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The Bangles - Eternal Flame

Close your eyes, give me your hand, darling

Do you feel my heart beating, do you understand?

Do you feel the same, am I only dreaming?

Is this burning an eternal flame?

I believe it's meant to be, darling

I watch when you are sleeping, you belong to me

Do you feel the same, am I only dreaming

Or is this burning an eternal flame?

Say my name, sun shines through the rain

A whole life so lonely, and then you come and ease the pain

I don't want to lose this feeling


Say my name, sun shines through the rain

A whole life so lonely, and then you come and ease the pain

I don't want to lose this feeling

Close your eyes and give me your hand

Do you feel my heart beating, do you understand?

Do you feel the same, am I only dreaming

Or is this burning an eternal flame?


Is this burning an eternal flame?

An eternal flame?

(Close your eyes and give me your hand

Do you feel my heart beating, do you understand?

Do you feel the same, am I only dreaming

Or is this burning an eternal flame?)

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Μοιράσου σε άλλους δικτυακούς τόπους

  • Απαντήσεις 3,2k
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We would like to play a song for you we never played live before..


you might not be cheering after the song

but... this song from our new album is called

Try Try Try

Pop Tart, what's our mission?

Do we know but never listen?

For too long they held me under

But I hear it's almost over

In Detroit on a Memphis train

Like you said, it's down in the heat and the summer rain

The automatic gauze of your memories

Down in the sleep at the airplane races

Try to hold on to this heart a little bit longer

Try to hold on to this love aloud

Try to hold on, for this heart's a little bit colder

Try to hold on to this love

Paperback scrawl your hidden poems

Written around the dried out flowers

Here we are, still trading places

Try to hold on

Pop Tart, can you envision

A free world of clear division?

For too long they held us under

But I know we're getting over

In Detroit with the Nashville tears

Like you said, it's down in the heat with the broken numbers

Down in the gaze of solemnity

Down in the way you've held together

Try to hold on to this heart a little bit closer

Try to hold on to this love aloud

Try to hold on, for this heart's a little bit older

Try to hold on to this love aloud

And we are still alive

Try to hold on

And we have survived

Try to hold on

And no one should deny

We tried to hold onto the pulse of the feedback current

Into the flow of encrypted movement

Slapback kills the ancient remnants

That try to hold on

Try to hold on to this heart alive

Try to hold on to this heart aloud

Try to hold on

And we are still alive

Try to hold on

And we have survived

Try to hold on

Pop Tart, you never listen

Skinned knees

Try to hold on

Stop start, what's our mission?

Skinned knees

Try to hold on

τον καιρό εκείνο....πάαααααααααααμε!!!!



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Μοιράσου σε άλλους δικτυακούς τόπους

Του κάτω κόσμου τα πουλιά

Στίχοι: Μάνος Ελευθερίου

Μουσική: Σταύρος Κουγιουμτζής

Ερμηνευτές: Γιώργος Νταλάρας

Φαρμακωμένος ο καιρός παραμονεύει

μες τα στενά του κάτω κόσμου να σε βρει

και δεκατρείς αιώνες άνεργος γυρεύει

την κιβωτό σου και το αίμα να σου πιει

Σε καρτερούν μαστιγωτές και συμπληγάδες

μες τα μαλάματα μια νύφη ξαγρυπνά

κι έχει στ' αυτιά της κρεμασμένες τις Κυκλάδες

κι ειν' το κρεβάτι της λημέρι του φονιά

Κρυφά τα λόγια τα πικρά μες το κοχύλι

κρυφά της θάλασσας τα μάγια στο βοριά

θα σβήσει κάποτε στο σπίτι το καντήλι

και μήτε πόρτα θα 'βρεις μήτε κλειδαριά

Του κάτω κόσμου τα πουλιά και τα παγώνια

με φως και νύχτα σου κεντούν μια φορεσιά

άνθρωποι τρίζουν κι ακονίζουν τα σαγόνια

πηδούν και τρέχουν και σε φτάνουν στα μισά

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Μοιράσου σε άλλους δικτυακούς τόπους

Μη χτυπάς

Στίχοι: Μάνος Ελευθερίου

Μουσική: Λουκιανός Κηλαηδόνης

Ερμηνευτές: Μανώλης Μητσιάς

Μη χτυπάς

να σ' ανοίξουνε μη χτυπάς

σ' ένα σπίτι κλειστό

που κανείς δεν σ' ακούει

τώρα μιαν αγάπη ζητάς

και γι' αυτή ξενυχτάς

κι επιμένεις ακόμη

δρόμοι δεν υπάρχουν φορές

που γυρίζουν ξανά

για τις ίδιες χαρές

Ποτέ μη χτυπάς μια πόρτα κλειστή

μια πόρτα για σένα χαμένη

ο δρόμος αυτός κι άν είναι στενός

δεν είναι για σένα στερνός


Μη χτυπάς

να σ' ανοίξουνε μη χτυπάς

σ' ένα σπίτι κλειστό

που κανείς δεν σ' ακούει

δρόμοι δεν υπάρχουν φορές

που γυρίζουν ξανά

για τις ίδιες χαρές

- Ρεφραίν -

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Μοιράσου σε άλλους δικτυακούς τόπους

Έστω κι από λύπη μίλησέ μου

Στίχοι: Μάνος Ελευθερίου

Μουσική: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης

Ερμηνευτές: Μανώλης Μητσιάς

Έστω κι από λύπη μίλησέ μου

έχω ξεπεράσει τις ντροπές

σαν ελεημοσύνη μίλησέ μου

τέλος πάντων πες μου ό,τι θες.

Έστω κι από λύπη μίλησέ μου

δεν υπάρχει κίνδυνος κανείς

έχεις κάνει τόσες πρόβες, Θέ μου

που έπρεπε το έργο να το ζεις.

Έστω κι από λύπη κοίταξέ με

σα να βλέπεις κάτι τραγικό

μ' έχεις φτάσει πια σ' ένα σημείο

που με τίποτα δε θα ντραπώ.

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Μοιράσου σε άλλους δικτυακούς τόπους

Κάτω απ’ τη μαρκίζα

Στίχοι: Μάνος Ελευθερίου

Μουσική: Γιάννης Σπανός

Ερμηνευτές: Βίκυ Μοσχολιού, Χαρούλα Αλεξίου

Ό,τι από σένα τώρα έχει μείνει

σε μια φωτογραφία της στιγμής

είναι αυτό που δεν τολμούν τα χείλη

σ’ εκείνο το τοπίο της βροχής.

Όλα μου λεν πως έχεις κιόλας φύγει

κι ας λάμπει η ξενοιασιά της εκδρομής.

Εσύ όπου να πας, σ’ όποιο ταξίδι,

σε λάθος στάση θα κατεβείς.

Χρόνια μετά και κάτω απ’ τη μαρκίζα

σε βρήκα που ’ρθες για να μη βραχείς,

ίδια η βροχή τα μάτια σου τα γκρίζα

μα τίποτα, όπως πάντα, δε θα πεις.

Μονάχα εγώ ρωτώ χωρίς ελπίδα

πού μένεις, πού κοιμάσαι και πώς ζεις,

κι εσύ που ξέρεις όσα η καταιγίδα

δεν έχεις κάτι για να μου πεις.


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Μοιράσου σε άλλους δικτυακούς τόπους

The beatles - I will

Who knows how long I've loved you,

You know I love you still,

Will I wait a lonely lifetime,

If you want me to I will.

For if I ever saw you,

I didn't catch your name,

But it never really mattered,

I will always feel the same.

Love you forever and forever,

Love you with all my heart;

Love you whenever we're together,

Love you when we're apart.

And when at last I find you,

Your song will fill the air,

Sing it loud so I can hear you,

Make it easy to be near you,

For the things you do endear you to me,

oh, you know I will.

I will.

emlove1 emlove1 emlove1

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Μοιράσου σε άλλους δικτυακούς τόπους

Και θα χαθώ - Μιχάλης Χατζηγιάννης

Και θα χαθώ από κοντά σου θα χαθώ

καπνός θα γίνω χώμα, χώμα και νερό

και θα χυθώ μες στα ποτάμια θα χυθώ

κοντά σου ούτε ένα, ούτ' ένα λεπτό

Τις Κυριακές θα με ζητάς στις εκκλησιές

τα Σαββατόβραδα θα ψάχνεις στο λιμάνι

στου σκοτωμένου έρωτά μας τις γωνιές

θα κλαις μα τίποτα δε θα σου κάνει

Και θα ριχτώ μέσα στο κύμα θα ριχτώ

αφρός θα γίνω βότσαλο, βότσαλο αλμυρό

και θ' αρνηθώ, όλο τον κόσμο θ' αρνηθώ

κοντά σου ούτε, ούτ' ένα λεπτό

Και θα χαθώ από κοντά σου θα χαθώ

καπνός θα γίνω χώμα, χώμα και νερό

και θα χυθώ μες στα ποτάμια θα χυθώ

κοντά σου ούτε ένα, ούτ' ένα λεπτό

Τις Κυριακές θα με ζητάς στις εκκλησιές

τα Σαββατόβραδα θα ψάχνεις στο λιμάνι

στου σκοτωμένου έρωτά μας τις γωνιές

θα κλαις μα τίποτα δε θα σου κάνει

οπως ειπε κ καποιος αλλος....ωραια τα καψουροτραγουδα emblush

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Μοιράσου σε άλλους δικτυακούς τόπους

Bryan Adams - Have you ever really loved a woman

To really love a woman

To understand her - you gotta know her deep inside

Hear every thought - see every dream

N’ give her wings - when she wants to fly

Then when you find yourself lyin’ helpless in her arms

Ya know ya really love a woman

When you love a woman you tell her

That she’s really wanted

When you love a woman you tell her that she’s the one

Cuz she needs somebody to tell her

That it’s gonna last forever

So tell me have you ever really

- really really ever loved a woman?

To really love a woman

Let her hold you -

Til ya know how she needs to be touched

You’ve gotta breathe her - really taste her

Til you can feel her in your blood

N’ when you can see your unborn children in her eyes

Ya know ya really love a woman

When you love a woman

You tell her that she’s really wanted

When you love a woman you tell her that she’s the one

Cuz she needs somebody to tell her

That you’ll always be together

So tell me have you ever really -

Really really ever loved a woman?

You got to give her some faith - hold her tight

A little tenderness - gotta treat her right

She will be there for you, takin’ good care of you

Ya really gotta love your woman...

Then when you find yourself lyin’ helpless in her arms

Ya know ya really love a woman

When you love a woman you tell her

That she’s really wanted

When you love a woman you tell her that she’s the one

Cuz she needs somebody to tell her

That it’s gonna last forever

So tell me have you ever really

- really really ever loved a woman?

Just tell me have you ever really,

Really, really, ever loved a woman?

Just tell me have you ever really,

Really, really, ever loved a woman?

Aν είναι ωραία λέει??? emblush

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Μοιράσου σε άλλους δικτυακούς τόπους

Therapy- Diane

Hey little girl, wanna go for a ride

there's room in my wagon, it's parked right outside

we can cruise down Robbert Street all night long

but I think I'll just rape you and kill you instead

Diane, Diane, Diane

I hear there's a party at lake Cove

It would be so much easier if I drove

We could check it out, we could go and see

Come on take a ride with me

Diane, Diane, Diane

We lay down together for a while

I put all your clothes in a nice neat little pile

you're the cutest Girl I've ever seen in my life

but it's over now and with my knife

Diane, Diane, Diane

συνεχιζουμε το προγραμμα παρεουλα emvelos

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Μοιράσου σε άλλους δικτυακούς τόπους

George Michael - Careless whisper

Time can never mend the careless whispers of a good friend

To the heart and mind, ignorance is kind

there's no comfort in the truth

pain is all you'll find

Should've known better

I feel so unsure

as I take your hand and lead you to the dance floor

as the music dies, something in your eyes

calls to mind the silver screen

and all its sad good-byes

I'm never gonna dance again

guilty feet have got no rhythm

though it's easy to pretend

I know your not a fool

Should've known better than to cheat a friend

and waste the chance that I've been given

so I'm never gonna dance again

the way I danced with you

Time can never mend

the careless whispers of a good friend

to the heart and mind

ignorance is kind

there's no comfort in the truth

pain is all you'll find

I'm never gonna dance again

guilty feet have got no rhythm

though it's easy to pretend

I know your not a fool

Should've known better than to cheat a friend

and waste this chance that I've been given

so I'm never gonna dance again

the way I danced with you

Never without your love

Tonight the music seems so loud

I wish that we could lose this crowd

Maybe it's better this way

We'd hurt each other with the things we'd want to say

We could have been so good together

We could have lived this dance forever

But noone's gonna dance with me

Please stay

And I'm never gonna dance again

guilty feet have got no rhythm

though it's easy to pretend

I know your not a fool

Should've known better than to cheat a friend

and waste the chance that I've been given

so I'm never gonna dance again

the way I danced with you

(Now that you're gone) Now that you're gone

(Now that you're gone) What I did's so wrong

that you had to leave me alone


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Μοιράσου σε άλλους δικτυακούς τόπους


In the time of chimpanzees I was a monkey

Butane in my veins so I'm out to cut the junkie

With the plastic eyeballs, spray paint the vegetables

Dog food skulls with the beefcake pantyhose

Kill the headlights and put it in neutral

Stock car flamin' with a loser and the cruise control

Baby's in Reno with the vitamin D

Got a couple of couches asleep on the love seat

Someone keeps sayin' I'm insane to complain

About a shotgun wedding and a stain on my shirt

Don't believe everything that you breathe

You get a parking violation and a maggot on your sleeve

So shave your face with some mace in the dark

Savin' all your food stamps and burnin' down the trailer park

Yo cut it

## no greeklish please! ## - ## no greeklish please! ## - ## no greeklish please! ## - ## no greeklish please! ## - oxi fragolevantika grapste kalytera sta agglika - fragolevantika grapste kalytera ## no greeklish please! ## - ## no greeklish please! ## - oxi fragolevantika grapste kalytera sta agglika - fragolevantika grapste kalytera ## no greeklish please! ## - oxi fragolevantika grapste kalytera sta agglika - agglika - agglika - fragolevantika grapste kalytera ## no greeklish please! ## - ## no greeklish please! ## - oxi fragolevantika grapste kalytera sta agglika - fragolevantika grapste kalytera ## no greeklish please! ## - oxi fragolevantika grapste kalytera sta agglika - agglika - agglika - fragolevantika grapste kalytera ## no greeklish please! ## - ## no greeklish please! ## - oxi fragolevantika grapste kalytera sta agglika - fragolevantika grapste kalytera ## no greeklish please! ## - oxi fragolevantika grapste kalytera sta agglika - agglika - agglika - un perdedor

I'm a loser baby so why don't you kill me?

Double-barrel buckshot

## no greeklish please! ## - ## no greeklish please! ## - ## no greeklish please! ## - ## no greeklish please! ## - oxi fragolevantika grapste kalytera sta agglika - fragolevantika grapste kalytera ## no greeklish please! ## - ## no greeklish please! ## - oxi fragolevantika grapste kalytera sta agglika - fragolevantika grapste kalytera ## no greeklish please! ## - oxi fragolevantika grapste kalytera sta agglika - agglika - agglika - fragolevantika grapste kalytera ## no greeklish please! ## - ## no greeklish please! ## - oxi fragolevantika grapste kalytera sta agglika - fragolevantika grapste kalytera ## no greeklish please! ## - oxi fragolevantika grapste kalytera sta agglika - agglika - agglika - fragolevantika grapste kalytera ## no greeklish please! ## - ## no greeklish please! ## - oxi fragolevantika grapste kalytera sta agglika - fragolevantika grapste kalytera ## no greeklish please! ## - oxi fragolevantika grapste kalytera sta agglika - agglika - agglika - un perdedor

I'm a loser baby, so why don't you kill me?

Forces of evil in a bozo nightmare

banned all the music with a phony gas chamber

Cos one's got a weasel and the other's got a flag

One's got on the pole shove the other in a bag

With the rerun shows and the cocaine nose job

The daytime crap of a folksinger slob

He hung himself with a guitar string

Slab of turkey neck and it's hangin' from a pigeon wing

You can't write if you can't relate

Trade the cash for the beef for the body for the hate

And my time is a piece of wax fallin' on a termite

Who's chokin' on the splinters

## no greeklish please! ## - ## no greeklish please! ## - ## no greeklish please! ## - ## no greeklish please! ## - oxi fragolevantika grapste kalytera sta agglika - fragolevantika grapste kalytera ## no greeklish please! ## - ## no greeklish please! ## - oxi fragolevantika grapste kalytera sta agglika - fragolevantika grapste kalytera ## no greeklish please! ## - oxi fragolevantika grapste kalytera sta agglika - agglika - agglika - fragolevantika grapste kalytera ## no greeklish please! ## - ## no greeklish please! ## - oxi fragolevantika grapste kalytera sta agglika - fragolevantika grapste kalytera ## no greeklish please! ## - oxi fragolevantika grapste kalytera sta agglika - agglika - agglika - fragolevantika grapste kalytera ## no greeklish please! ## - ## no greeklish please! ## - oxi fragolevantika grapste kalytera sta agglika - fragolevantika grapste kalytera ## no greeklish please! ## - oxi fragolevantika grapste kalytera sta agglika - agglika - agglika - un perdedor

I'm a loser baby so why don't you kill me?

Get crazy with the cheeze whiz

## no greeklish please! ## - ## no greeklish please! ## - ## no greeklish please! ## - ## no greeklish please! ## - oxi fragolevantika grapste kalytera sta agglika - fragolevantika grapste kalytera ## no greeklish please! ## - ## no greeklish please! ## - oxi fragolevantika grapste kalytera sta agglika - fragolevantika grapste kalytera ## no greeklish please! ## - oxi fragolevantika grapste kalytera sta agglika - agglika - agglika - fragolevantika grapste kalytera ## no greeklish please! ## - ## no greeklish please! ## - oxi fragolevantika grapste kalytera sta agglika - fragolevantika grapste kalytera ## no greeklish please! ## - oxi fragolevantika grapste kalytera sta agglika - agglika - agglika - fragolevantika grapste kalytera ## no greeklish please! ## - ## no greeklish please! ## - oxi fragolevantika grapste kalytera sta agglika - fragolevantika grapste kalytera ## no greeklish please! ## - oxi fragolevantika grapste kalytera sta agglika - agglika - agglika - un perdedor

I'm a loser baby so why don't you kill me?

Drive-by body pierce

Yo bring it on down

I'm a driver, I'm a winner

Things are gonna change, I can feel it

## no greeklish please! ## - ## no greeklish please! ## - ## no greeklish please! ## - ## no greeklish please! ## - oxi fragolevantika grapste kalytera sta agglika - fragolevantika grapste kalytera ## no greeklish please! ## - ## no greeklish please! ## - oxi fragolevantika grapste kalytera sta agglika - fragolevantika grapste kalytera ## no greeklish please! ## - oxi fragolevantika grapste kalytera sta agglika - agglika - agglika - fragolevantika grapste kalytera ## no greeklish please! ## - ## no greeklish please! ## - oxi fragolevantika grapste kalytera sta agglika - fragolevantika grapste kalytera ## no greeklish please! ## - oxi fragolevantika grapste kalytera sta agglika - agglika - agglika - fragolevantika grapste kalytera ## no greeklish please! ## - ## no greeklish please! ## - oxi fragolevantika grapste kalytera sta agglika - fragolevantika grapste kalytera ## no greeklish please! ## - oxi fragolevantika grapste kalytera sta agglika - agglika - agglika - un perdedor

I'm a loser baby, so why don't you kill me?

I can't believe you!

## no greeklish please! ## - ## no greeklish please! ## - ## no greeklish please! ## - ## no greeklish please! ## - oxi fragolevantika grapste kalytera sta agglika - fragolevantika grapste kalytera ## no greeklish please! ## - ## no greeklish please! ## - oxi fragolevantika grapste kalytera sta agglika - fragolevantika grapste kalytera ## no greeklish please! ## - oxi fragolevantika grapste kalytera sta agglika - agglika - agglika - fragolevantika grapste kalytera ## no greeklish please! ## - ## no greeklish please! ## - oxi fragolevantika grapste kalytera sta agglika - fragolevantika grapste kalytera ## no greeklish please! ## - oxi fragolevantika grapste kalytera sta agglika - agglika - agglika - fragolevantika grapste kalytera ## no greeklish please! ## - ## no greeklish please! ## - oxi fragolevantika grapste kalytera sta agglika - fragolevantika grapste kalytera ## no greeklish please! ## - oxi fragolevantika grapste kalytera sta agglika - agglika - agglika - un perdedor

I'm a loser baby, so why don't you kill me?

Sprechen sie deutsche, baby

Know what I'm saying?

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Cutting Crew - I just died in your arms tonight

Oh I, I just died in your arms tonight

It must have been something you said

I just died in your arms tonight

I keep looking for something I can't get

Broken hearts lie all around me

And I don't see an easy way to get out of this

Her diary it sits on the bedside table

The curtains are closed, the cats in the cradle

Who would've thought that a boy like me could come to this

Oh I, I just died in your arms tonight

It must've been something you said

I just died in your arms tonight

Oh I, I just died in your arms tonight

It must've been some kind of kiss

I should've walked away, I should`ve walked away

Is there any just cause for feeling like this?

On the surface I'm a name on a list

I try to be discreet, but then blow it again

I've lost and found, it's my final mistake

She's loving by proxy, no give and all take

'cos I've been thrilled to fantasy one too many times

Oh I, I just died in your arms tonight

It must been some kind of kiss

I should`ve walked away, I should1ve walked away

It was a long hot night

She made it easy, she made it feel right

But now it's over the moment has gone

I followed my hands not my head, I know I was wrong

Oh I, I just died in your arms...(2x)


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Μοιράσου σε άλλους δικτυακούς τόπους

Κάτω απ’ τη μαρκίζα 

Στίχοι: Μάνος Ελευθερίου

Μουσική: Γιάννης Σπανός

Ερμηνευτές: Βίκυ Μοσχολιού, Χαρούλα Αλεξίου


Ίσως φταίνε τα φεγγάρια

Στίχοι: Τάσος Σαμαρτζής

Μουσική: Νότης Μαυρουδής

Ερμηνευτές: Ελένη Βιτάλη

Μες στο φτηνό ξενοδοχείο και στα σεντόνια των πολλών

μες σε καθρέφτες δίχως μνήμη θα ξεκινήσουμε λοιπόν

γλιστρούν τα όνειρα στον ύπνο όπως τα τρένα στο σταθμό

και στην ανάσα σου γυρεύω κάποιο αρχαίο σκηνικό

Ίσως φταίνε τα φεγγάρια που 'μαι τόσο μοναχή

νιώθω πως γερνώ τα βράδια και χρωστάω στη ζωή

ίσως φταίνε τα φεγγάρια και πολλοί με λεν τρελή

που όλο ψάχνω στα σκοτάδια μήπως κάτι και συμβεί

ίσως φταίνε τα φεγγάρια ίσως πάλι φταις κι εσύ

Μια αχτίδα φως περνά τις γρίλιες και σβήνει αυτά που γίναν χθες

πώς μπλέκουν λέω οι ιστορίες και των ανθρώπων οι τροχιές

μες στο φτηνό ξενοδοχείο και στα σεντόνια των πολλών

μες σε καθρέφτες δίχως μνήμη θα τελειώσουμε λοιπόν

Ίσως φταίνε τα φεγγάρια που 'μαι τόσο μοναχή

νιώθω πως γερνώ τα βράδια και χρωστάω στη ζωή

ίσως φταίνε τα φεγγάρια και πολλοί με λεν τρελή

που όλο ψάχνω στα σκοτάδια μήπως κάτι και συμβεί

ίσως φταίνε τα φεγγάρια ίσως πάλι φταις κι εσύ


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Χελιδόνια της βροχής

Όλες οι λέξεις μου σε όνειρα τελειώνουν

Νύχτες βροχής ανθίζουν στο κορμί σου

Κι όλες οι θάλασσες μπροστά σου χαμηλώνουν

Όρκους και ευχές που έκανες θυμήσου

Μέσα στα χέρια σου τα θαύματα


Χελιδόνια της βροχής...

Όλες οι σκέψεις μου αρχίζουν χελιδόνια

Κάθε φτερό και φόβος της φωτιάς σου

Κάθε μου πέταγμα παιχνίδι στη ματιά σου

Όρκους κι ευχές που έκανες θυμήσου

Μέσα στα χέρια μου τα θαύματα παγώνουν

Χελιδόνια της βροχής...


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Δείξε μου τον τρόπο (Ζακ Στεφάνου)

Χρυσός και ασήμι αγρίμι μεσ' στη νύχτα

ουρλιάζεις δυνατά

δακρυά σου στα μαλλιά μου τα γέλια σου χαρά μου

μα μου στερείς κι αυτά

ποιός να 'ναι ο λόγος που ένας θαρραλέος να κλαίει τόσο πολύ

ποιά να ' ναι η αιτία που αντί να λες αστεία

ξεσπάς παντού μ' οργή

Δείξε μου τον τρόπο

κι αν θέλει κι άλλο κόπο

εγώ θα προσπαθώ

μόνο θέλω ακόμα απ' το δικό σου στόμα

ν' ακούσω σ' αγαπώ

Πιάνω ένα τόνο ίσως να 'ναι το μόνο

που με πάει μακρυά

λέω μια λέξη χιονίσει είτε βρέξει

το μέλλον με κοιτά

θέλω να ζήσω μα αν δεν σ' αγαπήσω

δεν ξέρω αν θα μπορώ

θέλω να υπάρχω φιλία μαζί σου να' χω

για πολύ καιρό

Δείξε μου τον τρόπο

κι αν θέλει κι άλλο κόπο

εγώ θα προσπαθώ

μόνο θέλω ακόμα απ' το δικό σου στόμα

ν' ακούσω σ' αγαπώ


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Ίσως φταίνε τα φεγγάρια

Στίχοι: Τάσος Σαμαρτζής

Μουσική: Νότης Μαυρουδής

Ερμηνευτές: Ελένη Βιτάλη

Καλα, τηλεπάθεια είχαμε?? emoopsemblush:wub:

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Να 'σουν αλλιώς

Τρέχει η ζωή όμως λείπεις εσύ

κι ούτε ξέρω γιατί και πώς

λείπεις εσύ η πληγή μου κρυφή

κι εγώ λιώνω ζεστός πηλός

πριν πεις το γεια, πριν χορτάσεις φιλιά

δεν αντέχεται ο χωρισμός...

Αχ, να 'σουν αλλιώς

αλλιώς απ' ό,τι σε έχει φτιάξει ο Θεός

ο δρόμος της καρδιάς σου να 'ταν ανοιχτός

ναι, να 'σουν αλλιώς

στου έρωτα το τέλος να 'σουν ουρανός

κι ο πόθος σου για μένα να 'ταν ζωντανός.

Πέφτει η σιωπή κι ούτε μία ευχή

κι ούτε ένα άστρο για οδηγός

κι αν σ' αγαπώ ,κι αν φωνάζω καιρό

πια δε βλέπω κανένα φως

πριν πεις το γεια ,πριν χορτάσεις φιλιά

δεν αντέχεται ο χωρισμός. . .

Αχ, να 'σουν αλλιώς

αλλιώς απ' ό,τι σε έχει φτιάξει ο Θεός

ο δρόμος της καρδιάς σου να 'ταν ανοιχτός

ναι, να 'σουν αλλιώς

στου έρωτα το τέλος να 'σουν ουρανός

κι ο πόθος σου για μένα να 'ταν ζωντανός

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The wild flower (346 views)

Lyrics: Pu8agoras

Music: Xrhstos Nikolopoulos

Singers: Stelios Kazantzidhs, Gerasimos Andreatos, Xaroula Alexiou, Pasxalhs Terzhs, Giannhs Kotsiras

Don't feel sorry for me,drive me away tonight

as if I am a wild flower

and cut my life

I began nude

I am heading on all alone

My house is the street

and my song is the pain

Drive me away and don't feel pity for me

don't be afraid of what will become of me

even if it snows or if it rains

the wild flower does remain

Don't keep me just out of sympathy

I'm used to the cold I 'll manage the snow (too)

I began nude

I am heading on all alone

My house is the street

and my song is the pain

Drive me away and don't feel pity for me

don't be afraid of what will become of me

even if it snows or if it rains

the wild flower endures


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Eric Clapton

What'll you do when you get lonely

And nobody's waiting by your side?

You've been running and hiding much too long.

You know it's just your foolish pride.


Layla, you've got me on my knees.

Layla, I'm begging, darling please.

Layla, darling won't you ease my worried mind.

I tried to give you consolation

When your old man had let you down.

Like a fool, I fell in love with you,

Turned my whole world upside down.


Let's make the best of the situation

Before I finally go insane.

Please don't say we'll never find a way

And tell me all my love's in vain.



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Ordinary World

Duran Duran

Came in from a rainy Thursday on the avenue,

Thought I heard you talking softly.

I turned on the lights, the TV and the radio

Still I can't escape the ghost of you.

What is happening to it all?

Crazy some say-

Where is the life that I recognise?

Gone away.


But I won't cry for yesterday.

There's an ordinary world somehow I have to find.

And as I try to make my way to the ordinary world

I will learn to survive.

Passion or coincidence once prompted you to say-

Pride will tear us both apart.

Well now pride's gone out the window, cross the rooftops, runaway.

Left me in the vacuum of my heart.

What is happening to me?

Crazy some say.

Where is my friend when I need you most?

Gone away.


Papers in the roadside tell of suffering and greed,

Feared today; forgot tomorrow.

Here beside the news of holy war and holy need,

Ours is just a little sorrowed talk-

Blown away.

Just blowing away.


Any world is my world

Every world is my world

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I Want To Know What Love Is


I gotta take a little time, a little time to think things over

I better read between the lines, in case I need it when I'm older

Now this mountain I must climb, feels like the world upon my shoulders

Through the clouds I see love shine, it keeps me warm as life grows colder

In my life there's been heartache and pain

I don't know if I can face it again

Can't stop now, I've travelled so far, to change this lonely life

I want to know what love is, I want you to show me

I want to feel what love is, I know you can show me

I'm gonna take a little time, a little time to look around me

I've got nowhere left to hide, it looks like love has finally found me

In my life there's been heartache and pain

I don't know if I can face it again

Can't stop now, I've travelled so far, to change this lonely life

I want to know what love is, I want you to show me

I want to feel what love is, I know you can show me

I want to know what love is, I want you to show me

(And I wanna feel) I want to feel what love is

(And I know) I know you can show me

Let's talk about love - I want to know what love is

The love that you feel inside - I want you to show me

And I'm feeling so much love - I want to feel what love is

No, you just can't hide - I know you can show me

I want to know what love is (let's talk about love), I know you can show


I wanna feel it too - I want to feel what love is

I wanna feel it too, and I know and I know - I know you can show me

Show me love is real, yeah - I want to know what love is...

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Wonderful Tonight Lyrics

(by eric clapton)

It’s late in the evening

She’s wondering what clothes to wear

She puts on her make up

And brushes her long blonde hair

And then she asks me

Do I look alright

And I say yes, you look wonderful tonight

We go a party

And everyone turns to see

This beautiful lady

That’s walking around with me

And then she asks me

Do you feel alright

And I say yes, I feel wonderful tonight

I feel wonderful

Because I see the love light in your eyes

And the wonder of it all

Is that you just don’t realize

How much I love you

It’s time to go home now

And I’ve got an aching head

So I give her the car keys

She helps me to bed

And then I tell her

As I turn out the light

I say my darling, you were wonderful tonight

Oh my darling, you were wonderful tonight

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American Woman

Lenny Kravitz

American woman, stay away from me

American woman, mamma let me be

Don't come hangin' round my door

I don't wanna see your face no more

I got more important things to do

Than spend my time growin' old with you

Now woman, stay away

American woman, listen when I say

American woman, get away from me

American woman, mamma let me be

Don't come knockin' on my door

I don't wanna see your shadow no more

Colored lights can hypnotize

Sparkle someone else's eyes

Now woman, get away

American woman, listen when I say

American woman, I said get away

American woman, listen when I say

Don't come hangin' round my door

Don't wanna see your face no more

I don't need your warm machines

I don't need your ghetto scenes

Colored lights can hypnotize

Sparkle someone else's eyes

Now woman, get away

American woman, listen when I say

American woman, stay away from me

American woman, mamma let me be

I gotta go,

I gotta get away

Babe, I gotta go

I wanna fly away

I'm gonna leave you woman

I'm gonna leave you woman

I'm gonna leave you woman

I'm gonna leave you woman

Bye, bye

Bye, bye

Bye, bye

Bye, bye

American woman

You're no good for me

And I'm no good for you

American woman

I'm looking at you right in the eye

Tell you what I'm gonna do

I'm gonna leave you woman

You know I gotta go

I'm gonna leave you woman

I gotta go

American woman

I gotta go

I gotta go

American woman, yeah.

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The Unforgiven

New blood joins this earth

And quikly he’s subdued

Through constant pain disgrace

The young boy learns their rules

With time the child draws in

This whipping boy done wrong

Deprived of all his thoughts

The young man struggles on and on he’s known

A vow unto his own

That never from this day

His will they’ll take away

What I’ve felt

What I’ve known

Never shined through in what I’ve shown

Never be

Never see

Won’t see what might have been

What I’ve felt

What I’ve known

Never shined through in what I’ve shown

Never free

Never me

So I dub the unforgiven

They dedicate their lives

To running all of his

He tries to please them all

This bitter man he is

Throughout his life the same

He’s battled constantly

This fight he cannot win

A tired man they see no longer cares

The old man then prepares

To die regretfully

That old man here is me

What I’ve felt

What I’ve known

Never shined through in what I’ve shown

Never be

Never see

Won’t see what might have been

What I’ve felt

What I’ve known

Never shined through in what I’ve shown

Never free

Never me

So I dub the unforgiven

You labeled me

I’ll label you

So I dub the unforgiven


Nothing Else Matters Song Lyrics

So close, no matter how far

Couldn't be much more from the heart

Forever trusting who we are

and nothing else matters

Never opened myself this way

Life is ours, we live it our way

All these words I don't just say

and nothing else matters

Trust I seek and I find in you

Every day for us something new

Open mind for a different view

and nothing else matters

never cared for what they do

never cared for what they know

but I know

So close, no matter how far

Couldn't be much more from the heart

Forever trusting who we are

and nothing else matters

never cared for what they do

never cared for what they know

but I know

Never opened myself this way

Life is ours, we live it our way

All these words I don't just say

Trust I seek and I find in you

Every day for us, something new

Open mind for a different view

and nothing else matters

never cared for what they say

never cared for games they play

never cared for what they do

never cared for what they know

and I know

So close, no matter how far

Couldn't be much more from the heart

Forever trusting who we are

No, nothing else matters

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