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Animal in bed


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αυτά τα τεστ θα με κομπλεξάρουν...

μια λαγός , μια Σαντάμ ,

τι μου συμβαίνει????

Αυτό με το λαγό μην το πολυφωνάζεις..

Από "εξοπλισμό".... δεν

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αυτά τα τεστ θα με κομπλεξάρουν...

μια λαγός , μια Σαντάμ ,

τι μου συμβαίνει????

Αυτό με το λαγό μην το πολυφωνάζεις..

Από "εξοπλισμό".... δεν

είπε κανείς τίποτα για τον εξοπλισμό?????

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You are a Rhino!

You like you're own way, and will do almost anything to pull someone. You don't mind making a fool out of yourself to get your wicked way with someone. Dominant in a relationship - you don't like to be bossed about. When you see someone you like, you don't give up until you get them. You don't really take time to find out about long term potential, you just charge in for the kill. Rough and ready, you like a bit of kinky sex.

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  • 3 months later...

You are a Tiger!


Grrrr!!! You sexy beast! You're a party-goer, the life and soul! Anything goes, and its usually instigated by you. Role play, bondage, it's time to get kinky. You're passionate, energetic, raunchy and sometimes noisy! Anyone caught in your claws is gonna be walking funny for the next few days. Easy tiger!.

Ax! ναι είναι αλήθεια... :P

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