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The Sounds of Silence

Hello darkness, my old friend

I've come to talk with you again

Because a vision softly creeping

Left its seeds while I was sleeping

And the vision that was planted in my brain

Still remains

Within the sound of silence

In restless dreams I walked alone

Narrow streets of cobblestone

'Neath the halo of a street lamp

I turned my collar to the cold and damp

When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light

That split the night

And touched the sound of silence

And in the naked light I saw

Ten thousand people, maybe more

People talking without speaking

People hearing without listening

People writing songs that voices never share

And no one dared

Disturb the sound of silence

"Fools", said I, "You do not know

Silence like a cancer grows

Hear my words that I might teach you

Take my arms that I might reach you"

But my words, like silent raindrops fell

And echoed

In the wells of silence

And the people bowed and prayed

To the neon god they made

And the sign flashed out its warning

In the words that it was forming

And the sign said, "The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls

And tenement halls"

And whispered in the sounds of silence

γαμω τα κομματια....


:cool11: :cool11:

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  • Απαντήσεις 3,2k
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if you feel alive

in a darkened room

do you know the name

of your solitude

if you ain't got the answer

if you don't know the truth

if you want the power

then let it flow through

would you let it go

would you let it go

they cannot end this mourning

of my life

show me

how the gods kill

if you feel alive

if you got no fear

do you know the name

of the one you seek

if you want the answer

if you want the truth

look inside your empty soul


you'll find the noose

would you let it go

would you let it go

they cannot end this mourning

of my life

show me

how the gods kill

Τι ασματάρα!Μου το αφιερώνω!

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Ονειρο ητανε

O ουρανός ανάβει τα φώτα

τίποτα πια δεν θα 'ναι όπως πρώτα

Ξημέρωσε πάλι

Ξυπνάω στο φως τα μάτια ανοίγω για λίγο νεκρός χαμένος για λίγο

Ξημέρωσε πάλι

Κι έχεις χαθεί μαζί με τον ύπνο μαζί με του ονείρου τον πολύχρωμο κύκνο

Μην ξημερώνεις ουρανέ

Άδεια η ψυχή μου το δωμάτιο άδειο κι από τo όνειρό μου ακούω καθάριο

Το λυγμό της να λέει όνειρο ήτανε, όνειρο ήτανε

Θα ξαναρθείς μόλις νυχτώσει

και τ' όνειρο πάλι την αλήθεια θα σώσει

Θα 'μαι κοντά σου

Μόνο εκεί σε βλέπω καλή μου

εκεί ζυγώνεις κι ακουμπάς τη ψυχή μου

Με τα φτερά σου

Μα το πρωί χάνεσαι φεύγεις ανοίγω τα μάτια κι αμέσως πεθαίνεις

Μην ξημερώνεις ουρανέ

Άδεια η ψυχή μου..

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## no greeklish please! ## - ## no greeklish please! ## - ## no greeklish please! ## - oxi fragolevantika grapste kalytera sta agglika - fragolevantika grapste kalytera ## no greeklish please! ## - oxi fragolevantika grapste kalytera sta agglika - agglika - fragolevantika grapste kalytera ## no greeklish please! ## - ## no greeklish please! ## - ## no greeklish please! ## - oxi fragolevantika grapste kalytera sta agglika - fragolevantika grapste kalytera ## no greeklish please! ## - oxi fragolevantika grapste kalytera sta agglika - agglika - fragolevantika grapste kalytera ## no greeklish please! ## - oxi fragolevantika grapste kalytera sta agglika - agglika - agglika - Lola, c'est encore moi

J'ai beaucoup penser à toi Lola

## no greeklish please! ## - ## no greeklish please! ## - ## no greeklish please! ## - oxi fragolevantika grapste kalytera sta agglika - fragolevantika grapste kalytera ## no greeklish please! ## - oxi fragolevantika grapste kalytera sta agglika - agglika - fragolevantika grapste kalytera ## no greeklish please! ## - ## no greeklish please! ## - ## no greeklish please! ## - oxi fragolevantika grapste kalytera sta agglika - fragolevantika grapste kalytera ## no greeklish please! ## - oxi fragolevantika grapste kalytera sta agglika - agglika - fragolevantika grapste kalytera ## no greeklish please! ## - oxi fragolevantika grapste kalytera sta agglika - agglika - agglika - Lola ne raccroche pas

Ne mets pas de hola Lola ola

## no greeklish please! ## - ## no greeklish please! ## - ## no greeklish please! ## - oxi fragolevantika grapste kalytera sta agglika - fragolevantika grapste kalytera ## no greeklish please! ## - oxi fragolevantika grapste kalytera sta agglika - agglika - fragolevantika grapste kalytera ## no greeklish please! ## - ## no greeklish please! ## - ## no greeklish please! ## - oxi fragolevantika grapste kalytera sta agglika - fragolevantika grapste kalytera ## no greeklish please! ## - oxi fragolevantika grapste kalytera sta agglika - agglika - fragolevantika grapste kalytera ## no greeklish please! ## - oxi fragolevantika grapste kalytera sta agglika - agglika - agglika - Lola Comme un garçon

J'ai le coeur qui fait boum et les cheveux longs

## no greeklish please! ## - ## no greeklish please! ## - ## no greeklish please! ## - oxi fragolevantika grapste kalytera sta agglika - fragolevantika grapste kalytera ## no greeklish please! ## - oxi fragolevantika grapste kalytera sta agglika - agglika - fragolevantika grapste kalytera ## no greeklish please! ## - ## no greeklish please! ## - ## no greeklish please! ## - oxi fragolevantika grapste kalytera sta agglika - fragolevantika grapste kalytera ## no greeklish please! ## - oxi fragolevantika grapste kalytera sta agglika - agglika - fragolevantika grapste kalytera ## no greeklish please! ## - oxi fragolevantika grapste kalytera sta agglika - agglika - agglika - Lola Comme un garçon

C'est la première fois pour moi que tes yeux me font

Boum boum boum boum boum boum boum boum boum

Ola Lola c'est

Boum boum boum boum boum boum boum boum boum

Lola c'est osé**

## no greeklish please! ## - ## no greeklish please! ## - ## no greeklish please! ## - oxi fragolevantika grapste kalytera sta agglika - fragolevantika grapste kalytera ## no greeklish please! ## - oxi fragolevantika grapste kalytera sta agglika - agglika - fragolevantika grapste kalytera ## no greeklish please! ## - ## no greeklish please! ## - ## no greeklish please! ## - oxi fragolevantika grapste kalytera sta agglika - fragolevantika grapste kalytera ## no greeklish please! ## - oxi fragolevantika grapste kalytera sta agglika - agglika - fragolevantika grapste kalytera ## no greeklish please! ## - oxi fragolevantika grapste kalytera sta agglika - agglika - agglika - Lola, oui c'est bien moi

Je n'ai pas dormi pour toi

Je n'en reviens pas

## no greeklish please! ## - ## no greeklish please! ## - ## no greeklish please! ## - oxi fragolevantika grapste kalytera sta agglika - fragolevantika grapste kalytera ## no greeklish please! ## - oxi fragolevantika grapste kalytera sta agglika - agglika - fragolevantika grapste kalytera ## no greeklish please! ## - ## no greeklish please! ## - ## no greeklish please! ## - oxi fragolevantika grapste kalytera sta agglika - fragolevantika grapste kalytera ## no greeklish please! ## - oxi fragolevantika grapste kalytera sta agglika - agglika - fragolevantika grapste kalytera ## no greeklish please! ## - oxi fragolevantika grapste kalytera sta agglika - agglika - agglika - Lola ne raccroche pas

Lola lit dans l'eau delà Ma jolie Lola

## no greeklish please! ## - ## no greeklish please! ## - ## no greeklish please! ## - oxi fragolevantika grapste kalytera sta agglika - fragolevantika grapste kalytera ## no greeklish please! ## - oxi fragolevantika grapste kalytera sta agglika - agglika - fragolevantika grapste kalytera ## no greeklish please! ## - ## no greeklish please! ## - ## no greeklish please! ## - oxi fragolevantika grapste kalytera sta agglika - fragolevantika grapste kalytera ## no greeklish please! ## - oxi fragolevantika grapste kalytera sta agglika - agglika - fragolevantika grapste kalytera ## no greeklish please! ## - oxi fragolevantika grapste kalytera sta agglika - agglika - agglika - Lola comme un garçon

J'ai le coeur qui fait boum et les cheveux longs

## no greeklish please! ## - ## no greeklish please! ## - ## no greeklish please! ## - oxi fragolevantika grapste kalytera sta agglika - fragolevantika grapste kalytera ## no greeklish please! ## - oxi fragolevantika grapste kalytera sta agglika - agglika - fragolevantika grapste kalytera ## no greeklish please! ## - ## no greeklish please! ## - ## no greeklish please! ## - oxi fragolevantika grapste kalytera sta agglika - fragolevantika grapste kalytera ## no greeklish please! ## - oxi fragolevantika grapste kalytera sta agglika - agglika - fragolevantika grapste kalytera ## no greeklish please! ## - oxi fragolevantika grapste kalytera sta agglika - agglika - agglika - Lola comme un garçon

C'est la première fois pour moi

Que tes yeux me font

Boum boum boum boum boum boum boum boum boum

Ola Lola c'est

Boum boum boum boum boum boum boum boum boum Lola c'est osé.

## no greeklish please! ## - ## no greeklish please! ## - ## no greeklish please! ## - oxi fragolevantika grapste kalytera sta agglika - fragolevantika grapste kalytera ## no greeklish please! ## - oxi fragolevantika grapste kalytera sta agglika - agglika - fragolevantika grapste kalytera ## no greeklish please! ## - ## no greeklish please! ## - ## no greeklish please! ## - oxi fragolevantika grapste kalytera sta agglika - fragolevantika grapste kalytera ## no greeklish please! ## - oxi fragolevantika grapste kalytera sta agglika - agglika - fragolevantika grapste kalytera ## no greeklish please! ## - oxi fragolevantika grapste kalytera sta agglika - agglika - agglika - Lola comme un garçon

Boum boum boum boum boum boum boum boum boum

Ola Lola c'est

Boum boum boum boum boum boum boum boum boum

Lola c'est osé

Boum boum boum boum boum boum boum boum boum

Ola Lola c'est

Boum boum boum boum boum boum boum boum boum

Lola c'est osé


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τι βλακεία?????? από πότε δεν δέχεται και τα γαλλικά το ΓΜ? φτουυυυ οι τόνοι θα φταίνε.....καλά δεν πειράζει με αρέσει κι έτσι....άλλωστε τις φράσεις που ήθελα τις τόνισα :P

αααα δεν είναι οι τόνοι γμτ γμτ γμτ!!!! τι σκατάααααα


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[Lion-o] Thunder, thunder, thundercats, Ho!

Thundercats are on the move,

Thundercats are loose,

Feel the magic, hear the Roar,

Thundercats are loose,

Thunder, thunder, thunder, Thundercats!

Thunder, thunder, thunder, Thundercats!

Thunder, thunder, thunder, Thundercats!

Thunder, thunder, thunder, Thundercats! Thundercats!



Tally Hawwwwwk

Wings of silver, nerves of steel... (Silverhawks!)

Partly metal, partly real... (Silverhawks!)

Soaring through the highway of the heavens in their flight

SilverHawks, a rainbow in the night!



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Worship the ground you barely walk on

You give of yourself but your angels are gone

Deny your body is screaming

But your heart and your soul they're bleeding

Just to fall asleep is a godsend

Until your demons appear again

I am a witness to your demise

Your biggest secret is one you can't keep

Lift up your head if you're only asleep

You try to hold onto reason

Why can't you see that you're leaving

My love for you knows no distance

But it can't fight your resistance

I am a witness to your demise

I am the one who saw through the lies

Give me,

The one thing you can't give

Take me to

The black lodge where you live

Deny your body is screaming

But your heart and your soul they're bleeding

Just to fall asleep is a godsend

Until your demons appear again

I am a witness to your demise

I am the one who saw through the lies

My love has always been blind

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German medieval folk

- Egil Saga

-Das Tor

Θα ήθελα πολύ να μιλώ αυτή τη γλώσσα...

"Hefir hon haft langan vanmatt."

ok pat var krom mikil;

fekk hon enga nott svefn ok var

sem hamstoli vaeri.

Ristnar hafa verit runar. ok er sa einn bondason

hedan skammt brott. er pat gerdi.

ok er sidan miklu

verr en adr.

Skalat madr runar rista.

nema rada vel kunni.

pat verdr mrgum manni.

es of myrkvan staaf villisk;

sak a telgdu talkni

tiu launstafi ristna.

pat hefr lauka lindi

langs ofrtrea fengit.

Egil reist runar ok lagdi undir hoegendit

I hviluna. par er hon hvildi;

henni potti sem hon vaknadi or svefni ok sagdi

at hon var pa heil.

Skalat madr runar rista.

nema rada vel kunni.

pat verdr mrgum manni.

es of myrkvan staaf villisk;

sak a telgdu talkni

tiu launstafi ristna.

pat hefr lauka lindi

langs ofrtrea fengit.

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Αφιερώμενο σε αυτό το φόρουμ(χεχεχεχεεχεχεχ)

edit:του οποίου,όμως,το script τα παίζει που και που emcolgate

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Skatalites - Guns of Navarone

Αυτό είναι περισσότερο "let's dance" :D

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Discoteca labirinto

Quasi quasi lo farei

Quasi quasi dimmelo

Quasi quasi ti ho tradito

E mi sono divertito

Quasi quasi non ti ascolto

Quasi quasi ho il vomito

Quasi quasi esagero

Se mi sopravvaluto

Vorrei una discoteca labirinto

Bianca senza luci colorate

Grande un centinaio di chilometri

Dalla quale non si possa uscire

Vorrei una discoteca labirinto

Bianca senza luci colorate

Grande un centinaio di chilometri

Dalla quale non si possa uscire

Quasi quasi ascoltami (training autogeno)

Quasi quasi mi sollevo (senza nessun aiuto)

Vorrei una discoteca labirinto

Bianca senza luci colorate

Grande un centinaio di chilometri

Dalla quale non si possa uscire

Vorrei una discoteca labirinto

Bianca senza luci colorate

Grande un centinaio di chilometri

Dalla quale non si possa uscire

Lovely, lovely, lovely, lovely, lovely, lovely

Vorrei una discoteca labirinto

Bianca senza luci colorate

Grande un centinaio di chilometri

Dalla quale non si possa uscire

Vorrei una discoteca labirinto

Bianca senza luci colorate

Grande un centinaio di chilometri

Dalla quale non si possa uscire

Vorrei una discoteca labirinto

αλλα θελει πολλα ντεσιμπελια ρε διαολε, γ*μω το λαπτοπ μου μεσα...

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Cuando pienso en ti

tu cuerpo en mi cuerpo vuelvo yo a sentir

cuando pienso en ti

recuerdo aquellas noches sin fin, sin fin..

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αυτοι οι μπαρμπαδες δινουν ακομη καταπληκτικες συναυλιες,ζωη να'χουν! :cool10:

ωραια η ska emgoal

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Chiquitan chiquititan tan tan

Que tun pan pan que tun pan que tepe tepe

Pan pan pan que tun pan que pin

Chiquitan chiquititan tan tan

Que tun pan pan que tun pan que tepe tepe

Pan pan pan que tun pan que pin

Chiquitan chiquititan tan tan

Que tun pan pan que tun pan que tepe tepe

Pan pan pan que tun pan que pin

Ecsta si, ecsta no

Ecsta si, ecsta no

Ecsta si, ecsta no

Ecsta si, ecsta no

...κ αυτό ήταν μια διασκευή :P

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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3tuvX_X7Rlw, she said:

"Oh, baby, I feel so down.

Oh it turns me off,

When I feel left out"

So I walked out:

"Oh, baby, don't care no more

I know this for sure,

I'm walkin' out that door"

Well, I've been in town for just about fifteen minutes now

And Baby, I feel so down

And I don't know why

I keep walkin' for miles

See, people they don't understand

No, girlfriends, they can't understand

Your Grandsons, they won't understand

On top of this, I ain't ever gonna understand...

Last night, she said:

"Oh, baby, don't feel so down.

Oh, it turns me off,

When I feel left out"

So I, I turn 'round:

"Oh, baby, gonna be alright"

It was a great big lie

'Cause I left that night, yeah

Oh, people they don't understand

No, girlfriends, they won't understand

Your grandsons, they won't understand

And me, I ain't ever gonna understand...

Last night, she said:

"Oh, baby, I feel so down.

See, it turns me off,

When I feel left out"

So I, I turn 'round:

"Oh, little girl, I don't care no more.

I know this for sure,

I'm walking out that door," yeah

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...Si yo muero primero, es tu promesa,

sobre de mi cadaver dejar caer

todo el llanto que brote de tu tristeza

y que todos se enteren de tu querer.

Si tu mueres primero, yo te prometo,

escribiré la historia de nuestro amor

con toda el alma llena de sentimiento;

la escribire con sangre,

con tinta sangre del corazon.

αχχχ... πάω να ακούσω μέταλ διότι δεν την παλεύω απόψε...

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how long have you been free

in this world of hate and greed

is it black or is it white

let's find another compromise

and our future´s standing still

we're dancing in the spotlight

where is the leader who leads me

i'm still waiting ...

leaving home ...

and god is on your side

dividing sparrows from the nightingales

watching all the time

dividing water from the burning fire ... inside

and god is on your side

dividing cruelty from tenderness

watching all the time

dividing fiction from reality

move in circles walk on lines no human being in sight

calm the winds and calm the seas

let´s try another kind of peace

who fights this holy civil war

a million men in uniform

wo ist der führer der mich führt?

ich warte immer noch ...!

and god is on your side

dividing presence from our history

watching all the time

dividing deaf men from the listening ones

leave a light on in the night for me, that i can find you

remember when we both where young and reckless and so curious ...

now you're hiding from your child ... a new day's dawning

remember that you felt alive, sometimes ...

and god is on your side

dividing soldiers from the fisherman

watching all the time

dividing warships from the ferryboats

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Delerium - Aria

The shadowe catchen they ne might,

Fo no lines that they couthe lay.

This shadewe I may liken aright

To this world and yesterday.

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"The Bad Touch"

Sweat baby sweat baby sex is a Texas drought

Me and you do the kind of stuff that only Prince would sing about

So put your hands down my pants and I'll bet you'll feel nuts

Yes I'm Siskel, yes I'm Ebert and you're getting two thumbs up

You've had enough of two-hand touch you want it rough you're out of bounds

I want you smothered want you covered like my Waffle House hashbrowns

Come quicker than FedEx never reach an apex just like Coca-Cola stock you are inclined

To make me rise an hour early just like Daylight Savings Time

Do it now

You and me baby ain't nothin' but mammals

So let's do it like they do on the Discovery Channel

Do it again now

You and me baby ain't nothin' but mammals

So let's do it like they do on the Discovery Channel

Gettin' horny now

Love the kind you clean up with a mop and bucket

Like the lost catacombs of Egypt only God knows where we stuck it

Hieroglyphics? Let me be Pacific I wanna be down in your South Seas

But I got this notion that the motion of your ocean means "Small Craft Advisory"

So if I capsize on your thighs high tide, B-5 you sunk my battleship

Please turn me on I'm Mister Coffee with an automatic drip

So show me yours I'll show you mine "Tool Time" you'll Lovett just like Lyle

And then we'll do it doggy style so we can both watch "X-Files"

Do it now

You and me baby ain't nothin' but mammals

So let's do it like they do on the Discovery Channel

Do it again now

You and me baby ain't nothin' but mammals

So let's do it like they do on the Discovery Channel

Gettin' horny now


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Ξύλινα Σπαθιά - Στο Βράχο

Στέκομαι στην άκρη του γκρεμού

και κοιτάω όλους αυτούς που τους έσπρωξε ένα χέρι

κι αναγκάστηκαν να βγάλουνε φτερά

τώρα τους φωτίζει αυτό το υπέροχο αστέρι

τους κοιτάω να πλανιούνται μακρυά

πέρα από τα πέρατα πέρα από τα πέρα μέρη

κάποιος πλησιάζει σαν να θέλει να μου πει

κάποιος απ' αυτούς θα ξέρει

κάποιος πλησιάζει σαν να θέλει να μου πει

άσε τη ζωή να λιώνει μέσα στα χέρια της σαν χιόνι

Στέκομαι στην πόρτα σου μπροστά

και διαβάζω ένα μήνυμα γραμμένο με μαχαίρι

ότι έπρεπε να φύγουνε ξανά

ότι τώρα διασχίζουν το μεγάλο μεσημέρι

και την πιο παραμυθένια αμμουδιά

πέρα από τα πέρατα πέρα από τα πέρα μέρη

κάποιος πλησιάζει σα να θέλει να μου πει

κάποιος απ' αυτούς θα ξέρει

κάποιος πλησιάζει σα να θέλει να μου πει

Μη με ρωτάς αν η αγάπη ανασταίνει

μου είπε κάποιος κάποτε το είδε να συμβαίνει

θυμήσου, τότε που σ' άφησαν μονάχο

τον σκορπιό που βρήκες όταν σήκωσες το βράχο

το βράχο, που επάνω του το κάστρο φτάνει στους ουρανούς

για ναύτες σαν κι αυτούς λιμάνι

κάνει να ακούγεται κι αυτό το βράδυ

ο ήχος απ' τα κέρματα που ρίχνει στο πηγάδι, η μοίρα

θυμάμαι τ' άρωμά της

τους σκύλους που ησυχάζανε κάτω απ' τα βλέμματά της

πήγαινε δε θα το μετανιώσεις

πες της πως ήρθες εσύ και θα το νιώσεις

θα νιώσεις στο πλάι σου την πνοή της

μια νύχτα με πανσέληνο στο ιπτάμενο χαλί της

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Ο ντόκτορ

Στίχοι: Παραδοσιακό

Μουσική: Παραδοσιακό

Ερμηνευτές: Χαρούλα Αλεξίου

Αχ, δεν μου λέτε πού ’ν’ αυτός ο ντόκτορ

που γιατρεύει τις πληγές, αμάν ντόκτορ,

που γιατρεύει τις πληγές.

Για να γιάνει και τις εδικές μου

που σαν τις μετρήσεις κλαις,

αμάν ντόκτορ.

Αμάν, οι πληγές μου μένα είναι μεγάλες

και δεν έχουν γιατρειά, αμάν ντόκτορ,

και δεν έχουν γιατρειά.

Η αγάπη μου με απαρνήθη

και δεν με θυμάται πια,

αμάν ντόκτορ.

Αμάν, αμάν ντόκτορ, πες μου τι κάνω,

δεν αισθάνομαι καλά, αμάν ντόκτορ,

δεν αισθάνομαι καλά.

Πάρε γρόσια, πάρε όσα θέλεις

να μου γιάνεις την καρδιά,

αμάν ντόκτορ.


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Μοιράσου σε άλλους δικτυακούς τόπους

Το άκουσα στην όμορφη πόλη :)

Μ' ένα τραγούδι αδειανό από λόγια

Μ' ένα φεγγάρι αδειανό από φως

Σε μια πόλη με ανθρώπους πιο ξένους

και ένα κρύο που τρυπάει το μυαλό

Καλή παρέα μα κι αυτή αραιώνει

Κάποιοι θα φύγουν, θα μείνουμε μόνοι

Και όσοι δεν φεύγουν τις ώρες μετράνε,

βλέπουν τους τοίχους, στο ταβάνι μιλάνε

Όμορφη πόλη, με μια σκέψη την ώρα μας περνάμε

πώς θα φύγουμε από δω κι ας είναι πίσω να γυρνάμε

Όμορφη πόλη, με μια σκέψη την ώρα μας περνάμε

πώς θα φύγουμε από δω κι ας είναι πίσω να γυρνάμε

Παγιδεύτηκα και εγώ σε μια παραζάλη

άθελα μου με κρατάει σε κανάλι

και όλο φεύγω μακριά μα πάλι πίσω πάω

άρρωστη διαδρομή πιστά που την κρατάω

Μακριά από γνωστούς, μακριά κι από φίλους

Προσπαθείς να πιαστείς από σύννεφα κι ήλιους

Πως περνάς σε ρωτούν σε κείνη την πόλη

Μια χαρά λες εσύ μην το μάθουνε όλοι

Όμορφη πόλη, με μια σκέψη την ώρα μας περνάμε

πώς θα φύγουμε από δω κι ας είναι πίσω να γυρνάμε

Όμορφη πόλη, με μια σκέψη την ώρα μας περνάμε

πώς θα φύγουμε από δω κι ας είναι πίσω να γυρνάμε

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Μοιράσου σε άλλους δικτυακούς τόπους

Remember Tomorrow-Iron Maiden

Unchain the colours before my eyes,

Yesterday's sorrows, tomorrow's white lies.

Scan the horizon, the clouds take me higher,

I shall return from out of fire.

Tears for rememberance, and tears for joy,

Tears for somebody and this lonely boy.

Out in the madness, the all seeing eye,

Flickers above us, to light up the sky.

Unchain the colours before my eyes,

Yesterday's sorrows, tomorrow's white lies.

Scan the horizon, the clouds take me higher,

I shall return from out of fire.

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Μοιράσου σε άλλους δικτυακούς τόπους


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