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Last night I dreamt

That somebody loved me

No hope, but no harm

Just another false alarm

Last night I felt

real arms around me

No hope, no harm

Just another false alarm

So, tell me how long

Before the last one ?

And tell me how long

Before the right one ?

The story is old - I KNOW

But it goes on

The story is old - I KNOW

But it goes on


And on

Oh, goes on

And on

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Lappi (Lapland)

(για τις τρεις ομορφότερες φιλανδέζες του κόσμου,

του χρόνου θα είμαστε μαζί πάνω..)

1 Erämaajärvi

Kautta erämaajärven

matkaa kulkuri yksinäinen

Näkee lammella joutsenparven

vapauttaan itkevän

Kaipuu menneisyyden

kiirii ilmassa huutoina kotkien

Ikijärveltä turvatuulta

käy matka vuorten taa

2 Witchdrums

3 This Moment is Eternity

Day posesses no key here

where moon sheds the cold twilight

This moment is eternity

Land of beauty,

cold and cruel

Fjeld chants echoing,

reflecting the melancholy...

Trust the wind

Trust the fires

Call for the hermit of the night

Land of raven and bear

Land of eagle and wolverine

Dismal are the mirrors of a wolf

4 Etiäinen

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Wish I Had An Angel

I wish I had an angel

For one moment of love

I wish I had your angel

Your Virgin Mary undone

I`m in love with my lust

Burning angelwings to dust

I wish I had your angel tonight

Deep into a dying day

I took a step outside an innocent heart

Prepare to hate me fall when I may

This night will hurt you like never before

Old loves they die hard

Old lies they die harder

I wish...

I`m going down so frail `n cruel

Drunken disguise changes all the rules

Old loves...

I Wish...

Greatest thrill

Not to kill

But to have the prize of the night


Wannabe friend

13th disciple who betrayed me for nothing!

Last dance, first kiss

Your touch my bliss

Beauty always comes with dark thoughts

I wish...

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Rammstein:: Engel

Wer zu Lebzeit gut auf Erden

wird nach dem Tod ein Engel werden

## no greeklish please! ## - ## no greeklish please! ## - ## no greeklish please! ## - ## no greeklish please! ## - oxi fragolevantika grapste kalytera sta agglika - fragolevantika grapste kalytera ## no greeklish please! ## - ## no greeklish please! ## - oxi fragolevantika grapste kalytera sta agglika - fragolevantika grapste kalytera ## no greeklish please! ## - oxi fragolevantika grapste kalytera sta agglika - agglika - agglika - fragolevantika grapste kalytera ## no greeklish please! ## - ## no greeklish please! ## - oxi fragolevantika grapste kalytera sta agglika - fragolevantika grapste kalytera ## no greeklish please! ## - oxi fragolevantika grapste kalytera sta agglika - agglika - agglika - fragolevantika grapste kalytera ## no greeklish please! ## - ## no greeklish please! ## - oxi fragolevantika grapste kalytera sta agglika - fragolevantika grapste kalytera ## no greeklish please! ## - oxi fragolevantika grapste kalytera sta agglika - agglika - agglika - Blick 'gen Himmel fragst du dann

warum man sie nicht sehen kann

erst wenn die Wolken schlafengehn

kann man uns am Himmel sehn

wir haben Angst und sind allein

Gott weiss ich will kein Engel sein

Sie leben hinterm Horizont

getrennt von uns unendlich weit

sie mssen sich an Sterne krallen (ganz fest)

damit sie nicht vom Himmel fallen

erst wenn die Wolken schlafengehn

kann man uns am Himmel sehn

wir haben Angst und sind allein

Gott weiss ich will kein Engel sein

Gott weiss ich will kein Engel sein

Gott weiss ich will kein Engel sein

erst wenn die Wolken schlafengehn

kann man uns am Himmel sehn

wir haben Angst und sind allein

Gott weiss ich will kein Engel sein

Gott weiss ich will kein Engel sein

Gott weiss ich will kein Engel sein

Gott weiss ich will kein Engel sein

Gott weiss ich will kein Engel sein



Who in their lifetime is good on Earth

will become an angel after death

you look to Heaven and ask

why you can not see them

Only when the clouds have gone to sleep

can you see us in Heaven

we are afraid and are alone

God knows I don't want to be an angel

They live behind the sunshine

separate from us an infinite distance

they must kling to the stars

so that they do not fall from Heaven

Only when the clouds have gone to sleep

can you see us in Heaven

we are afraid and are alone

God knows I don't want to be an angel

Only when the clouds have gone to sleep

can you see us in Heaven

we are afraid and are alone

God knows I don't want to be an angel

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emarupemarupemarup emarup

Επειδή βλέπω υβρεολόγιο,καημό και πόνο,το παρακάτω ευγενική χορηγία του Doctor-x

σε Βασίλω-Μητσάρα και σία............. ;)


Όταν πέφτεις στην καψούρα

τα μυαλά γυρίζουν σβούρα

πέφτει ομίχλη και θολούρα

και τρελαίνεσαι

χάνεσαι σαν τον κομήτη

μ' έναν έρωτα αλήτη

ούτε που πατάς στο σπίτι

κι ούτε φαίνεσαι

κι όλο μου λες κι όλο μου λες

τί πίνετε

και δεν ρωτάς και δεν ρωτάς

τι γίνεται

ποιός φταίει,τί φταίει

ποιός ευθύνεται

πού πάμε,πού πάμε

και τί γίνεται

της πουτάνας γίνεται

της πουτάνας γίνεται

Όταν πέφτεις στην καψούρα

τ' άσπρα τα περνάς για σκούρα

πέφτεις σε βαθιά σκοτούρα

και ζαλίσεσαι

και σε ψάχνουνε οι φίλοι

και η καψούρα σ'εχει στείλει

με γαρύφαλο στα χείλη


κι όλο μου λες κι όλο μου λες

τί πίνετε

και δεν ρωτάς και δεν ρωτάς

τι γίνεται

ποιός φταίει,τί φταίει

ποιός ευθύνεται

πού πάμε,πού πάμε

και τί γίνεται

της πουτάνας γίνεται

της πουτάνας γίνεται

της πουτάνας γίνεταιιιιιιιιιιιιιιιιιιιιιιιιιιιιιιιιιιι

Υ.Γ. Όποιος δεν το έχει ακούσει,δεν έχει ακούσει τίποτα :P

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Κι άλλος καημός και πόνος.Αααααααααααααααααααααααααχ


Μου λες μ'αγαπάς και θες να παντρευτούμε

Μου λες μ'αγαπάς και μου δίνεις συμβουλές

Πρώτα να τελειώσω το πανεπιστήμιο μου

Μετά να κάνω τη θητεία στο στρατό

Να πιάσω δουλειά σε κανένα γραφείο

Να παντρευτούμε, να κάνουμε παιδιά

Κι εγώ σ'αγαπώ γαμώ το χ@#$^& μου...

Μου λες μ'αγαπάς και θες να παντρευτούμε

Μου λες μ'αγαπάς και μου δίνεις συμβουλές

Πρώτα να πάω σε κανένα κουρείο

Να κόψω τα γένια, να κοντύνω τα μαλλιά

Να έρθω στο σπίτι, να γνωρίσω τον μπαμπά σου

Να σταματήσω και τα ναρκωτικά

Κι εγώ σ'αγαπώ γαμώ το χ@#$%^ μου...

Τζίμμης Πανούσης, Μουσικές Ταξιαρχίες B)

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κάτι καινούριο δεν έχω..

είναι μόνο 21 ετών..

τι να κάνω όμως που τέτοια τραγούδια δεν γράφονται πια...

βάλε ένα με λίγο πάγο για όσο περιμένεις να κατέβει..

φέρε μια εικόνα στο μυαλό σου..


When I was with this girl last night / she held me tight; it turned me on

The moon was dark and those clothes were tight

her perfume strong; it turned me on

Fleeting moments touched in the night

then so strong but banished by the light

Her presence gone, memories remain / of how she kissed and turned me on

Now there's this love inside of me / I've got this love / inside of me

And I still have dull aching pain / desire to reach and touch you once again

Distractions cannot sate the need / it grows once more, it grows once more

I've got this love inside of me / I've got this love / inside of me

I've got this love inside of me / I've got this love / inside of me

I have this pain inside of me / Why can't you see? Why can't you see?

I'm stranded here with no way home

Please rescue me, oh won't you rescue me?

I've got this love inside of me / I've got this love / inside of me

I've got this love inside of me / I've got this love / inside of me

p.s. "Wishful Thinking" ...by Pulp..

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Anouk - Sacrifice

Who's the one that makes you happy

Who's the one that always makes you laugh

Who's the reason you're smiling

And dragged you through these times, so rough

I was the one that made happy

I was the one that eased the pain

But I'm the reason that you're crying now

My own tears scattered by the rain

You can sacrifice me

You can sacrifice me

You can set me free

You can be who you wanna be

Deeper than deep you took me on a trip baby

You shared your wildest dreams and more

You dare me to express my feelings to you

I never felt that need before

But suddenly you needed freedom

You felt the need to break free

You started drowing in your sorrow

You didn't wanna know I had the key

You can sacrifice me

You can sacrifice me

You can set me free

You can be who you wanna to be

You can sacrifice me, sacrifice me

You can be who you wanna

You can be who you wanna be


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Για να σε συναντήσω

Κάθισε εδώ κοντά μου

Μου ‘λειψες ξαφνικά

Έτσι όπως πέφτει ο ήλιος

Χτυπάει η μοναξιά

Μείνε λιγάκι ακόμα

Κάτι έχω να σου πω

Να πάρει ο αέρας χρώμα

Αχ, για να γεννηθείς εσύ κι εγώ

Γι’ αυτό, για να σε συναντήσω

Γι’ αυτό έγινε ο κόσμος μάτια μου

Γι’ αυτό, για να σε συναντήσω

Δεν έχει αρχή και τέλος

Δεν έχει μέτρημα

8άλασσα που κυλάει

αυτό το αίσθημα

στο πιο βαθύ σκοτάδι

στη δυνατή βροχή

δε λέει να ξεθωριάσει

στο πιο βαθύ σκοτάδι

παίρνει αίμα το φιλί


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Nobody's Wife Anouk

I'm sorry for the times that I made you scream

for the times that I killed your dreams

for the times that I made your whole world rumble

for the times that I made you cry

for the times that I told you lies

for the times that I watched and let you stumble

It's too bad, but that's me

what goes around comes around, you'll see

that I can carry the burden of pain

'cause it ain't the first time that a man goes insane

and when I spread my wings to embrace him for life

I'm suckin' out his love, 'cause I, I'll never be nobody's wife

I'm sorry for the times that I didn't come home

left you lyin' in that bed alone

was flyin' high in the sky when you needed my shoulder

you're like a stone hangin' round my neck, see

cut it loose before it breaks my back, see

I've gotta say what I feel before I grow older

I'm sorry but I ain't gonna change my ways

you know I've tried but I'm still the same

I've got to do it my own way

It's too bad, but hey, that's me

what goes around comes around, you'll see

that I can carry the burden of pain

'cause it ain't the first time that a man goes insane

and when I spread my wings to embrace him for life

I'm suckin' out his love, I, I'll never be nobody's wife

It's too bad, but hey, that's me

what goes around comes around, you'll see

that I can carry the burden of pain

'cause it ain't the first time that a man goes insane

and when I spread my wings to embrace him for life

I'm suckin' out his love, I, I'll never be nobody's wife


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The Second You Sleep- Saybia

You close your eyes

And leave me naked by your side

You close the door so I can’t see

The love you keep inside

The love you keep for me

It fills me up

It feels like living in a dream

It fills me up so I can’t see

The love you keep inside

The love you keep for me

I stay

To watch you fade away

I dream of you tonight

Tomorrow you’ll be gone

It gives me time to stay

To watch you fade away

I dream of you tonight

Tomorrow you’ll be gone

I wish by God you’d stay

I stay awake

I stay awake and watch you breathe

I stay awake and watch you fly

Away into the night

Escaping through a dream

I stay

To watch you fade away

I dream of you tonight

Tomorrow you’ll be gone

It gives me time to stay

To watch you fade away

I dream of you tonight

Tomorrow you’ll be gone

I wish by God you’d stay



I stay

To watch you fade away

I dream of you tonight

Tomorrow you’ll be gone

It gives me time to stay

To watch you fade away

I dream of you tonight

Tomorrow you’ll be gone

It gives me time to stay

To watch you fade away

I dream of you tonight

Tomorrow you’ll be gone

I wish by God you’d stay

Stay awake



I wish by God you’d stay

Θα 'θελα...μια μέρα...προς το παρόν περιμένω...και σκέφτομαι... emblush

Είναι από τα πιο γλυκά τραγουδάκια που μου κάνουν παρέα τα βράδια τελευταία :wub:

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(emarup louloudaki, πολύ καλό :wub: ...)

Evanescence -"Broken"

I wanted you to know that I love the way you laugh

I wanna hold you high and steal your pain...


I keep your photograph; I know it serves me well

I wanna hold you high and steal your pain

‘Cause I’m broken when I’m lonesome

And I don’t feel right when your gone away

You got away

You don't feel me here anymore

The worst is over now and we can breathe again

I wanna hold you high, and steal my pain..


There’s so much left to learn, and no one left to fight

I wanna hold you high and steal your pain

‘Cause I’m broken when I’m open

And I don’t feel like I am strong enough

‘Cause I’m broken when I’m lonesome

And I don’t feel right when you’re gone away

‘Cause I’m broken when I’m open

And I don’t feel like I am strong enough

‘Cause I’m broken when I’m lonesome

And I don’t feel right when you’re gone away

‘Cause I’m broken when I’m lonesome

And I don’t feel right when you’re gone away

You got away

You don't feel me here


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Τι να θυμηθώ

Δεν πετάει φτερό στο πέλαγο

Και μαντάτο απ' την Αθήνα

Τι να θυμηθώ απ' τα μάτια σου

Που 'χω να τα δω ένα μήνα

Στ' άγρια σοκάκια της ψυχής

Ψάχνω μα δε σ' ανταμώνω

Α να κοιμηθώ να σ' ονειρευτώ

Που με ξέχασες και λιώνω

Ούτε που σαλεύει το νερό

Ούτε μου μιλούν οι γλάροι

Μου άργησες πολύ, πες μου πως θα 'ρθεις

Πριν να σβήσουνε οι φάροι

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Μια και πιάσαμε τους Pulp...από τα πιο γνωστά, αλλά μου αρέεεεεσει!!! emblush:)

Disco 2OOO


Well we were born within one hour of each other.

Our mothers said we could be sister and brother.

Your name is Deborah. Deborah. It never suited ya.

Oh they thought that when we grew up we'd get married, never split up.

We never did it although often I thought of it.

Oh Deborah do you recall.

Your house was very small with wood chip on the wall.

When I came around to call you didn't notice me at all.

I said let's all meet up in the year 2000.

Won't it be strange when we're all fully grown.

Be there at 2 o'clock by the fountain down the road.

I never knew that you'd get married.

I would be living down here on my own on that damp and lonely

Thursday years ago.

You were the first girl at school to get breasts.

Martyn said that yours were the best.

The boys all loved you but I was a mess.

I had to watch them trying to get you undressed.

We were friends but that was as far as it went.

I used to walk you home.

Sometimes it meant nothing to you cause you were so very popular.

Ah Deborah do you recall.

Your house was very small with woodchip on the wall.

When I came around to call you didn't notice me at all.

I said let's all meet up in the year 2000.

Won't it be strange when we're all fully grown.

Be there at 2 o'clock by the fountain down the road.

I never knew that you'd get married.

I would be living down here on my own on that damp and lonely

Thursday years ago.

Oh yeah, oh yeah.

And now you've paid your money and you've taken your choice.

I know we'll never meet again but I want you to know

Want you to know that I remember every single thing.

Ah do you recall.

Your house was very small with wood chip on the wall.

When I came around to call you didn't notice me at all.

I said let's all meet up in the year 2000.

Won't it be strange when we're all fully grown.

Be there at 2 o'clock by the fountain down the road.

I never knew that you'd get married.

I would be living down here on my own on that damp and lonely

Thursday years ago.

Oh what are you doing Sunday baby.

Would you like to come and meet me maybe you can even bring your baby.

Ohhh ooh ooh. Ooh ooh ooh ooh. What are you doing Sunday baby.

Would you like to come and meet me baby you can even bring your baby.

Ooh ooh oh. Ooh ooh ooh ooh. Ooh ooh ooh ooh. Oh.

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I see you falling

How long to go before you hit the ground

You keep on screaming

Don't you see me here

Am I a ghost to you

Now your grip's too strong

Can't catch love with a net or a gun

Gotta keep faith that your path will change

Gotta keep faith that your luck will change tomorrow


Why are you phoning

What am I to do when you're miles away

You're always calling from the darkest moods and we're both scared

Now your grip's too strong

Can't catch love with a net or a gun

Gotta keep faith that your path will change

Gotta keep faith that your love will change

Now your grip's too strong

Can't catch love with a net or a gun

Gotta keep faith that your path will change

Gotta keep faith that your love will change tomorrow

I'm just out of your range


All your suffering's in vain


Now your grip's too strong

Can't catch love with a net or a gun

Gotta keep faith that your path will change

Gotta keep faith that your love will change tomorrow

I got out of your range


All your suffering seems vain

Change tomorrow

Some forgiveness now


Love's no sacred cow


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emarupemarup E, ας συνεχίσω κι εγώ με Pulp! emhehe

Like A Friend (Pulp)

Don't bother saying you're sorry

Why don't you come in

Smoke all my cigarettes again

Every time I get no further

How long has it been?

Come on in now, wipe your feet on my dreams

You take up my time

Like some cheap magazine

When I could have been learning something

Oh well, you know what I mean, oh

I've done this before

And I will do it again

Come on and kill me baby

While you smile like a friend

Oh and I'll come running

Just to do it again

You are the last drink I never should have drunk

You are the body hidden in the trunk

You are the habit I can't seem to kick

You are the secrets on the front page every week

You are the car I never should have bought

You are the train I never should have caught

You are the cut that makes me hide my face

You are the party that makes me feel my age

Like a car crash I can see but I just can't avoid

Like a plane I've been told I never should board

Like a film that's so bad but I've got to stay till the end

Let me tell you now: it's lucky for you that we're friends.

[Δεν με εκφράζουν οι στίχοι αλλά μου αρέσει... :wub: ]

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Εχμ συγνώμη που για μια ακόμα φορά θα δείξω το χαμηλό μου επίπεδο αλλά ένα τραγούδι του Βέρτη (νομίζω) μου έχει κολλήσει

Το ρεφραίν πάει

'πάμε ψυχή μου, δώστα ψυχή μου,

όλοι έχουμε μάθει με ένα αγκάθι να ζούμε μέσ'την καρδιά,

είσαι η γιατρειά μου,

πάμε καρδιά μου,

όλα στα δίνω και τι θ'απογίνω δεν μ'αφοράααααααα' :wub:


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Ben E. King - Stand by Me

When the night has come

And the land is dark

And the moon is the only light we'll see

No I won't be afraid, no I won't be afraid

Just as long as you stand, stand by me

And darlin', darlin', stand by me, oh now now stand by me

Stand by me, stand by me

If the sky that we look upon

Should tumble and fall

And the mountains should crumble to the sea

I won't cry, I won't cry, no I won't shed a tear

Just as long as you stand, stand by me

And darlin', darlin', stand by me, oh stand by me

Stand by me, stand by me, stand by me-e, yeah

Whenever you're in trouble won't you stand by me, oh now now stand by me

Oh stand by me, stand by me, stand by me

Darlin', darlin', stand by me-e, stand by me

Oh stand by me, stand by me, stand by me

βρέχει και παίζει αυτο το κομμάτι :rolleyes:

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Sick & Tired

My love is on the line

My love is on the line

My love is on the line

My love is on the line

A little late for all the things you didn't say

I'm not sad for you

But I'm sad for all the time I had to waste

'Cause I learned the truth

Your heart is in a place I no longer wanna be

I knew there'd come a day

I'd set you free

'Cause I'm sick and tired

Of always being sick and tired


Your love isn't fair

You live in a world where you didn't listen

And you didn't care

So I'm floating

Floating on air

Oh.. yeah...

No warning of such a sad song

Of broken hearts

My dreams of fairy tales and fantasy, oh

Were torn apart

I lost my peace of mind

Somewhere along the way

I knew there's come a time

You'd hear me say

I'm sick and tired

Of always being sick and tired

[Chorus 2x]

My love is on the line

My love is on the line

My love is on the line

My love is on the line

My love is on the line


Spider όλο δικό σου B)

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As you are

As you were

As I want you to be

As a friend

As a friend

As a known memory

Take your time

Hurry up

The choice is your

Dont’ be late

Take a rest

As a friend

As a known memory

Memory ah

Memory ah

Memory ah


Doused in mud

Cept in bleach

As I want you to be

As a trend

A a friend

As a known memory ah

Memory ah

Memory ah

Memory ah

And I swear

That I don’t have a gun

No I don’t have a gun

No I don’t have a gun

Memory ah

Memory ah

Memory ah

Memory ah {don’t have a gun}

And I swear

That I don’t have a gun

No I don’t have a gun

No I don’t have a gun

No I don’t have a gun

No I don’t have a gun

{memory ah}

{memory ah}

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Φεύγουν καράβια

Φεύγουν καράβια στο γιαλό

κι εγώ τους γνέφω στο καλό

κι εγώ τους γνέφω στο καλό

παράπονό μου.

Χάνομαι τώρα τις νυχτιές

μέσα στου κόσμου τις φωτιές

μέσα στου κόσμου τις φωτιές

με τ’ όνειρό μου.

Φεύγουν καράβια στο γιαλό

και με τα κύματα μιλώ

και με τα κύματα μιλώ

και τ’ όνειρό μου.

Τώρα μια πέτρινη σιωπή

είναι η δικιά μου προκοπή

είναι η δικιά μου προκοπή

παράπονό μου.

Να ’σουνα, θάλασσα κι εσύ

και η ζωή μικρό νησί

και η ζωή μικρό νησί

να ’ρθω ν’ αράξω.

Να ’χα καρδιά μα και πυγμή

όλα στη γη σε μια στιγμή

όλα στη γη σε μια στιγμή

για να τ’ αλλάξω.


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Μοιράσου σε άλλους δικτυακούς τόπους

Ένα τραγούδι για την ελευθερία

Σβήσε το φως, βάλε να πιούμε

πάρε το χέρι μου, δως μου φωτιά,

Λίγο να σε χαρώ πριν κοιμηθούμε

κι αύριο ξέχνα με οριστικά.

Φύγε πρωί σαν κάθε μέρα

μ' ένα χαμόγελο, μια αγκαλιά.

Μ' ένα μικρό φιλί, μια καλημέρα

Και μη με ξαναδείς ποτέ ξανά.

Πάει καιρός που θες να φύγεις,

πάρε το χέρι μου, πες το γλυκά

Όπως με κοίταξες κάποιον Απρίλη

και μου 'πες σ' αγαπώ πρώτη φορά.


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Μοιράσου σε άλλους δικτυακούς τόπους

Πας φιρί-φιρί γυρεύοντας με τα μαύρα σου τα μάτια

Δέκα πιάτα στο κεφάλι μου κι άλλα τέσσερα κανάτια

Πας φιρί-φιρί γυρεύοντας να με κάνεις ν' αγριέψω

Έχω και τις πεποιθήσεις μου μα στο τέλος θα στις βρέξω

Αλλά σώπα και μη μου τη βγαίνεις στην κόντρα

Αν βαρούσα και εγώ δεν θα ήσουν εδώ

Έχεις γλώσσα σκληρή που σκοτώνει σαν κόμπρα

Κι όσο πείσμα εσύ άλλο τόσο και εγώ

Τέτοιος χαλασμός που έγινε κι ήρθαμε ισοπαλία

Κι απ΄ την ταραχή κουνήθηκε όλη η πολυκατοικία

Σχολιάζουνε οι γείτονες κι απορούν κι οι αστυνόμοι

Πως οι δυο μας δεν χωρίζουνε κι αγαπιόμαστε ακόμη

Μία τέτοια σκηνή να τη δεις στην οθόνη

Μα σαν παίξεις κι εσύ θα σκιστεί το πανί

Έχε χάρη που δεν αγαπώ κάποιον άλλη

Και από τώρα μας κλαιν και τα ψώνια του ζειν

Στα δελτία των ειδήσεων θα με γράψουν σαν σε σφάξω

Πας φιρί- φιρί μου φαίνεται την ψυχή σου ν' αναπαύσω

Μου' ρθε κρίση και παλάβωσα μη με κάνεις ν' αμαρτήσω

Πας φιρί- φιρί γυρεύοντας στα μπουντρούμια να σαπίσω

Αλλά σώπα και μη μου τη βγαίνεις στην κόντρα

Θα βαρέσω και εγώ και απαιτώ σεβασμό

Είναι κάτι φορές που φτηνά τη γλιτώνεις

Με πέντε -έξι μπουνιές και δυο -τρεις μελανιές

Στίχοι-Μουσική: Νικόλας Άσιμος

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Μοιράσου σε άλλους δικτυακούς τόπους

UB40 - Where did I go wrong

I'm sitting here praying that you weren't just saying

Leaving tomorrow was what you had planned

No point in pretending, I know that it's ending

I just want to know where the ending began


Where did I go wrong to make it like this

No warmth in your body, no touch in your Kiss

Holding you now, hurts more than it should

If I let you go, girl, you'll be gone for good

I thought you had saved me, the love that you gave me

The sweetest loving in all of the land

But you've taken my heart, and you've torn it apart

And its crumbled to dust in the palm of your hand


Where did I go wrong.......(Etc)

There's nothin' worth sayin', I know you're not staying

Might as well face it, it's out of my hand

No point in pretending, I know that it's ending

I just want to know where the ending began


Where did I go wrong........(Etc)

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Μοιράσου σε άλλους δικτυακούς τόπους


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