζησα

παντοτινή την είπα

η δεύτερη μου κόστισε

λιγότερα φιλιά.

Η τρίτη ήρθε με χαρά

διπλή χαρά που φεύγει

στην τέταρτη να θυμηθώ

να σβήσω τη φωτιά.

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Στα είπα όλα- Μάλαμας Σωκράτης

Μουσική/Στίχοι: Πασχαλίδης Μιλτιάδης/Ιωάννου Οδυσσέας

Πολλές φορές σου μίλησα με χρώματα στο στόμα

στο είπα όσα έμαθα τα έμαθα με το σώμα

μισός ψυχή μισός κορμί και η πείνα μου θηρίο

μισή ζωή σπατάλησα να ζήσουν και τα δύο...

να ζήσουν και τα δύο

Όσα κομμάτια και αν μπορέσεις να ενώσεις

δεν θα σου φτάσουν μια στιγμή για να με νιώσεις

Στα είπα όλα φίλα με τώρα

Με αγαπούσε το νερό μα ο ουρανός με ζούσε

κι όταν μετρούσα τι μπορώ η γη δε με χωρούσε

Κυνήγησα τις ομορφιές μα με έκλεψε η λύπη

οι αλήθειες μου εσύ όταν κλαις και της καρδιάς μου οι χτύποι

και της καρδιάς μου οι χτύποι

Όσα κομμάτια και αν μπορέσεις να ενώσεις...

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Barry White - My first, my last

The first, the last, my everything

And the answer to all my dreams

You're my sun, my moon, my guiding star

My kind of wonderful, that's what you are

I know there's only, only one like you

There's no way they could have made two

You're all I'm living for

Your love I'll keep for evermore

You're the first, your the last, my everything

And with you I've found so many things

A love so new only you could bring

Can't you see it's you

You make me feel this way

You're like a fresh morning dew on a brand new day

I see so many ways that I

Can love you till the day I die

You're my reality, yet I'm lost in a-a-a a dream

You're the first, the last, my everything

I know there's only, only one like you

There's no way they could have made two

Girl you're my reality

But I'm lost in a-a-a a dream

You're the first, you're the last, my everything


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  • 2 weeks later...

Nα ζήσω ή να πεθάνω

Δεν έχει απόψε η γη φεγγάρι

να βγούνε οι μοναξιές ζευγάρι

να πιάσουν της καρδιάς τ' αγρίμι

κάτω απ' της ξαστεριάς τ' ασήμι

Φλέβα η ζωή που γρήγορα χτυπά

Να ζήσω ή να πεθάνω

Σ' ένα flamenco απάνω

μάτια μου

σαν τρελή φωτιά

που διψάει για μια μαύρη ματιά

Να ζήσω ή να πεθάνω

μ' ένα κορμί ότι κάνω

μάτια μου

ν' απογειωθώ

κι απ' τη γη

με το φως να ενωθώ

Δεν έχει απόψε η γη κρεβάτια

για κείνους που κοιτούν στα μάτια

κι αν τους ρωτήσεις λένε, ίσως

κάποια μου αγάπη να' ταν μίσος

Φλέβα η ζωή που γρήγορα χτυπά

θέλει ο έρωτας και ο θάνατος ψυχή

πες το κι άρχισε ουρανέ μου μια βροχή.

Φλέβα η ζωή που γρήγορα χτυπά

Να ζήσω ή να πεθάνω

μ' ένα κορμί ότι κάνω

μάτια μου

ν' απογειωθώ

κι απ' τη γη

με το φως να ενωθώ

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Edith Piaf

- Un Refrain Courait Dans La Rue

Στα Γαλλικά..

Dans un amour, faut d'la fierté,

Pouvoir se taire, de la dignité,

Savoir partir au bon moment,

Cacher son mal en souriant,

Et je me disais en marchant

Que j'avais su partir à temps.

Si mon cœur est désespéré,

Il ne m'aura pas vu pleurer.

Un refrain courait dans la rue,

Bousculant les passants,

Qui s'faufilait dans la cohue

D'un p'tit air engageant.

J'étais sur son passage.

Il s'arrêta devant moi

Et me dit d'être sage.

"Tu es triste, mon Dieu, pourquoi ?

Viens, et rentre dans ma chanson.

Il y a de beaux garçons...

Jette ton chagrin dans le ruisseau

Et tourne-lui le dos..."

Il faut que ton couplet soit gai,

Alors parlons du mois de mai,

Des arbres en robe, de lilas

Et de l'été qui pousse en tas.

'y a des violettes, un balcon.

Un vieux poète chante une chanson.

Ma robe est tachée de soleil.

Je le garde pour mes réveils.

Un refrain courait dans la rue,

Bousculant les passants,

Qui s'faufilait dans la cohue

D'un p'tit air engageant.

Les gens sur son passage,

Se regardaient l'air surpris,

Cessaient leurs bavardages :

"Quel est donc ce malappris ?"

Oui, mais l'air était entraînant

Et les mots engageants

Et surtout, il y avait dedans

Du rire à bout portant...

Si cet air qui court dans la rue

Peut chasser vos tourments,

Alors entrez dans la cohue.

'y a d'la place en poussant...

Μετάφραση στα Αγγλικά...

In a love, is necessary of the pride,

To be able to keep silent itself, of dignity,

To know to leave at the good time,

Kasher sound badly while smiling,

And I said myself while walking

That I had known to leave in time.

If my heart is desperate,

It will not have seen me crying.

A refrain ran in the street,

Hustling the passers by,

Who threaded in the mob

Of a p' tit engaging air.

I was on his passage.

It stopped in front of me

And says to me to be wise.

“You are sad, my God, why?

Come, and returns in my song.

There are fine young men…

Throw your sorrow in the brook

And to him the back turns… “

It is necessary that your verse is merry,

Then let us speak about May,

Trees out of dress, lilac

And of the summer which pushes in heap.

'there has violets, a balcony.

An old poet sings a song.

My dress is stained of sun.

I keep it for my alarm clocks.

A refrain ran in the street,

Hustling the passers by,

Who threaded in the mob

Of a p' tit engaging air.

People on his passage,

Looked at the surprised air,

Their chatterings ceased:

“Which is thus this ill-mannered lout?”

Yes, but the air was involving

And engaging words

And especially, there was inside

Laughter with bearing end…

If this air which runs in the street

Can drive out your torments,

Then enter the mob.

'there has of the place while pushing…

Κ το βίντεο:



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Song: All You Zombies

Artist: The Hooters

Holy Moses met the Pharaoh

Yeah, he tried to set him straight

Looked him in the eye, "let my people go"

Holy Moses on the mountain

High above the golden calf

Went to get the Ten Commandments

He's just gonna break them in half

All you zombies hide your faces

All you people in the street

All you sittin' in high places

The pieces gonna fall on you

No one ever spoke to Noah

They all laughed at him instead

Working on his ark, working all by himself

Only Noah saw it coming

Forty days and forty nights

Took his sons and daughters with him

Yeah, they were the Israelites

All you zombies hide your faces

All you people in the street

All you sittin' in high places

The rain's gonna fall on you

Holy Father, what's the matter

Where have all your children gone

Sitting in the dark, living all by themselves

You don't have to hide anymore

All you zombies show your faces...

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Ήρθε χαρά στον ύπνο μου

Πως έκλεισα έναν κύκλο

Αυτόν που με βασάνιζε

Σαν φυλακή στον ξύπνιο

Βρήκα αετό στο δρόμο μου

Και φίδι βιαστικό

Ξέχασα την καρδιά μου

Κι έχασα την κυρά μου

Αγάπη που με μπέρδεψες

Σε μια συνήθεια δίχτυ

Κρατάω την κλωστή

Κι αρχίζω απ' την αρχή

Κι αν έχασα τον δρόμο μου

Σαν ξέμπαρκο καράβι

Φυσάει αέρας στα πανιά

Φεύγει κι αυτό το βράδυ

Όνειρο ήταν μάτια μου

Και μού 'μεινε ο καημός

Ταξίδι μου στον ίσκιο

Δρόμο να κάνεις ίσιο

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This is the end you know

Lady, the plans we had went all wrong

We ain't nothing but fight and shout and tears

We got to a point I can't stand

I've had it to the limit; I can't be your man

I ain't more than a minute away from walking

We can't cry the pain away

We can't find a need to stay

I slowly realized there's nothing on our side

Out of my life, Out of my mind

Out of the tears we can't deny

We need to swallow all our pride

And leave this mess behind

Out of my head, Out of my bed

Out of the dreams we had, they're bad

Tell them it's me who made you sad

Tell them the fairytale gone bad

Another night and I bleed

They all make mistakes and so did we

But we did something we can never turn back right

Find a new one to fool

Leave and don't look back.I won't follow

We have nothing left. It's the end of our time

We can't cry the pain away

We can't find a need to stay

There's no more rabbits in my hat to make things right

Out of my life, Out of my mind

Out of the tears we can't deny

We need to swallow all our pride

And leave this mess behind

Out of my head, Out of my bed

Out of the dreams we had, they're bad

Tell them it's me who made you sad

Tell them the fairytale gone bad

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I spend the night

Yeah looking for my insides in a hotel room

Waiting for you

Were gonna make it tonight

Yeah something in the air tells me the time is right so we better get on

Dj,play a song for the lovers tonight

Please, play a song for the lovers tonight

Dont wanna wait

Lord Ive been waiting all my life but Im too late again

I know but I was scared

Cant you see

Im moving like a train into some foreign land I aint

Got a ticket for this ride but I will

Oh, play a song for the lover tonight

Dj, play a song for the lover tonight

Dj, play a song for the lovers tonight

Please play a song for the lovers tonight

Cant stop looking back no no

One more for the lovers

O brother wont you lend a hand Im alone in a room

And Im waiting for love

I dont know when this dreams gonna stop

But Im telling you friend I dont want to get up

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They rise above this

They cry about this

As we live and learn

A broken promise

I was not honest

Now I watch as tables turn

And you’re singing

I’ll wait my turn

To tear inside you

Watch you burn

I’ll wait my turn

I’ll wait my turn

I’ll cry about this

And hide my cuckold eyes

As you come off all concerned

And I’ll find no solace

In your poor apology

In your regret that sounds absurd

And keep singing

I’ll wait my turn

To tear inside you

Watch you burn

And I’ll wait my turn

To terrorize you

Watch you burn

And I’ll wait my turn

I’ll wait my turn

And this is a promise

Promise is a promise

Promise is a promise

Promise is a promise

And I’ll wait my turn

To tear inside you

Watch you burn

I’ll wait my turn

I’ll wait my turn

A broken promise

You were not honest

I’ll bide my time

I’ll wait my turn

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Who Knew lyrics

You took my hand

You showed me how

You promised me you'd be around

Uh huh

That's right

I took your words

And I believed

In everything

You said to me

Yeah huh

That's right

If someone said three years from now

You'd be long gone

I'd stand up and punch them out

Cause they're all wrong

I know better

Cause you said forever

And ever

Who knew

Remember when we were such fools

And so convinced and just too cool

Oh no

No no

I wish I could touch you again

I wish I could still call you friend

I'd give anything

When someone said count your blessings now

'fore they're long gone

I guess I just didn't know how

I was all wrong

They knew better

Still you said forever

And ever

Who knew

Yeah yeah

I'll keep you locked in my head

Until we meet again

Until we

Until we meet again

And I won't forget you my friend

What happened

If someone said three years from now

You'd be long gone

I'd stand up and punch them out

Cause they're all wrong and

That last kiss

I'll cherish

Until we meet again

And time makes

It harder

I wish I could remember

But I keep

Your memory

You visit me in my sleep

My darling

(δεν είναι το official video)
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Non, Rien De Rien, Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien

Ni Le Bien Qu`on M`a Fait, Ni Le Mal

Tout Ca M`est Bien Egal

Non, Rien De Rien, Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien

C`est Paye, Balaye, Oublie, Je Me Fous Du Passe

Avec Mes Souvenirs J`ai Allume Le Feu

Mes Shagrins, Mes Plaisirs,

Je N`ai Plus Besoin D`eux

Balaye Les Amours Avec Leurs Tremolos

Balaye Pour Toujours

Je Reparas A Zero

Non, Rien De Rien, Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien

Ni Le Bien Qu`on M`a Fait, Ni Le Mal

Tout Ca M`est Bien Egal

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The Roof is on Fire Lyrics

Artist(Band):Bloodhound Gang

The roof the roof the roof is on fire

The roof the roof the roof is on fire

The roof the roof the roof is on fire

We don't need no water let the motherfucker burn

Burn motherfucker burn

Hello my name is Jimmy Pop and I'm a dumb white guy

I'm not old or new but middle school, fifth grade like junior high

I don't know mofo' if y'all peeps be buggin' give props to my ho 'cause she fly

But I can take the heat 'cause I'm the other white meat known as Kid Funky Fry

Yeah I'm hung like planet Pluto hard to see with the naked eye

But if I crashed into Uranus I would stick it where the sun don't shine

'Cause I'm kind of like Han Solo always strokin' my own Whookie

I'm the root of all that's evil yeah but you can call me Cookie

The roof the roof the roof is on fire

The roof the roof the roof is on fire

The roof the roof the roof is on fire

We don't need no water let the motherfucker burn

Burn motherfucker burn

Yo yo this hardcore ghetto gangster image takes a lot of practice

I'm not black like Barry White no I am white like Frank Black is,

So if man is five and the Devil is six than that must make me seven

This honkey's gone to heaven

But if I go to hell well then I hope I burn well

I'll spend my dayys with J.F.K., Marvin Gaye, Martha Raye, and Lawrence Welk

And Kurt Cobain, Kojak, Mark Twain and Jimmy Hendrix' poltergeist

And Webster yeah Emmanuel Lewis cuz he's the anti-christ

The roof the roof the roof is on fire

The roof the roof the roof is on fire

The roof the roof the roof is on fire

We don't need no water let the motherfucker burn

Burn motherfucker burn

Everybody here we go

Ohh Ohh

C'mon party people

Ohh Ohh

Throw your hands in the air

Ohh Ohh

C'mon party people

Ohh Ohh

Wave 'em like you don't care

Ohh Ohh

C'mon party people

Ooo Ooo

Everbody say ho

Ohh Ohh

C'mon party people

Ohh Ohh

Everybody here we go

:anavwfwties: :anavwfwties: :anavwfwties:

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STONE SOUR-"Through Glass"

I'm looking at you through the glass...

Don't know how much time has passed

Oh, god it feels like forever

But no one ever tells you that forever

Feels like home sitting all alone inside your head

How do you feel? That is the question

But I forget.. you don't expect an easy answer

When something like a soul becomes

Initialized and folded up like paper dolls and little notes

You can't expect a bit of hope

So while you're outside looking in

Describing what you see

Remember what you're staring at is me

Cause I'm looking at you through the glass...

Don't know how much time has passed

All I know is that it feels like forever

When no one ever tells you that forever

Feels like home, sitting all alone inside your head

How much is real? So much to question

An epidemic of the mannequins

Contaminating everything

When thought came from the heart

It never did right from the start

Just listen to the noises

Null and void instead of voices

Before you tell yourself

It's just a different scene

Remember it's just different from what you've seen

I'm looking at you through the glass...

Don't know how much time has passed

And all I know is that it feels like forever

When no one ever tells you that forever

Feels like home, sitting all alone inside your head

And it's the stars

That shine for you

And it's the stars

That lie to you..

I'm looking at you through the glass...

Don't know how much time has passed

Oh, god it feels like forever

But no one ever tells you that forever

Feels like home, sitting all alone inside your head

'Cause I'm looking at you through the glass...

Don't know how much time has passed

All I know is that it feels like forever

But no one ever tells you that forever

Feels like home, sitting all alone inside your head

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The Mercy Seat

It began when they come took me from my home

And put me in Dead Row,

Of which I am nearly wholly innocent, you know.

And I'll say it again


I began to warm and chill

To objects and their fields,

A ragged cup, a twisted mop

The face of Jesus in my soup

Those sinister dinner meals

The meal trolley's wicked wheels

A hooked bone rising from my food

All things either good or ungood.

And the mercy seat is waiting

And I think my head is burning

And in a way I'm yearning

To be done with all this measuring of truth.

An eye for an eye

A tooth for a tooth

And anyway I told the truth

And I'm not afraid to die.

Interpret signs and catalogue

A blackened tooth, a scarlet fog.

The walls are bad. Black. Bottom kind.

They are sick breath at my hind

They are sick breath at my hind

They are sick breath at my hind

They are sick breath gathering at my hind

I hear stories from the chamber

How Christ was born into a manger

And like some ragged stranger

Died upon the cross

And might I say it seems so fitting in its way

He was a carpenter by trade

Or at least that's what I'm told

Like my good hand I

tatooed E.V.I.L. across it's brother's fist

That filthy five! They did nothing to challenge or resist.

In Heaven His throne is made of gold

The ark of his Testament is stowed

A throne from which I'm told

All history does unfold.

Down here it's made of wood and wire

And my body is on fire

And God is never far away.

Into the mercy seat I climb

My head is shaved, my head is wired

And like a moth that tries

To enter the bright eye

I go shuffling out of life

Just to hide in death awhile

And anyway I never lied.

My kill-hand is called E.V.I.L.

Wears a wedding band that's G.O.O.D.

`Tis a long-suffering shackle

Collaring all that rebel blood.

And the mercy seat is waiting

And I think my head is burning

And in a way I'm yearning

To be done with all this measuring of truth.

An eye for an eye

And a tooth for a tooth

And anyway I told the truth

And I'm not afraid to die.

And the mercy seat is burning

And I think my head is glowing

And in a way I'm hoping

To be done with all this weighing up of truth.

An eye for an eye

And a tooth for a tooth

And I've got nothing left to lose

And I'm not afraid to die.

And the mercy seat is glowing

And I think my head is smoking

And in a way I'm hoping

To be done with all this looks of disbelief.

An eye for an eye

And a tooth for a tooth

And anyway there was no proof

Nor a motive why.

And the mercy seat is smoking

And I think my head is melting

And in a way I'm helping

To be done with all this twisted of the truth.

A lie for a lie

And a truth for a truth

And I've got nothing left to lose

And I'm not afraid to die.

And the mercy seat is melting

And I think my blood is boiling

And in a way I'm spoiling

All the fun with all this truth and consequence.

An eye for an eye

And a truth for a truth

And anyway I told the truth

And I'm not afraid to die.

And the mercy seat is waiting

And I think my head is burning

And in a way I'm yearning

To be done with all this measuring of proof.

A life for a life

And a truth for a truth

And anyway there was no proof

But I'm not afraid to tell a lie.

And the mercy seat is waiting

And I think my head is burning

And in a way I'm yearning

To be done with all this measuring of truth.

An eye for an eye

And a truth for a truth

And anyway I told the truth

But I'm afraid I told a lie.

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Πιο πολύ

Στίχοι: Νίκος Μωραΐτης

Μουσική: Μιχάλης Χατζηγιάννης

Πρώτη εκτέλεση: Μιχάλης Χατζηγιάννης

Ρώτησε με ό,τι θες για την αγάπη

Αν μετά από μας εκείνη θα υπάρχει

Ρώτησε με για τα σύνορα του κόσμου

Για τα δύσκολα που θες να μάθεις φως μου

Μοναχά μη με ρωτήσεις

Αν θα πέθαινα για σένα

Η απάντηση μωρό μου

Είναι εύκολη για μένα

Πιο πολύ απ’ όσο φαντάζεσαι

Πιο πολύ απ’ όσο φοβάσαι

Πιο πολύ απ’ ότι ονειρεύεσαι

Μεσ’ στα χέρια μου όταν κοιμάσαι

Πιο πολύ από μένα σ’ αγαπώ

Ρώτησε με ό,τι θες για το φεγγάρι

Κι άμα θα ‘ρθει κάποια μέρα να μας πάρει

Ρώτησε με αν ο έρωτας αντέχει

Σε τροχιά γύρω απ’ τα σύννεφα να τρέχει

Μοναχά μη με ρωτήσεις

Αν θα πέθαινα για σένα

Η απάντηση μωρό μου

Ειναι εύκολη για μένα

Πιο πολύ απ’ όσο φαντάζεσαι

Πιο πολύ απ’ όσο φοβάσαι

Πιο πολύ απ’ ό,τι ονειρεύεσαι

Μεσ’ στα χέρια μου όταν κοιμάσαι

Πιο πολύ από μένα σ’ αγαπώ


Πολύ γλυκό τραγουδάκι για ερωτευμένους emsexwarsembeer:wub:

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"Everybody Hurts"

When the day is long and the night, the night is yours alone,

When you're sure you've had enough of this life, well hang on.

Don't let yourself go, everybody cries and everybody hurts sometimes.

Sometimes everything is wrong. Now it's time to sing along.

When your day is night alone, (hold on, hold on)

If you feel like letting go, (hold on)

When you think you've had too much of this life, well hang on.

Everybody hurts. Take comfort in your friends.

Everybody hurts. Don't throw your hand. Oh, no. Don't throw your hand.

If you feel like you're alone, no, no, no, you are not alone

If you're on your own in this life, the days and nights are long,

When you think you've had too much of this life to hang on.

Well, everybody hurts sometimes,

Everybody cries. And everybody hurts sometimes.

And everybody hurts sometimes. So, hold on, hold on.

Hold on, hold on. Hold on, hold on. Hold on, hold on. (repeat & fade)

(Everybody hurts. You are not alone.)

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Oτι θα συμφωνουσα και με την Δωρουλα,ε αυτο πια... emiloveyouemiloveyouemiloveyou

Και για να μην βγουμε offtopic:

There's a storm outside, and the gap between crack and thunder

Crack and thunder, is closing in, is closing in

The rain floods gutters, and makes a great sound on the concrete

On a flat roof, there's a boy leaning against the wall of rain

Aerial held high, calling "come on thunder, come on thunder"

Sometimes, when I look deep in your eyes, I swear I can see your soul

Sometimes, when I look deep in your eyes, I swear I can see your sou

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I feel you

Your sun it shines

I feel you

Within my mind

You take me there

You take me where

The kingdom comes

You take me to

And lead me through


This is the morning of our love

Its just the dawning of our love

I feel you

Your heart it sings

I feel you

The joy it brings

Where heaven waits

Those golden gates

And back again

You take me to

And lead me through


This is the morning of our love

Its just the dawning of our love

I feel you

Your precious soul

And I am whole

I feel you

Your rising sun

My kingdom comes

I feel you

Each move you make

I feel you

Each breath you take

Where angels sing

And spread their wings

My loves on high

You take me home

To glorys throne

By and by

This is the morning of our love

Its just the dawning of our love

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