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Ποτέ τόσες νύχτες για σένα

Ποτέ τόσο εσύ πουθενά

Κι εκεί που σε παίρνω για ψέμα

Στο αίμα μου μπαίνεις ξανά

Κι εγώ που χρόνια ζω για σένα...

Ποτέ δε θα μπω σ' άλλο σώμα

Ποτέ κι ας γυρνώ σαν σκιά

Ποτέ κι ας μοιράζομαι ακόμα

στο Πριν, στο Ποτέ στο Μετά...


Ποτέ τόσες νύχτες για νύχτες

Ποτέ τέτοιο τέλος φωτιά

Κι εκεί που κοιμόσουν και μ' είχες

Καπνός από στάχτη παλιά

Κι εγώ που χρόνια ζω λες κι ήρθες...

Ποτέ δε θα μπω σ' άλλο σώμα

Ποτέ κι ας γυρνώ σαν σκιά

Ποτέ κι ας μοιράζομαι ακόμα

Στο Πριν, στο Ποτέ, στο Μετά...


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Primal Scream

Movin' On Up

I was blind, now I can see

You made a believer, out of me

I was blind, now I can see

You made a believer, out of me

I'm movin' on up now

Gettin' out of the darkness

My light shines on

My light shines on

My light shines on

I was lost, now I'm found

I believe in you, I've got no bounds

I was lost, now I'm found

I believe in you, I got no bounds

I'm movin' on up now

Gettin' out of the darkness

My light shines on

My light shines on

My light shines on

I'm getting outta darkness

My light shines on

I'm getting outta darkness

My light shines on

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Primal Scream

Slip Inside This House

Finer worlds that you uncover

Plant the path you want to roam

Live where you're heart can be given

And your life starts to unfold

You think you can't you wish you could

I know you can, I wish you would

Trip inside this house as you pass by

Trip inside this house as you pass by

If your limbs begin dissolving

In the water that you tread

All surroundings are evolving

In the stream that clears your head

Come disciples to thee unending

Subtleties of rhythm power

Trip inside this house as you pass by

Sweep the shadows from your eyes

Sweep the realm of dark aside

Trip inside this house as you pass by

Trip inside this house as you pass by

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So Young

Because we're young, because we're gone

we'll take the tide's electric mind, oh yeah? oh yeah

we're so young and so gone, let's chase the dragon, oh

Because we're youn, because we're gone

We'll scare the skies with tiger's eyes, oh yeah? oh yeah

we're so young and so gone, let's chase the dragon, oh

let's chase the dragon...

...from our home high in the city where the skyline

stained the snow, I fell for a servant who kept me on the boil

We're so young and so gone, let's chase the dragon from our home!

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whenever i'm alone with you you make me feel

like i am home again whnever i'm alone with

you you make me feel like i am whole again

whenever i'm alone with you you make me feel

like i am young again whenever i'm alone with

you you make me feel like i am fun again

however far away i will always love you however

long i stay i will always love you whatever

words i say i will always love you i will always

love you

whenever i'm alone with you you make me feel

like i am free again whenever i'm alone with

you you make me feel like i am clean again

however far away i will always love you however

long i stay i will always love you whatever

words i say i will always love you i will always

love you

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Beautiful Ones

High on diesel and gasoline, psycho for drum machine

shaking their bits to the hits,

Drag acts, drug acts, suicides, in your dad's suits you hide

staining his name again,

Cracked up, stacked up, 22, psycho for sex and glue

lost it to Bostik, yeah,

Shaved heads, rave heads, on the pill, got too much time to kill

get into bands and gangs,

Oh, here they come, the beautiful ones, the beautiful ones

loved up, Doved up, hung around, stoned in a lonely town

shaking their meat to the beat,

High on diesel and gasoline, psycho for drum machine

shaking their bits to the hits,

Oh, here they come, the beautiful ones, the beautiful ones.

You don't think about it,

You don't do without it,

because you're beautiful,

And if your baby's going crazy

that's how you made me,

la, la, la, la...

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Animal Lover

I see you're moving, see you're moving, moving in with her

You'll pierce your right ear, pierce your heart there

This skinny boy is one of the girls

cos around my neck and around her neck hangs everything you are

I know you've been inside but what were you in for?

Animal lover, animal lover, animal lover?

I see you're moving, see you're moving like wildlife from the waist

But when your name's scratched in on a shiny ring your waist is my resting place

And around my neck and around her neck hangs everything you are

I know you've been inside but what were you in for?

Animal lover, animal lover, animal lover?

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My Last Breath

Hold on to me, love

You know I can't stay long,

All I wanted to say was I love you and I'm not afraid, aaah

Can you hear me?

Can you feel me in your arms?

Holding my last breath

Safe inside myself

Are all my thoughts of you

Sweet raptured light - it ends here tonight-- Should be "sweet raptured LIFE, it ends here toight"

I'll miss the winter

A world of fragile things

Look for me in the white forest

Hiding in a hollow tree (come find me)-- Should be "and you'll find me"

I know you hear me

I can taste it in your tears!

Holding my last breath

Safe inside myself

Are all my thoughts of you

Sweet raptured light - it ends here tonight--Should be "life"

Closing your eyes to disappear

You pray your dreams will leave you here

But still you wake and know the truth

No one's there

Say goodnight

Don't be afraid

Calling me, calling me as you fade to black

(Say goodnight)

Holding my last breath

(don't be afraid)

Safe inside myself

(calling me, calling me)

Are all my thoughts of you

Sweet raptured light it ends here tonight

(Holding my last breath)

(Safe inside myself)

(Are all my thoughts of you)

(Sweet raptured light - it ends here tonight)

(Holding my last breath)

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Going Under

Now I will tell you what I've done for you

50 thousand tears I've cried

Screaming deceiving and bleeding for you

And you still won't hear me

i'm going under

Don't want your hand this time I'll save myself

Maybe I'll wake up for once

Not tormented daily defeated by you

Just when I thought I'd reach the bottom

I’m dying again

I'm going under

Drowning in you

I'm falling forever

I've got to break through

I'm going under

Blurring and stirring the truth and the lies

So I don't know what's real and what's not

Always confusing the thoughts in my head

So I can't trust myself anymore

I’m dying again

I'm going under

Drowning in you

I'm falling forever

I've got to break through

So go on and scream

Scream at me I'm so far away

I won't be broken again

I've got to breathe I can't keep going under

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Saturday Night

Today she's been working, she's been talking, she's been smoking,

but it'll be alright,

Cos tonight we'll go dancing, we'll go laughing, we'll get car sick,

and it'll be okay like everyone says, it'll be alright and ever so nice,

We're going out tonight, out and about tonight.

Oh, whatever makes her happy on a Saturday night,

Oh whatever makes her happy, whatever makes it alright.

Today she's been sat there, sat there in a black chair, office furniture,

but it'll be alright,

Cos tonight we'll go drinking we'll do silly things,

and never let the winter in,

And it'll be okay like everyone says, it'll be alright and ever so nice,

We're going out tonight, out and about tonight.

Oh, whatever makes her happy on a Saturday night,

Oh, whatever makes her happy, whatever makes it alright.

we'll go to peepshows and freak shows,

we'll go to discos, casinos,

we'll go where people go and let go

oh whatever makes her happy on a saturday night...

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Vanessa Carlton

1000 Miles Lyrics

Makin' my way downtown,

Walkin' fast,

Faces pass and I'm homebound.

Starin' blankly ahead,

Just makin' my way,

Makin' a way through the crowd.

And I need you,

And I miss you,

And now I wonder...

If I could fall into the sky,

Do you think time

would pass me by?

'Cause you know I'd walk a thousand miles

If I could just see you...


It's always times like these

When I think of you,

And wonder if you ever think of me.

'Cause everything's so wrong

And I don't belong.

Livin' in your precious memory.

'Cause I need you,

And I miss you,

And now I wonder...

If I could fall into the sky,

Do you think time

would pass me by?

'Cause you know I'd walk a thousand miles

If I could just see you...


I, I, don't wanna let you know

I, I, drown in your memory.

I, I, don't wanna let this go.

I, I, don't.

Makin' my way downtown,

Walkin' fast,

Faces pass and I'm homebound.

Starin' blankly ahead,

Just makin' my way,

Makin' a way through the crowd.

And I still need you,

And I still miss you,

And now I wonder...

If I could fall into the sky,

Do you think time

Would pass.. us by?

'Cause you know I'd walk a thousand miles

If I could just see you...

oh oh

If I could fall into the sky,

Do you think time would pass me by?

'Cause you know I'd walk a thousand miles

If I could just see you.

If I could just hold you....



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Xρόνια και χρόνια τώρα τριγυρνώ σαν πουλί περίπλανόμενο...

Μες στη ξενιτιά μες στη μοναξιά που δε την αντέχω άλλο πια...

Γιατί νοσταλγώ γιατί λαχταρώ την αγάπη μου και το χωριό...

Και η αγάπη μου στην Ικαριά έχει μαύρο πόνο στη καρδιά...

Δίχως σύντροφιά δίχως άγκαλιά δίχως τα γλυκά μου τα φιλιά...

Και αφού με πονά και αφού μ’αγαπά είναι κρίμα να ναι μοναχιά

Θα πάρω θέλω την απόφαση και θα πάω στο όμορφο νησί

Θέλω να της πώ πως την αγαπώ και μια μέρα θα τη παντρευτώ...

Μες στην Ικαριά μια γλυκιά βραδιά θα το κάψουμε με τα βιολιά...

Και θα χορέψουμε μαζί και οι δυό το σκοπό τον Ικαριώτικο

Θα γλεντήσουμε θα μεθύσουμε τους καημούς θα λησμονήσουμε...

Μες στην Ικαριά και σαν τα πουλιά θα χουμέ και οι δυό ζεστή φωλιά...


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emrose Μαριζακιιιιιιιιιιιιιιιι......

Μες στου Αιγαίου τα νησιά

Μες στου Αιγαίου πρόβαλε να δεις

Μες στου Αιγαίου,Αιγαίου τα νησιά

Μες στου Αιγαίου τα νησιά

άγγελοι φτερουγίζουν

Και μέσα στο φτε- πρόβαλ' άστρι μου

και μέσα στο φτε- στο φτερούγισμα

Ααααα και μέσα στο φτερούγισμα

τριαντάφυλλα σκορπίζουν

Αιγαίο μου γα- βοήθα Παναγιά

Αιγαίο μου γαλήνεψε

Ε-εεεεε, αιγαίο μου γαλήνεψε

τα γαλανά νερά σου

Να 'ρθούνε τα ξε- πρόβαλε να δεις

να 'ρθούνε τα ξε- τα ξενάκια σου

Ααααα, να ρθούνε τα ξενάκια σου

στα ποθητά νησιά σου

Ροδόσταμο να βοήθα Παναγιά

ροδόσταμο να γίνουνε

Ααααα ροδόσταμο να γίνουνε

Αιγαίο τα νερά σου


Χορέψετε χορέψετε

Χορέψετε χορέψετε

τα νιάτα να χαρείτε

γιατί σε τούτο τον ντουνιά

δε θα τα ξαναβρείτε

Δώσ' τε του χορού να πάει

τούτη η γης θα μας εφάει

τούτη η γης θα μας εφάει

δώσ' τε του χορού να πάει

Όσοι έχουνε καλή καρδιά

και τακτικά γλεντούνε

μονάχα αυτοί τον ψεύτικο

τον κόσμο θα χαρούνε

Τούτη η γης που την πατούμε

όλοι μέσα θε να μπούμε

όλοι μέσα θε να μπούμε

τούτη η γης που την πατούμε

Χορέψετε χορέψετε

παπούτσια μη λυπάστε

μα εκείνα ξεκουράζονται

τη νύχτα που κοιμάστε

Δώσ' τε του χορού να πάει

τούτη η γης θα μας εφάει

τούτη η γης θα μας εφάει

δώσ' τε του χορού να πάει

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ένα παλιό τραγούδι από τη μαγική φωνή της Μαρινέλλας


σήμερα, άσε με να σ αγαπάω σήμερα

κράτα με στη αγκαλια σου σήμερα΄

κι άσε με να μαι δική σου σήμερα

σήμερα που τόσο σ αγαπώ

ποιος ξέρει αύριο

ίσως και να μην υπάρχει αύριο

και ό, τι ζήσουμε

αύριο μπορεί να ξεψυχήσουμε

σήμερα έλα τις στιγμές μας να τις ζήσουμε

φεύγουν οι αγάπες και θα αργήσουμε

στο όνειρο μια θέση να κρατήσουμε...

γιατί αύριο μπορεί να μην προλάβουμε , γιατί ποιος ξέρει αύριο ...

σήμερα , εδώ και τώρα , πες σε αγαπώ , κάνε πράξη ένα μικρό ονειράκι ... :wub:


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Supertramp - Breakfast In America

Take a look at my girlfriend

She's the only one I got

Not much of a girlfriend

Never seem to get a lot

Take a jumbo across the water

Like to see America

See the girls in California

I'm hoping it's going to come true

But there's not a lot I can do

Could we have kippers for breakfast

Mummy dear, Mummy dear

They got to have 'em in Texas

Cos everyone's a millionaire

I'm a winner, I'm a sinner

Do you want my autograph

I'm a loser, what a joker

I'm playing my jokes upon you

While there's nothing better to do

Don't you look at my girlfriend

She's the only one I got

Not much of a girlfriend

Never seem to get a lot

Take a jumbo cross the water

Like to see America

See the girls in California

I'm hoping it's going to come true

But there's not a lot I can do

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τα ωραιότερα θα σου χω αγορασμένα

μαργαριτάρια στο βυθό που ναι κρυμμένα

πάνω στον άσπρο σου λαιμό να τα φορέσεις

γιατί μ αρεσεις κουκλα μου ,πολύ μ αρεσεις

κι αν είσαι εσύ γυναίκα άστατη και ψεύτρα

κι αν έχεις γίνει της καρδιάς μου τώρα η κλέφτρα

τα ωραιότερα θα σου χω αγορασμένα

μαργαριτάρια στο βυθό που ναι κρυμμένα

(εδώ παίζει μπουζουκάκι :wub: )

κι αν είσαι εσύ γυναίκα έξυπνη και ωραία

με εφτα πτυχία και πατέρα εισαγγελέα

μάθε να ξέρεις στη ζωή ο κερδισμένος

είναι ο άνδρας ο από μόνος του φτιαγμένος

να ζήσουν τα λαικά , να ζήσει ο Μακεδόνας , να ζήσει το μπουζουκι , να ζήσουν οι παρείστικες χορευτικοκαταστάσεις , να ζήσουμε όλοι μας! emblush:blink::wacko::wub:emblush

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Another Night In

Greed's all gone now, there's no question

And I can see you push your hair behind your ears

Regain your balance

Doesn't matter where she is tonight

Or with whoever she spends her time

If these arms were meant to hold her

They were never meant to hold her so tight

For the love of that girl

Greed's all gone now, the panic subsides

When I could run, pulling arms to love her

Try to put myself on on the inside

For the love of that girl

Tears swell, you don't know why

For the love of that girl

They never fall, they can never run dry

For the love of that girl

Promise is never over, never questioned it needed reply

But she could breathe deep into my neck

Let me know I'm just on the outside

Greed's all gone now, there's no question

And I can see you push your hair behind your ears

Regain your balance

Doesn't matter where she is tonight

Or with whoever she spends her time

If these arms were meant to hold her

They were never meant to hold her so tight

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Ένα από τα αγαπημένα μου από Τρύπες


Τα λόγια μου είναι μια γλυκιά προσευχή

κουρνιάζουν έξω απ' το κλεισμένο σου παράθυρο

κι αν τ' άφηνες θ' ανοίγαν μια ρωγμή

απ' το μικρό κελλί σου ως το άπειρο

Μα εσύ σωπαίνεις και θρηνείς σαν το κατάδικο

πάνω απ' τη στάχτη που σκεπάζει το παράδεισο

πάνω απ' τη στάχτη

Βάλε φωτιά σ' ότι σε καίει, σ' ότι σου τρώει τη ψυχή

έξω οι δρόμοι αναπνέουν διψασμένοι ανοιχτοί

ειν' η αγάπη ένα ταξίδι από γιορτή σε γιορτή

ζήσε μαζί μου στον αέρα, στη φωτιά, στη βροχή

μας περιμένουν άδεις μέρες, ραγισμένοι ουρανοί

ειν' η αγάπη ένα ταξίδι από πληγή σε πληγή

Τα λόγια μου είναι μια ανέλπιδη ευχή

σβησμένα φώτα μέσα στο άχαρο δωμάτιο

κι αν τ' άφηνες θα καίγαν τη σιωπή

και θα διαλύαν το κρυμμένο σου παράπονο

Μα εσύ σωπαίνεις και θρηνείς σαν το κατάδικο

πάνω απ' τη στάχτη που σκεπάζει το παράδεισο

πάνω απ' τη στάχτη

Βάλε φωτιά σ' ότι σε καίει σ' ότι σου τρώει τη ψυχή

έξω οι δρόμοι αναπνέουν διψασμένοι ανοιχτοί

ειν' η αγάπη ένα ταξίδι από γιορτή σε γιορτή

ζήσε μαζί μου στον αέρα, στη φωτιά, στη βροχή

μας περιμένουν άδεις μέρες, ραγισμένοι ουρανοί

ειν' η αγάπη ένα ταξίδι από πληγή σε πληγή

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Deep Purple › Soldier of Fortune

I have often told you stories

About the way

I lived the life of a drifter

Waiting for the day

When I’d take your hand

And sing you songs

Then maybe you would say

Come lay with me love me

And I would surely stay

But I feel I’m growing older

And the songs that I have sung

Echo in the distance

Like the sound

Of a windmill goin’ ’round

I guess I’ll always be

A soldier of fortune

Many times I’ve been a traveller

I looked for something new

In days of old

When nights were cold

I wandered without you

But those days I thougt my eyes

Had seen you standing near

Though blindness is confusing

It shows that you’re not here

Now I feel I’m growing older

And the songs that I have sung

Echo in the distance

Like the sound

Of a windmill goin’ ’round

I guess I’ll always be

A soldier of fortune

Yes, I can hear the sound

Of a windmill goin’ ’round

I guess I’ll always be

A soldier of fortune

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Rufus & Chaka Khan, 1983

(Hawk Wolinski)

Got you effortlessly

That's the way it was

Happened so naturally

Didn't I know it was love

The next thing I got was you

Holding me close

What was I gonna do

I let myself go

Now we fly through the stars

I hope this night will last forever

I've been waiting for you

It's been so long

I knew just what I would do

When I heard your song

Will my heart beat a wisp [just guessing here]

You gave me freedom

You knew I could not resist

I needed someone

And now we're flying through the stars

I hope this night lasts forever

Ain't nobody loves me better

Makes me happy

Makes me feel this way

Ain't nobody loves me better than you

I wait for night time to come

To bring you to me

I can't believe I'm the one

I was so lonely

I feel like no one could feel

I must be dreamin'

I was this dream to be real

I'm in this feelin'

I make my wish upon a star

And hope this night will last forever

Ain't nobody loves me better

Makes me happy

Makes me feel this way

Ain't nobody loves me better

Ain't nobody loves me better than you

First you put your arms around me

Then you put your charms around me

I can't resist this sweet surrender

Oh my mind's so warm and tender

We stare into each other's eyes

And what we see is no surprise

Got a feelin' most would treasure

And a love so deep we cannot measure

Ain't nobody... etc...

είμαι σίγουρος ότι όλοι το έχετα ακούσει.. μου το έστειλαν πρόσφατα...

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ένας στίχος που άκουσα το πρωί και μου άρεσε

...έσπασα μέσα μου και είδωλα και πόρτες

να σ αγκαλιάσω σα χώμα καθαρός... :wub:

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ένας στίχος που άκουσα το πρωί και μου άρεσε

...έσπασα μέσα μου και είδωλα και πόρτες

να σ αγκαλιάσω σα χώμα καθαρός... :wub:

εεεεε δεν είσαι εντάξει.. πες και ποιο τραγούδι είναι να το ακούσουμε και εμείς :):D:rolleyes:



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emoops -το χάσαμε το μυαλό μας!

Αρτεμις-Δήμητρα Γαλάνη , Λίνα Νικολακοπούλου.

όμως είναι εξίσου όμορφη και η εκτέλεση από την Πρωτοψάλτη .

αλλά με άγγιξε όταν το άκουσα το πρωί από τον Παπακωνσταντίνου γιατί η φωνή του έχει αυτό το ορμητικό κύμα που σηματοδοτεί νέες αρχές.

Roadrunner emiloveyou .

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Fuck It (I Don't Want You Back)

Whoa oh oh

Ooh hooh

No No No

[Verse 1:]

See, I dont know why I liked you so much

I gave you all, of my trust

I told you, I loved you, now thats all down the drain

Ya put me through pain, I wanna let u know how I feel


Fuck what I said it dont mean shit now

Fuck the presents might as well throw em out

Fuck all those kisses, they didn't mean jack

Fuck you, you hoe, I dont want you back

Fuck what I said it dont mean shit now

Fuck the presents might as well throw em out

Fuck all those kisses they didn't mean jack

Fuck you, you hoe, I dont want you back

[Verse 2:]

You thought, you could

Keep this shit from me, yeah

Ya burnt bitch, I heard the story

Ya played me, ya even gave him head

Now ya askin for me back

Ya just another act, look elsewhere

Cuz ya done with me

Fuck what I said it dont mean shit now

Fuck the presents might as well throw em out

Fuck all those kisses they didn't mean jack

Fuck you, you hoe, I dont want you back

Fuck what I said it dont mean shit now

Fuck the presents might as well throw em out

Fuck all those kisses they didn't mean jack

Fuck you, you hoe, I dont want you back

Oh oh

Uh huh yeah

Oh oh

Uh huh yeah

Oh oh

Uh huh yeah

Oh oh

Uh huh yeah

Ya questioned, did I care

You could ask anyone, I even said

Ya were my great one

Now its, over, but I do admit I'm sad.

It hurts real bad, I cant sweat that, cuz I loved a hoe

Fuck what I said it dont mean shit now

Fuck the presents might as well throw em out

Fuck all those kisses they didn't mean jack

Fuck you, you hoe, I dont want you back

Oh oh

Uh huh yeah

Oh oh

Uh huh yeah

Oh oh

Uh huh yeah

Oh oh

Uh huh yeah


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